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So how was YOUR Christmas???

Guest garyah99

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Guest garyah99

Mine sucked. I found out my wife doesn't love me anymore, and never really did. I found out the the last 12 yerars of my life have been a lie, sold to the greatest con-man of all time. We are going to attempt coinselling, but it doesn't look promising. I really don't know why I would think anyone could love ME in the first place. Happy F*^%&^%& New Year.

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Dude...I am so sorry. Don't be saying stuff like no one loves you. You have to know better than that. Have faith that God will show you his way. Please have faith. The best advice I could give you.


Go with God, brutha. You know you'll be better when you're on his side.


Good luck. Peace out.

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You don't give any specifics (which is probably wise), so it's hard to understand what you are talking about. But...what is love anyway? A willfull act, I suppose. Not a feeling - not "luv," if you know what I mean. I can hardly believe two people could be married for 12 years and all of the sudden one of them decides to just stop caring (or faked it for all 12 years).


And perhaps counciling will be more helpful than you think. If two baptized people marry, then they recieve the graces that sacrament implies. And no matter what each of them wants, nothing on earth can undo a valid marriage.


But, hey, I know how you feel a little. I dated a girl for 4 years, and then one day, she calls me up and says she never wants to see me again. Won't even tell me why. One day, she was the most caring, level headed person in the world, the next day, bam. That was over a year ago, and it still doesn't make any sense, and I still don't feel any better about it. I can only imagine how I'd feel if it was 3 times as long and I was actually married, promised forever, to her. So, I really sympathize - it must be awful.


But, at least there's still a chance it will all work out. A small chance is better than nothing, I guess.

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oh man that really sucks garyah.


And i know you are a christian.


A marriage based on love is nice, but it is not eternal. From my studies of the bible, it is based on a unfailing commitment to eachother. The knowledge that you both need eachother to go on with your life as christians. Emotions are not the reason why you should marry, and that is probly one of the reason why there is such a high divorce rate in the US, that nad the Gov has made it easier for people to get divorced.


Gary, i hope you two DO seek consoling with a Christian Consuler. Im praying for ya big guy. If you want to talk, just drop me an E-mail

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I'm sorry as well Gary. Love is hard but there is one person who loves you very much and will never turn his back on you no matter how far away he may seem. GOD loves very much and only wants his best for you. Look to him right now and he will be there for you.


If ever you need to talk to me or anyone else here, just drop us a line. We will do our best to listen and give you a shoulder.





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Guest rosencrantz

hey Gary.


i got your email about this awhile ago, did you ever get my reply? at any rate you probably know my response anyway. of course words can't even begin to sympathise with how you feel, so i won't even try.

you know that i'm praying for you and your family. that you and your wife will reconcile (you have such amazing stories about what you guys have been through together! think about your youngest daughter! wahoo!!) and that your sweet girls won't be dragged into the middle of it.

and for yourself Gary, that you'll cling to Christ even more in this time. spend some time just being still before him. he WANTS to talk to you.

email anytime you need to vent or with any prayer stuff. you know i'm here.

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Guest garyah99

Thanks guys. IT;s nice to know there is support ou tthere. Needless to say this is <font size=4>THE</font> biggest thing we have ever had to face. IT;s true, I can't publish many details, only that we need tons of prayers. We ARE seeing a Christian counsellor starting Thursday. She is very highly recommended by our church pastor. It's true about the commitment, but God also desires a husband and wife to share a special, intimate Love and bond, and I'm hoping that through counsellign and probably further professional therapy, that she will be able to find those feelings. Thanks again for you rprayers and support.

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