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The New AT-ST


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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

..as far as I know,the AT-ST in JK is invulnerable.I tried destroying one of the feets,and it didn't even crack,or groan at all!


No, they're not invulnerable. ;) You can take them out from a distance with 4-5 Rail Detonator shots...or if you're really nimble on your feet and keep out of the line of fire, you can keep hacking at it with the lightsaber (secondary fire swing is more effective) until it falls down.


I would hope that the AT-ST's in JKII are as easy to bring down...making them less vulnerable to attack would not seem right. Having said that, I hope they move faster and offer up more of a challenge. :)

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

BTW why didnt LEC ever make an 'Imperial Walkers' 3d FPS game where you could outfit, drive and combat with all kinds of different AT-ATs, AT-STs, AT-PTs, etc. Something like Mechwarrior4, but Star Wars based. Would have been a lot of fun...


Not enough variety. We still get people complaining that the 21 (26 with the expansion) mechs in MW4 aren't enough to keep things interesting. Adding enough walkers to be competitive with existing mech sims just wouldn't make sense from a Star Wars perspective.


With the Star Wars name they could certainly sell the thing anyway, but it would be extremely difficult to make it a quality product that (1) remains true to Star Wars and (2) is fit to compete with the likes of BattleTech/MechWarrior or EarthSiege.

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Toa Tahu, do you mean AT-AT, not AT-ST? The AT-STs are vulnerable, the AT-ATs were made with terrain. And there actually is one AT-AT you can get into in JK. I beleive it's on the same level as the AT-AT that you can't get into, there's a place with a video camera screen thing and a video camera that has a walkway......oh wait a minute. I just remembered that I don't recall ever getting that door open. Dangit.:rolleyes:

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And there actually is one AT-AT you can get into in JK.

You are right in one thing. There is AT-AT standing in one place and even bridge connecting it to the landing barges and as you almost forgot, door is closed, but not in JK. It's on Asteroid Crust level in MotS. :p I remember seeing only one AT-AT in JK, but it wasn't even connected to the landing barges, but instead stands outside imperial base(on The Lost Planet of the Jedi level).

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Oh that's right, it is in MotS. Geez. I really need to play that again. At least before JKII comes out. Actually I never beat MotS, so I need the story (could never get past Dark Mara).


BTW, don't start telling me the story, I'd rather have it as intended, even if it means cheating past Mara once.

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That AT-ST looks pretty cool to me.

More imposing than before -- you really think you're against a difficult enemy.


But, how about this -


Slicing limbs off humanoid/alien characters is possible in JO, so why not be able to slice limbs off machines such as the AT-ST legs?


A good addition IMHO (in my hallowed opinion) - and very important...reasonably important...okay, I'm just a stickler for detail...you got me, I'm greedy!



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Slicing limbs off humanoid/alien characters is possible in JO, so why not be able to slice limbs off machines such as the AT-ST legs?

It's quite possible, but if you remember the scene where Qui-Gon tries to cut through bridge door in TPM, he needs to push it quite some time before metal starts to melt. Another example is when Luke quickly slashes Vader to the shoulder plate(in ESB), it doesn't brake in half; because he didn't use his strengths enough. Someone else might give you better, scientific explanation of this, but let's just say you needed some time and effort to cut that AT-ST leg off completely and I'm sure that it doesn't stand still while you are doing it. ;) BTW, welcome to the forum!

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I'm figuring that while lightsabers can but through anything but another lightsaber, the energy released in the process exacts a certain amound of force back on the saber itself. The tougher the material the higher percentage of the force exerted it would give back. lightsabers would have a toughness of 1, hence you couldn't go through them at all, you'd have to exert more force than you exert. Cheese would have a toughness of something like 0.0000000000000000000000001. Esentially you wouldn't even feel it. Judging by TPM, steel would be up there (blast door steel, presumably about the same quality as in walkers) at something like .95. Qui-Gon was using all his strength to get through the first blast door before the others closed. Actually, now that I think about it, strength would have to be per sq. inch, which is why Qui-Gon wouldn't have been able to cut through all the doors at one. So maybe the steel would be something like (2 inch LS x 8 inch blast door=16 sq inches.....95/16=about 6) .06/sq. inch. Still a lot when you think about it. Or when you don't think about it and go back to the .95.



Well you asked for a scientific explanation.

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Originally posted by StarScrap

I'm figuring that while lightsabers can but through anything but another lightsaber, the energy released in the process exacts a certain amound of force back on the saber itself. The tougher the material the higher percentage of the force exerted it would give back. lightsabers would have a toughness of 1, hence you couldn't go through them at all, you'd have to exert more force than you exert. Cheese would have a toughness of something like 0.0000000000000000000000001. Esentially you wouldn't even feel it. Judging by TPM, steel would be up there (blast door steel, presumably about the same quality as in walkers) at something like .95. Qui-Gon was using all his strength to get through the first blast door before the others closed. Actually, now that I think about it, strength would have to be per sq. inch, which is why Qui-Gon wouldn't have been able to cut through all the doors at one. So maybe the steel would be something like (2 inch LS x 8 inch blast door=16 sq inches.....95/16=about 6) .06/sq. inch. Still a lot when you think about it. Or when you don't think about it and go back to the .95.



Well you asked for a scientific explanation.


Good analysis! :freakout::explode:

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

Yeah, thanks man! :D Of course George doesn't explain these kind of things in the movies, because Star Wars is a fantasy, more like a fairy tale than full-blooded scifi flick, but you can always count on that someone will try to find scientific explanation to these peculiarities. :rolleyes:


Well, what do you expect? Some guy in a lab coat freezing the screen and explaining the complicated physics behind the star wars universe right in the middle of the movie? I think not.


The reason these things aren't explained in the movie is time constraints and this other little thing called the plot.

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No, the real reason why they are not explained in the movies is that Lucas is writing a modern day myth, a fantasy story that has scifi imagery(Lucas did like Flash Gordon as a child, you know), but it doesn't make it a real scifi story. He has said so himself: "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." is his way to say "Once upon a time". This kind of fairy tale allows a little bit freedom when it comes to scientific facts like sound can't be heard in the space and that's why it's interesting to read, when someone tries to explain from scientific point of view this imaginary universe. Of course there is also a lot of real life science there, but as I said, Lucas doesn't have to create these things by the book. ;)

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ah, so i forgot some games u can be the at-st in. There's Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, and Demolition (which I have NOT played. :( ) .


I hope the at-sts are kinda like in shadows of the empire on JEDI mode, where their blaster fire kills you almost instantly and you need to stay behind them and fire at the engine to destroy it.


btw, to kill Dark Mara, all you need to do is use force push and drown her. Only way i've been able to get past that part...

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

Definitely. Would be great if Raven included both stage 1 and 2 Dark Trooper models and skins. Just for the helluvit.


Yes, that would certainly be a nice touch. ;)



As for Dark Mara...I used Force Speed and Heal, kept sidestepping her lightning, and whacked away at her until she went down. The key was making sure I had 100 percent health before I started the duel. :D


I agree that we should be able to cut that AT-ST down to size with the lightsaber...but I'm not sure a one-shot kill from that thing would be any fun. The lightsaber should be able to deflect some of that energy...even if it gets fried in the process.


I think I'd like to do what some others have suggested...Force jump on top, cut the hatch open and drop in a Thermal Detonator. :D


Welcome back, HitMan. ;)

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