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oh ya!


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Yes but the victory does it so much better! What would make you more afraid? Only seeing lasers? Or seeing the huge ship right above you poised to strike? The Victory was made for planetary bombardment. It is a lot better than the ISD at it. The ISD is a better space combat capitol ship. EG beefier shields, more turbolasers, more ties, yadda yadda.

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ISDII..i just mocked one of those in XWA, the level where u get the Imperial Defector and there's thart ISDII ehehe i flew straight at it, it only hit me like once with 1 turbolaser, so i kept going just for the heck of it, and u know the things in the middle on the side of it, well, i went in there, it's like a very tight trench. dam that was fun! This was on medium difficulty too. :D

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Originally posted by Artoo

Yes but the victory does it so much better! What would make you more afraid? Only seeing lasers? Or seeing the huge ship right above you poised to strike? The Victory was made for planetary bombardment. It is a lot better than the ISD at it. The ISD is a better space combat capitol ship. EG beefier shields, more turbolasers, more ties, yadda yadda.


When they see a light turbolaser bolt his a few miles away, and see a mutli megaton explosion as the result, they'll be scared plenty.

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Originally posted by observer_20000


And you auired this info where? It is clearly stated in the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, page 88, it states that the VSD is very slow in comparison with more modern ships.




I'm not sure what book...I think it is one where Dalaa is taking over the Imperial Remnant. It talks about one of the Warlords having a LOT of Victory Star Destroyers. Then later on it shows them raiding ISDs...about 15 of them and pull a hit and run mission and then jump back to hyperspace...or something to the effect. There are comments in that segment saying they were just too fast and explaining capabilities of VSD...

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Originally posted by darthfergie




I'm not sure what book...I think it is one where Dalaa is taking over the Imperial Remnant. It talks about one of the Warlords having a LOT of Victory Star Destroyers. Then later on it shows them raiding ISDs...about 15 of them and pull a hit and run mission and then jump back to hyperspace...or something to the effect. There are comments in that segment saying they were just too fast and explaining capabilities of VSD...


Perhaps what it meant was that 15 VSDs jumped out of hyperspace right around an ISD, and they took it out before it could return fire.

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I got ya covered fergie. There was about 110 VSD's versus about 30 ISD's. The VSD's jumped in really quickly and killed some ships. Took out the flagship, and left as fast as they came. They only lost 2 VSD's. That was from the 1st Jedi Acadamy book I believe.

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You've gotta learn your history before you can look at the future and understand fully. I never knew so many people wanted to go communist during the Depression. I learned that and it makes me even prouder to live in a capitolist society.

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