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The Whacko Conspiricy Theory Game!


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Heh that's what you think. When you get to your books one of the gnomes is going to pop up and pull your eyes up to the book. Then they'll turn on the book witch is actually a machine that sucks all the knowledge out of you. They'll then use that knowledge to steal your identity and try and take over THE WORLD!!!!!


Office chairs are nice.

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That and sending radiation to power the aliens death ray they have stationed on the moon. All that radiation is going straight to the ray which is getting ready to fire upon earth. The aliens have sent one of their own in disguise to earth to help with there death ray. This man is Bill Gates. That is why I don't use XP. It sends out superconcentrated rays to power it more quickly.


Cocaine and Jazz go hand-in-hand

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They are eggs, but not the eggs that you are thinking of. They were genetically engineered by Japan to release a neuro-toxin in the air that would infect all of America and kill it all at once. Luckily you can put it down by buying more Pokemon products. I guess this is lucky.


(score one for me! a phrase that can't be conspirized!)


I'm running out of ideas

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Actually you arn't running out of ideas. It is just that little rabbit in that is running around in your ears. He is telling you that you can't think. I sugest replacing the drum in your ear with a Surround sound stero and turn it up full blast. Then the rabbit will be flung out of your ears by the sound waves...


Martians are from Mars...

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That's a signal that you are growing attached to it. It's the skinheads this time. They are sending flashes of backwards messages to your subconscious. They're going to get you to join their army. I swear everybody has a plot on the world.


Flashlights help you see stuff

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Making sure people like us dont tell people like them about people like you! Yeah, I know your type... You try to keep secrets about you that are really about us but arent about us at all but are about them and they are about you because you keep them a secret!


Oh look! A big booger!

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