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The Whacko Conspiricy Theory Game!


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Then it looks like you'll be contributing to the penguin population soon. The pengiuns have there mind-control slaves that they use to make humans harvest grapes, which are their spores they make for humans to ingest. After a human ingests them then they hatch and grow until they take over the humans brain and he is a mindless slave to the penguins. Only select penguins are allowed to leave their humans and continue harvesting spores.


p.s. sorry eets I can be pretty dense sometimes.


I am running out of conspiracies

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thats because your brain is going through a chemical reaction. the photons in your brain are not being hybridized enough and their quantum models are being messed up messing your brain with electrons with more quantum energy than you think so the frequeancy = speed of light/ wavelenght



i have a chem exam tomorrow

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WOW Rabbits are everywhere now!!! Take the advice I give Artoo...that Rabbit in your ear is telling you lies...so I'd buy a stereo to replace those ear drums and turn up the volume...the G-forces will then knock out the rabbit in your ears onto the floor...then you can pet him and hug him and name him George...


Curious George and the High Voltage Electric Fence (the last book in the Curious George series)

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Ground Hog Day is the biggest conspiracy of them ALL...... It's a big mind trick that's played on all of us. Actually the cover up is that the US, Russia, and China consipired to create this holiday (known by other names in Russia and China) to control the agricultural industry. By this, they control how long winter is, making you think that it's all predicted by a big rat. When, actually, they control the results of Rat Day to their desires. The results are controlled by if they want to make winter longer, and make crops and farm animal breeding lower. Or they make winter shorter for an opposite effect. However they make the Rat Day results look, they then adjust their weather control orbital satellites accordingly..........




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That's what you think, but your stapler is actually intelligent and has been hiding and selling staples and building itself an over-seas bank account so it can overthrow the capitolist U.S.


Communism is to commie, as capitolism is to capitolist

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