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The Whacko Conspiricy Theory Game!


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NO you don't like cheese. Because cheese doesn't exist. You just think it is there, but in the real world you never eat. It is but a figment of your pittiful imagination. Now go back to sleep on the in my world I have created for you.


I have a wallet and in it holds the key to the universe...

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How do you define good. It is a simple quandry created by our brain. Order, chaos, these are all made up concepts made up of only what we can perceive. If everybody in the world were crazy and had a different perception on life then the rebel alliance might actually be the bad guys to such a wonderful ruling faction as the empire.


I think a Yoda Soda zapped my brain.

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I would have to agree that 'good', 'evil', 'time' are man-made concepts HOWEVER, that's only because we as of yet have no other ground of basis. We are the only 'intelligent' life we've found 'round here. In my opinion, ANY 'intelligent' species would be capable of such observations or clarifications, the old 'does a tree make a sound if noone hears it fall' is so ridiculous, cause if it WERE TRUE, we would all have seen the mountains form cause it had no witnesses before us to realize, & there wouldn't be trees on the ground until you walk in the forest. It makes a sound when it falls without you, just as it falls without you, and how could you believe if your the last person on Earth-THE LAST HUMAN BEING PERIOD; and you sing a song you wrote, that no one else hears, that means the song has no sound-or your vocal chords cease to function cause there are no witnesses?? Those believers are forced into saying, 'well, it WOULD have sound still cause YOUR ears are hearing it.' Well then modify it to you're the last person & your deaf, you know your singing, you can feel it, you just can't hear it. It's all just plain silly.


Is a cat killin' a mouse 'evil' or just plain fun created out of boredom?

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Guest Supreme Warlord

It is just plain bored because they cant pick on dogs like they use too. THey got too darned big for the cats to torture


Why am I back?

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We were soldiers until the Government told us to disband. Now we are hardened commandos trained in the ways of sitting in front of computers and staring at the little pixels and having a name for each one. Such as #2345769...that one is George...



Staples has staples

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