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What are Raven & LEC's feelings to our reaction?


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...from a personal standpoint I can say I enjoy reading the posts here (as do other the Ravenites I know of), and generally we try to keep in mind what people are talking about, excited about, or concerned about. We can't always do anything with that information, and certainly we have to be careful how we respond to the things we read- but it is helpful for us to see what people expect and want. Oh, and I would guess from the shape of the bottle and label (and the gold trim around its edge) that that's a bottle of Macallan 12 year... :o



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I never have problems with scotch, since the nasty cheap stuff I can't stand to drink much of (and then only mixed with soda) and the good stuff never seems to give me a hangover, not to mention it's so expensive I can't *afford* to drink much of it. Slivovitz, on the other hand...

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Originally posted by Rat Boy

Hopefully, this means we'll get insider info on JK2. :evil1:


to quote MRJ







He's very good at avoiding those questions and Raven Security are very good at keeping them quite :D

It got messy one time and it left blood stains on his keyboard that couldn't be cleaned off when someone last got just that bit too much info out of him.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

MRJ is it true that the Cheddar in Wisconsin really is better?


I'm sorry, the answer to that question would require me to use a term which people from the EF boards would realize is against my religion :p

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So what kind of stuff did you design in JKII? Levels, Gameplay, Storyline, Models, Puzzles?


All of the above? :rolleyes:


It's kind of a general title, game designer, so I would like to know some more about it, if you don't mind...



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