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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

The trailer looked awesome.. I think AOTC will be similar in style to ESB.


No...no chance...

think what was the coolest part in Eps. I...if you took a poll right now the vast majority of the votes will go to the Jedi Battle...well in Eps. II it is Eps. I minus all of the HUGE battles and the reactor sequence...in other words...JEDI BATTLES and a few skirmishes possibly...

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Episode II is a love story. So you may relate the Anakin/Padme love story to Episode 5's Han/Leia love story.


Personally, I think Episode III will be much more similar in style to Episode V: George Lucas said it would be a tragedy, just like Episode V.

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Originally posted by Wraith 9

TAKE ME WITH YOU....... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait untill september or so.


I BEG YOU!!!!!!!! :( :(


USA is a bit too far for me ... but England is pretty close (I could almost swim to the UK). So maybe, if I have the money, I'll have a nice weekend of London. Why? Read this:


A couple of things I've learned should be of interest to your readers. The UK trailer will be on the Harry Potter film (November 16th) Magic? Sounds like a double helping!! And the release date for Ep2 in the UK is the same as the USA.


While The Phantom Menace release in the UK was delayed several months following the US release, UK residents can now savor EP2 simultaneously with US fans. Thanks to Krayt for the heads up!


Thanx to TheForce.Net ...

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Originally posted by Young David

USA is a bit too far for me ... but England is pretty close (I could almost swim to the UK). So maybe, if I have the money, I'll have a nice weekend of London.


That is a good thing.... come on YD... lets go to the UK when the movie comes out... :D

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