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That Quake 3 "look"


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Its weird I know and difficult to explain.....maybe someone who understands what I mean better can explain. Any hardcore gamer can tell. But just by looking at the screenshot with the ship in the hanger you can see that the Q3 engine has been used. Most games using the Quake 3 engine can be identified.......and the same goes for UT.....that engine can also be quite easily spotted. I suppose after so much playing of the games with these engines you can just tell. The use of Q3 engine in Elite Force was a little more difficult to spot though.

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I can tell right away frmo teh screen shots that the use of the Q3 engine is at work. I play Q3 all practically all the time. <actually the mods for it :D > the Q3 is an awesome game engine. And for those of you who ahve played mods for Q3, the mods have no feel of Q3 in them at all. If you check a recently released mod called Bid For Power. http://www.bidforpower.com You will see that it has no quake 3 feel to it at all because the mod is based off of DBZ. Or if you play Urban Terror http://www.urbanterror.net/index.html for Quake 3, it has almost no resemblence to Q3 because it is a realistic mod, where when you shoot someone in the head they die. And anyways the Q3 engine has been greatly enhanced and upgraded for JKII more so then Elite Force, so just wait and see. Get the demo when it is released if you stil have doubts and see how it is.

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I have a quick question.


When these Screenshots were made, do you think they were made when the game was running at the highest resoultion and with a good 3D card?



All and all i think the game looks awsome. Alot better then the first, even though we all thought the first one looked great at the time.

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What I mean is that the looks of the level and such isn't determined by the engine. The look of the HUD is because of the way it's made, not because it's on the Q3 engine. Of course, the rendering is just like Q3, but that's about it. Your not gonna feel like your inside a Quake level when playing this game,

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Originally posted by Com Raven


That's right, Q3 has this martial look all abot it (especially RtCW), and I love it ...


Speaking about RtCW, it is FRIGGIN SCARY. I had to mute my sound system while I was fighting dark knights and monsters down in the Catacomb :shivers:


*All the sudden I just jumped* me: AHHHH!!!! (as in screamed outloud) :ball: :ball:

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Originally posted by waazzuupp

i personally love rtcw and i don't think it has a quake feel to it. the classes make it more difficult to run and and go rambo style. i guess it just matters on what server you are on...some servers is like quake...but other the popel use good teamwork


I just hate to get jumped by skeletons and monsters and especialy Ueber Soldat. It makes me :ball:

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Originally posted by BoMbER

I have a quick question.


When these Screenshots were made, do you think they were made when the game was running at the highest resoultion and with a good 3D card?



All and all i think the game looks awsome. Alot better then the first, even though we all thought the first one looked great at the time.


I would say it's both: Hi resolution AND a good video card

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lol, I think that's true, but what you're trying to do here is replace the quake 3 DNA with Star Wars DNA. CaptainRAVE, I understand perfectly what you mean. I think it's the way the engine renders the polygons, or arranges them that makes it look quake3ish. Actually since I played much more of Elite Force than Quake 3, I'm more reminded of Elite Force by these screens.


Oh, and Agen_Terminator, you're right, most of those do look like JK1, except that the first one also reminds me of Elite Force, on that klingon ship (I think it's a holodeck mission) trying to get the PADD, there's a room just like the first screen, except with force fields. Also, the one with the weapon selection (3rd last screen) looks like the black and white holodeck level in the Elite Force Expansion. Sorry to be so nitpicking, the game does look awesome, and I agree that once you see the game in motion, with the whine of blaster fire, hum of lightsabers and John Williams music, and fragging stormtroopers with lightsabers and force lightning, it'll no doubt be star wars. Wow...when I put it that way, it really will be great


P.S. they could have at least created new crosshairs.

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that image (if it worked right..) reminds me WAAY too much of elite force.. i dunno.. maybe its because of the lighting (to the right of the crosshair), somewhat because of the textures that i dont think fit quite right (down and slightly to the left of the crosshair).. plus the pod-shaped thing directly below the crosshair doesnt quite fit, and the textures waaayy to the left, near the doorway, look too trek-ish... i dunno, maybe im insane (well, i am..), but it doesnt look right.. and also the glove.. reminds me of the POV in elite force..


i know it seems like im completely bashing the pic, but all those gripes are quite minor, i dont completely despise the pic, and id gladly play the game even if ALL of it looked like that, it just slightly annoys me that it looks like that...


huh? i dunno.. im tired..

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Originally posted by +Nimbus+

Quit the Quake 3 crap the game looks awesome and even if it does look like, a human looks similar to another human because of human DNA and so a game that in a sense has Quake 3 DNA will look like it somewhat even if that "DNA" is modified.


Yes, it does look good ....

And I suppose it does cuz it uses QUAKE III engine !!


Best looking fps for sale at the moment is RtCW, which is just by the way powered by "the quake 3 crap" .....


And about MoH: Nobody talks about gameplay, it's just that you really can see what engine was used for a game ....

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by Com Raven

And about MoH: Nobody talks about gameplay, it's just that you really can see what engine was used for a game ....


Of course you can still see what engine was used for the game, mainly because you know it uses Q3 tech, so you know what to look for.

Overall though, MoH:AA is by far the least Q3 looking game I've seen, while both JO and SoF 2 are the most Q3-alike IMO.

There is still a very strong resemblance to Elite Force in some of the available screenshots, especially the first one that was posted by dazilla in this thread and the grenade shot.


I just hope that the atmosphere created by John Williams' Star Wars score, the lightsabre/Force power gameplay and the overall quality of level design will stop me from percieving JO as a Star Wars Elite Force mod when playing.

JO should be Raven's finest hour yet.

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Originally posted by Bio Warrior

one way i can tell its the Q3 engine is that my mouse wheel never works in it




i tell from the dim HUDs and the floor textures


Just wondering, when Kyle jumps in JK2, does it make the noise like "huh!" and when Kyle gets hurt, it makes the noise like "woo-oh" like in Q3A does? :)

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Originally posted by SaberPro




i tell from the dim HUDs and the floor textures


Just wondering, when Kyle jumps in JK2, does it make the noise like "huh!" and when Kyle gets hurt, it makes the noise like "woo-oh" like in Q3A does? :)


It'll probably be more of a quick "hah!". I have no idea on hurt noise. I hope they dont have that annoying hit sound in MP like Q3 has..

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Originally posted by Desslock


It'll probably be more of a quick "hah!". I have no idea on hurt noise. I hope they dont have that annoying hit sound in MP like Q3 has..


Yeah we were at a 32-people LAN party all playing Quake3 Arena, and everyone had their volume up:


*Game Starts*


Huh huh huh...!!

WWWWOOOOOOOHHHH!!! [multi-hurting action]

HUH! [double sound]

huh! [one neglectable jumping]



you get the idea...

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Originally posted by SaberPro

i tell from the dim HUDs and the floor textures


Uh, sorry to break your bubble, but I think you're just imagining things. They are just image files put on a certain part of a screen. The HUD is definately from scratch, and I'd really be surprised if Raven recycled any Q3 textures, so there goes the floor texture reasoning. You could put those images in any engine.



Actually, I'm gonna agree with you to a certain extent, dazilla. Q3 (which I am fond of, btw) powered games seem to have environments come off looking bulky, and not very articulated for some reason. It's not really the engine's fault, but the level designers. What also might differentiate engines is the lighting, and you can reconize that slightly, but not much. In the end though, I'm glad that they're using Q3, and remember: don't knock it 'till ya play it!

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Well, I've played Q3A, EF, and RtCW a lot, and I have to say that I have no idea what you're talking about, SaberPro. I don't see anything special about the floor textures, and the HUD, while dim, looks a LOT more like JK than Q3A. ;) The dimness can be explained by the HUD alpha setting of the guy who took the screenshots.

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