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Jedi Outcast Interview


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1 thing about it not being out for Mac users. That is not exactly true. Since Aspyr (a mac publishing company) has not said anything about it then LA will probably not either. Second, it is probably not being worked on yet, Mac versions tend to come out a few months later after the PC version is done. It is not going to be published by Raven so as of now they are probably nt aware anything. So to you PC users :p your no better than us.



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I liked the part about the AI, especially Jedi AI. I particularly liked the part that talked about how Jedi have special "backstabs, flip-attacks, saber-locking, etc." moves. Mmm...what I wouldn't give for just a movie of a lightsaber fight.


The holocron thing is cool too. I can definitely see "Everyone gang up on lightning!" in the future. :D

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Now, Kenn, explain to us, what is saber-locking? A defensive move?


Sounds like it might be the ability to attack in opposition or do yielding parries. Both of these fencing maneuvers feature sustained collision between your and the opponent's blades.


Also what is the nature of this 'new scripting language' you've developed for outcast? Is this a client-side scripting language for issuing game commands?


Holocron mode sounds somewhat like Heretic II deathmatch. Pick up a spell and use it against your foes.

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Saberlocking is, I think, when two sabers collide and stay there for a bit. Its when you hear the contiuous sparking of both blades. I think you can see it when ObiWan Fights Darth in ANH and Im pretty sure its in Rotj, but am unclear on that. Have no idea how you'd initiate this. Attacking at the same time would happen to often.


Holocron sounds cool, but are we going to have a huge holocron following us (Galatic Battlegrounds, size to jedi ratio) or will it be smaller than that?


Also, can we force jump off the wall?

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Hmm, so much great info!


The saber stuff sounds awesome. I wonder what they mean by saber styles? That should really expand the saber combat variety, I bet... and i guess it makes sense, not everyone in the movies fights the same way. It'll be cool to try different styles against each other in MP!


Saber-locking, hunh? I guess this is like in the movies where the two saber fighters will kind of push their sabers against each other and trade insults, etc. That should be cool! I've never seen that in any star Wars games before... have there been any with that? Did it work well?


And the wall-jumps and wall runs and acrobatics sound like we'll be able to have as awesome saber fights as in Episode 1 (exept no saber staf, oh well... guess that's what the expansion is for!)


And the back-stab sounds cool, too! I take it this is like what Darth Maul did to Qui-Gon? Heh heh hehhhh... *evil cackle*

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Originally posted by Frosty_V2.1

Anyone notice the new flash intro to Lucasarts.com, looks like they're gearing up for release


I just went over and had a look: it's Awesome!!! It should definitely feature in the game, either at the beginning credits bit or at the very end of the end credits... it's so cool!

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Saber-locking, hunh? I guess this is like in the movies where the two saber fighters will kind of push their sabers against each other and trade insults, etc. That should be cool! I've never seen that in any star Wars games before... have there been any with that? Did it work well?

I don't remember seeing that in any SW game before; only games with saber I haven't had a chance to try are Jedi Power Battles and Obi-Wan. Might be a cool way to stop your opponent momentarily, if his attacks are too aggressive and you are not sure how to beat him; kinda like having short break, so that you can catch your breath. Oh man, this is gonna be one of the most feature rich Star Wars games so far. :D

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy


I just went over and had a look: it's Awesome!!! It should definitely feature in the game, either at the beginning credits bit or at the very end of the end credits... it's so cool!


Yea it's a nice little clip that should be in the game...

They could use the clip as a intro to the game interface which will probably have that new "logo" background anyway

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Painfully, when I think of saber-locking, I picture the sword-locking from Bushido Blade.


For those who don't know, basically they get in each others faces pushing against each other, and you have to mash the buttons, whoever mashes fastest, gets the advantage. Not fun at all:( In fact, quite an annoying concept for videogames, I have always thought so.


I pray they have something a little more intlelligent than button mashing planned for this. Thankfully, it's Raven at the driver's seat.:D

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Notice that tey are 3, like force powers, and we already know that there's a not active "force lightsabre" power.

Maybe the 2 are related, so if you assign more stars (or whatever system will be) in multiplayer you'll be more able to block shots and to make more combos or moves, but have to sacrifice power for other force powers.


What do you think?

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Originally posted by Teemto


I hope that doesn't mean a Blade of Darkness kind of locking, where you would lock on to a target to fight... that sucked miraculously bad


No I think what it means by "locking on" is your lightsaber and your enemy's lightsaber "stuck together" during a fight...I'll try to get a visual for ya :)

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy


I just went over and had a look: it's Awesome!!! It should definitely feature in the game, either at the beginning credits bit or at the very end of the end credits... it's so cool!


Are you guys talking about the intro into Jedi Outcast page with the flashing symbol??? I don't get an intro when going straight to lucasarts.com it just goes straight to the page.


P.S. I just preordered JKII:JO from EB and they said it'll be here by march 28th.

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Are you guys talking about the intro into Jedi Outcast page with the flashing symbol??? I don't get an intro when going straight to lucasarts.com it just goes straight to the page.

LEC have taken it down, because they just announced new Indiana Jones game. :indy: BTW, there is also a new poll: "What is your favorite section in the new Jedi Outcast web site?"

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Originally posted by Obi Kwan

Sounds like the sabre system is gonna be great; not too complex so that none of us can control it but with enough variety to make for interesting duels!!! I too am wondering about the sabre styles... I dont think they will be "aggressive" or "defensive" like Terminator mentioned. It would be cool if it were like martial arts and there were actually three different methods, but i think its gonna end up being beginner, medium and advanced.


I really really really hope it won't be different skill levels. That would defeat the purpose. I want them all to be equally useful in MP. I'm thinking something like agressive deffensive, but instead of middle-of-the-road have FAST.

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