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you meet luke?


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I just read on gamespy that Kyle meets Luke Skywalker. Is that true or were they joking? I owned, Dark Forces 1 and 2 both. And it was suppose to be set AFTER StarWars 6. I specifically remember the evil guy in Dark Forces 2 was trying to rebuild the empire. And it was suppose to be decades later. Luke would be dead already wouldn't he? Just concern from a JK2 fan.

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JK II plays 13-14 years after A new hope ...


Then, Luke was 16-18 years old ....


Most humans get that old ...


And Kyle already lived during Cicil War , so shouldn't he be dead too ??


I don't know how you do your maths, but I see no reason why anyone of those 2 should be dead ...


And yes, he's in the game ....


That is known info since several months ...

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Little correction, JK2 happens about 14-15 years after Battle of Yavin = four years between ANH & ESB, a year between ESB & RotJ, JK happens sortly after RotJ, and MotS text says: "It has been more than five years since Jerec was defeated at the Valley of the Jedi." I also remember seeing somewhere that at the time of JK2 about four years have passed since MotS. :cool:

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That all works pretty well age-wise ... I always thought that Kyle was about the same age as Han Solo - making him several years older than Luke. ... on the good side, when I play I'll still be closer in age to Luke than to Kyle ... ;)


I am very interested in the way 'meeting Luke and earning back the lightsaber' will work out. I am assuming that it is a mission rather than just a level ... but perhaps I'm wrong.


Also (OT in this thread) I wonder if the Death Star is a SP mission level, or a MP map. Can't figure it into SP, but then ...



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That all works pretty well age-wise ... I always thought that Kyle was about the same age as Han Solo - making him several years older than Luke.

Well, LEC created Kyle to be kind of mix of both Luke and Han; in Dark Forces he was still Han Solo wannabe, but JK brought Force and lightsaber with it, so Kyle kinda started to evolve into Luke's direction, but still had his sarcastic attitude. There is also a lot of clear similarities: Kyle was a farmer like Luke in his childhood and joined Imperial Academy just like Han, but ended up to be mercenary. It's actually funny because, I play these days with an idea that Kyle is a mix of Han Solo and Biggs Darklighter(If you have seen deleted scenes from ANH and Biggs' Tatooine clothes, you know what I mean)... ;)

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Guest Wolverine

No, but I do believe that Kyle does find out Jan is his sister and a wookie in disguise and that the Dark Jedi in JO is his parent. I think the enemy has a voice problem too. He still ends up with Jan though and turns the Dark Jedi back to the lightside. After that I think he opens his own Jedi Academy. Of course later on Jan dies and he ends up with a Sith turned Jedi named Mary Jane. Hey youre right after reading what I said, he is a mixture of Luke and Han. Anything else to add?

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Guest Wolverine

Well I'm a little scruffy on time lines, but when did Mara and Luke get together? I'm really just wondering if Mara Jade has a cameo in the game too. Must just be me or Luke is a lucky ass guy and Kyle Katarn isnt. I mean Luke finds out that Leia is his sister which really sux, but he does learn he has a cool father who he can beat up and that he also met Mara. Look at Kyle, Jan just disappears and when Mara is finished training with him she leaves and ends up with whiney boy.



Ok, sorry if I sound like an idiot. Why I do is an answer about how excited I am about Jedi Outcast, well this shows you that I cant even wait for it and I'm really nervous and screwed up. As a matter of fact I dont think I can sleep now with that demo thread coming up.

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Originally posted by Wolverine

Look at Kyle, Jan just disappears and when Mara is finished training with him she leaves and ends up with whiney boy.


I agree that look is lucky whiney boy. All he does is whine and hes stumbles into the fine women.


I laughed when Kyp Durron kicked his but. That big baby!!!


Mara should have hooked up with Corran Horn (when his wife was missing) or that Pimp Lando.


Also the graduation rate at Luke's Academy ain't all that great.

Take that Luke!!:p

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Well the MAIN Star Wars universe never really affected the JK universe until now......but I dont really care......as long as the game is good. Anyway.........Kyle is much more pwerful than Luke......he taught himself the ways of the force, then killed 5 Jedi and 2 Sith and then destroyed two asteroids :)....all in a days work........Luke only killed two sith :)

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