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Death Star Level


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What?!?!?! Nyghtfall, did you mean that seriously?!?! I could sworn you were joking...oh well I'll shut up about it :D


According to the NRI reports on the JKII site, salvage teams at Endor found the incapacitated Star Destroyers there stripped of all useable components, left as floating hulks. I wouldn't be surprised if some pieces of the Death Star were taken as well...I mean, it was the size of a moon, MANY pieces could have remained intact...

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i sure hope theres no other death star.. i mean, the imperials have had like, 8 superweapons already... lets see..


The Eclipse (SSD with a superlaser)

World Devastator's

Sun Crusher

Death Stars I, II, and prototype thingy

Galaxy Gun


plus the Executer, which really doesnt count, but it HAD to be expensive..


really, how could they POSSIBLY have enough money and resources to make ANOTHER one?

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Originally posted by A Big Fat CoW

i sure hope theres no other death star.. i mean, the imperials have had like, 8 superweapons already... lets see..


The Eclipse (SSD with a superlaser)

World Devastator's

Sun Crusher

Death Stars I, II, and prototype thingy

Galaxy Gun


plus the Executer, which really doesnt count, but it HAD to be expensive..


really, how could they POSSIBLY have enough money and resources to make ANOTHER one?


I repeat, read the NRI reports on the official JK2 webpage. :D

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First off, welcome to the forums Nyghtfall. Nice to see a fellow Kansas City native. Secondly, did you get ahold of a bad batch of Peyote? What's all this nonsense about the second Death Star being the remnants of the first Death Star? Assuming you're serious, do you care to cite any supporting evidence?

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Oh ya, well I know a little bit of German too...er...ALL FEET ARE THE SAME! That's "goodbye", right? I'm pretty sure - at least that's closer to "goodbye" in German, than the second Death Star is to being the leftovers from the first ;)


Interesting website, by the way :cool:

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Originally posted by Vagabond

First off, welcome to the forums Nyghtfall. Nice to see a fellow Kansas City native.


Thank you!


Secondly, did you get ahold of a bad batch of Peyote? What's all this nonsense about the second Death Star being the remnants of the first Death Star? Assuming you're serious, do you care to cite any supporting evidence?


Actually, that was my bad. It turns out my perception of the events between ANH and RotJ have been completely inaccurate since the day I first saw RotJ.



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Originally posted by Vagabond

Oh ya, well I know a little bit of German too...er...ALL FEET ARE THE SAME! That's "goodbye", right?


I honestly don't know. I was quoting a line from the original Wolfenstein 3D.




Interesting website, by the way :cool:


Than you.

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