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blockable force-lightining

General Theros

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Just curious, and maybe this has come up somewhere way earlier, but is the force lightining power blockable with the lightsaber. I am asking this because of this screen shot:





It looks like the guy being shot with lightining is blocking the attack, or is it that he is doubling over in agony? I can't tell, but it does look more like the former. Any comments?


General Theros

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Maybe so. :) I dunno, but it would be smooth to be able to block it. I think I may have read somewhere about someone blocking force lightining with their saber. Maybe not. I haven't read the earlier SW books in a loooong while. It would definetly be fun to do though and would add a nice balance to such a powerful force power.


General Theros

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I think you're right. I thought the same thing when I saw it. And you are also right about it being in a book. In the Thrawn trilogy, Luke blocked lightning from Master Jorus C'baoth. He said it wrapped around his lightsaber blade and fizzed out, much as it looks like this is doing. It makes sense that Raven would do that, though. Grip was so poweful in the last game. Even with absorb on, you still slowed down and were able to be hit. I think the powers will be more balanced this time. This means counters for everything, including lightning.


Good thinking!:)

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I appreciate that compliment Moses. I thought I remember reading it somewhere. And I don't think that lightning is area of effect. The force chainlightning will hit multiple enemies by jumping from one guy to another but it still really isn't area-of-effect. Anyway, it would be neat if it is the case. And you are right about the force absorb issue. We will see though.


General Theros

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I think this picture is decieving. It looks to me that the BOT dude in the back would be too far away from Kyle to recieve lightning damage. Notice that at his feet lies a dead character, I think he's putting the finishing touches on that guy as opposed to starting in on someone new. I think Kyle was probably trying to get the guy who is on his right, who apparently dodged the attack, IMO.

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Hmm, still seems to me that he is very far away to be recieving damage from that lightning. Now that Im looking at it agian, the "bot dude's" sabre seems like it is actually too far to the left of the dead guy to be hitting him. Maybe he's driving his sabre into the ground, hence the sparks. Who knows? Hopefully we will once IGN puts up their review. Let me check the other screenies for similarities...

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I don't like the idea of being able to block lightning with the saber... It just doesnt feel real... Since when do glowing rods attract and dissapate electricity? Although, to stop this becoming a super power, the ability to block lightning withe the active block key (there is one right? im not just insane and thought i heard that there was passive and active block? RIGHT?!? :) ) might be good for gameplay balancing terms... I guess the beta will decide that.


[EDIT] The other thing we see from this screenshot is that not only do the saber blades not cast shadows, neither do the handles..? :confused: Look at the closest bot to the player and look at its shadow, theres clearly a gap between the hands. [/EDIT]

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Originally posted by Broode

The other thing we see from this screenshot is that not only do the saber blades not cast shadows, neither do the handles..? :confused: Look at the closest bot to the player and look at its shadow, theres clearly a gap between the hands.


You're right :(

I meant to ask one of the devs about the saber hilts' shadows (or lack thereof) a few day's ago, but I forgot :rolleyes:

I hope they fix it before release, if it's possible to do so...


Since when do glowing rods attract and dissapate electricity? Although, to stop this becoming a super power, the ability to block lightning with the active block key (there is one right? I'm not just insane and thought I heard that there was passive and active block? RIGHT?!? :) ) might be good for gameplay balancing terms... I guess the beta will decide that.


I don't like the idea of the Saber blocking Lightning either.

And I think you'll find you're insane when it comes to the manual blocking feature :D ...as far as I can remember, there isn't one :(:(

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In the past Jedi Knight games, Force Lightning was countered with Force Absorb. I also believe that in the Return of the Jedi novel, it describes Luke using a power similar to Force Absorb to attempt to counter the Emperor's Force Lightning attack on him, but since Luke was still relatively inexperienced, he quickly became overwhelmed by the vastly more powerful Emperor.


I would hope that a similar technique be available in Jedi Knight II, as it's already been established in both the games and offical literature as a legitimate power.


With regard to blocking Force Lightning with a lightsaber, that doesn't really make sense.

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy


I don't like the idea of the Saber blocking Lightning either.

And I think you'll find you're insane when it comes to the manual blocking feature :D ...as far as I can remember, there isn't one :(:(


Damn... :(


Well, off to the loony bin. :D

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<font color=cbcbff> I think the idea is to <i>not</i> make the dark side grossly more powerful than the light side in this game. Therefore there will hopefully not be stupidly strong powers like destruction in this game. You have to think from the point of view of us jedi. A way to counter things like grip without actually being lifted off the ground would really help out. Since to be a Jedi in Jedi Knight you had to have twice the skill of a dark sider I am really hoping to see some balance in multiplayer.

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Therefore there will hopefully not be stupidly strong powers like destruction in this game.


I didn't think it was all that powerful...


You have to think from the point of view of us jedi. A way to counter things like grip without actually being lifted off the ground would really help out.


I hope nothing imobilizes a lightjedi.. while the grip + saber slash combo in FF games was sort of lethal, it would be extremely devastating with pixel on pixel collision detection. nothing should keep you imobilized for more than a second or so, as the lightsaber will be an extremely devastating weapon.


Since to be a Jedi in Jedi Knight you had to have twice the skill of a dark sider

I've actively played both sides of the powers and I really don't think thats neccesarily the case.. in FF guns, the lightside was the most powerful force(you could yank their gun and were immune to their force powers; they were virtually forceless and gunless). in FF sabers, the lightside wasn't neccessarily a weaker or more skill-demanding means of playing. There are multipile cases of much more skilled ff players being beaten by a nf saberist using protection or going for neutral/absorb/healing powers. note: I would know because in several of those instances, i was the ff-impaired nf saberist beating someone i couldn't touch otherwise if i were using dark powers.


I am really hoping to see some balance in multiplayer.


We're going to see a massive increase in the utility of the lightsaber with the dedicated servers and pixel by pixel collision detection alone. The lightsiders can maintain a invulnerability to force powers while simulataneously recieving a tremendous upgrade in offensive capability in the form of the improved lightsaber. the Darkside, unless it can imobilize you for 3+ seconds(and in that case, may gain a strong upperhand in the ability of being able to apply a possibily inbalancing grip+ saber slash combo) may be the underdog in FF saber engagements.

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Originally posted by General Theros

And I don't think that lightning is area of effect. The force chainlightning will hit multiple enemies by jumping from one guy to another but it still really isn't area-of-effect.


Looking at the picture how can you not think that lightning is AoE? I can use the picture as evidence, since that's what started the discussion in the first place, can't I?

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Look at it this way. All the light side jedi in MP will only need a lightsaber and absorb(force pull would be nice but that's a neutral power so we'll count it). also a way to get out of the choke/slash is to force jump. You still take damage from being choked but you can get away from your opponent like that.

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