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Episode 2's connection with Jedi Outcast???


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I wish George Lucas never thought up this midichlorian stuff. Having a scientific explanation for the force greatly reduces it's mystisicm in the movies.


As for Nsync they will apparently all be playing Jedi in AOTC. They all get killed though....thankfully. The scene might be in the movie...it might not. The final cut of the movie is not complete. I'm not even sure all the effects are finished. But remember Lucas has done so many negative things for Star Wars...he will most likely keep the Nsync "bye bye bye bye bye" scene in.

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

Having a scientific explanation for the force greatly reduces it's mystisicm in the movies.


No it doesn't quit being a baby.;) j/k


Honestly I think it doens't because what Jedi do with the Force and the Force itself is still mystical. It's not like he said the force comes from a planet at the center of the galaxy.

He had 2 choices create a relationship with force users and the force or do nothing at all and leave it unspoken. Im glad he didn't leave it unspoken.


Now back on topic. I think the red hooded guys are clones too. Either that or Evil Sith Triplets From Beyond!!!(Good movie title btw)

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I absolutely agree about the Force keeping it's mystic quality, even with the midi-chlorians. it is not as if he is explaining the origins or nature of the Force; just how living beings connect to it.


There is a tendency for people to see too many things as clones... but that will still be a great film title!

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Originally posted by Spider AL

On a side note, I do hope Lucas doesn't intend to make the IV - VI period Stormtroopers clones. It'd be feeble and rather annoying, since most of the novels say otherwise, and a lot of people have been scotching the same unsubstantiated rumour for years. :(


i hope he goes for the troopers=clones deal... it always made much more sense than the stuff in the novels... The empire wasn't actually around that long.. it doesn't feel right for them to take over with a load of clones, then suddenly dump them and replace them with a load of non clones. GL seems to have a habit of trying to "surprise" SW fans by doing stuff they haven't thought of... he doesn't realise there is so much speculation around that if he purposefully ignores everything that fans assume (and they assume it because it seems logical) then it won't make sense.


in the EU novels, with all these damn cloning facilities poping up everywhere it makes no sense that other people aren't using clones and people haven't figured out how to make them everywhere.

it would make more sense if the stormies had all strted out as clones... but over time they had started to run out so they have also recruited normal people too.


:D I hadn't seen those clone troopers before... do you reckon they have a red light that goes backwards and forewards where their eyes should be? they look funny :D

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We are not at all sure if they DO take over with clones. From what we know there is a good chance the Jedi WIN the Clone Wars.


And 30 years in power is more than enuough time for a full conscription programme.


We really don't know, that's the thing.


And I really wouldn't worry about what the EU says, because GL won't.

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Let's put those clones aside for a second. I remember when we first talked about connection between AOTC and JK2 a long time ago, some people wanted to see "new" technology from AOTC: guns, equipment or perhaps droids. Now, when Raze translated parts of German GameStar preview, I found there interesting info:

There is a good mixture of indoor and outdoor levels. A mission we played at Raven in which we had to storm an imperial jail looked very appetizing for instance. While TIE Fighter and X-Wings were wildly dueling in the sky, our protagonist was greeted by hords of droids in front of the building.

I wonder if these "droids" are something similar to upcoming Super Battle Droids?


Now here is a much older screenshot from JK2 itself.


Doesn't these droids look a little bit similar to you? ;)

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Isn't that a probe droid in the screenshot?


Trust me, N'sync ARE cut from the film. Star Wars isn't supposed to contain popcultural elements like that. Thankfully, Lucas followed this guideline of his after enough persuasion. And I ain't sayin' this 'cause I hate N'sync. If it featured a cameo by somebody I'm a fan of, say, Snoop Dogg or Dr. Dre, I'd still be against it.

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Good to see fellow Finnish around here. :D What comes to that droid, you might be right; I looked those appendages like they would be arms and legs and because of that electric shock and saber trail I couldn't say for sure, what kind of droid it real is. Still, I hope that at least these droids(which preview mentioned) would be Super Battle Droids(sorry, but I haven't found any other screenshot of them aside that Lego pic) or something other design we haven't seen earlier. :bdroid2:

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About the NSYNC thing- it's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of the fact that a senior Lucasfilm editor said that the final decision on their inclusion will not be taken until April. Feel free to go check out that interview if you do not believe me.


Superdroids- not impossible for their inclusion, but unlikely in a agme released before AOTC itself. If there is any link I would say it is more subtle. The reason there are no other shots of them is that they are meant to be secret; quite why they let lego do shots is unknown but that is actually the best pic of them, we have.

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Because it's still unclear, if all Stormies are clones, I though I'll post this comparison screenshot of Clonetrooper and Stormtrooper.


Like you see, armors are very similar with only slight changes; Clonetroopers look generally a much more streamlined and simplified versions of Stormies. Some of you might think that Clone helmet looks nothing like the one Stormies use, but here is a screenshot of Jango Fett.


Interesting. After this Clonetrooper helmet starts to look like some kind of transitional form between Jango and Stormtrooper, so it tells us also visually to whom these guys are actually related to. :D

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Im sre most of us here realize that george has final say with his movies over the books no matter what.

Since the mandalorians are involved, we dont know who were supposed to be the eliete army.

the point is that it could be that loyal guards or exceptional troopers became the eliete troopers. Or maybe the clones could of ended up being defective, and thus making the next generation of clones weaker than the previous thus leaving only a few exceptional clones.


As for the force, its the force theirs nothing fantastically mystical about it, its an energy field made by life not MAGIC.


The MCS are just symbiotes that live for mutual benefit, they dont make a person stronger with the force, it just gives the person more potential to connect with the force.

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Originally posted by Naphtali

Im sre most of us here realize that george has final say with his movies over the books no matter what.

Since the mandalorians are involved, we dont know who were supposed to be the eliete army.


Someone's not been reading spoilers. ;)

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cloning stormie officers would make sense because then the officers would all think the same and essentially act as one

though with cloning you might run the risk of genetic defects occuring in the later clones as a result of the cloning proccess, thus making cloning the same person a large number of times not practical for making an army causing the use of cloning to be partially abandoned for the use of a drafting/volunteer army

as for a reference to ATOC it might just be a picture or a species

though the cameos i don't mind so long as it's not someone who is a pop icon like out'a'sync, though Sean Connery i would not object to


as for the midichlorians, drop it, who cares whether they are a cause or a symptom they're part of it and that's that


and that driod that Kyle is slashing, it's a prob droid!

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Hi all


I check the forums from time to time but don't post that often.


Public opinion will NEVER affect what you see in a Star Wars film. Ever. (originally posted by Ushgarak )


In an ESB SE interview GL talks about Boba Fett and how originally he wasn't a major character. It was because of Fett's popularity with the SW fans that GL decided to put him in the Solo/Jabba scene in ANH SE and also focus on his past in EP2 and perhaps EP3.


So ultimately, if Boba Fett hadn't been popular in the original trilogy there wouldn't be a Jango Fett in the new trilogy.


BTW, this also goes for Qui-Gon. His character was created because Liam Neeson really wanted to be in a SW flick.

At least that's what I heard.


It's all a bit vague (have seen the ESB SE tape in a while). Aaaany ways...


later guys :)

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In all the interviews I have seen he said putting Boba Fett in ANH was a good way to keep the continuity of Han's stopry.


Which is not to say that GL does not appreciate that Fett is popular. But if he listened to popular opinion there would be no Jar-Jar. He does things HIS way.


You heard wrong about Liam. When he cast Liam Qui-Gon had a much smaller role. Liam had no idea that the role was going to be expanded. I have heard nothing about Liam actively clamouring for the role, either. That sounds more like Samuel L. Jackson's story of how he got the Windu part, to me.

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