Keyan Farlander Posted January 27, 2002 Share Posted January 27, 2002 Well, it's back to college - first day of classes are tomorrow for me. I better get the suicide pill and the hollow tooth ready, just in case I need 'em. Seriously, though - I hate school. I've hated school since kindergarten, and I've only hated it more with each new year. Come on, who here hates it too? I mean who hates it, to the very core of his being? Share your pain with me... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Nine Posted January 27, 2002 Share Posted January 27, 2002 I hate it most of the time. The rare times I don't are when I'm taking classes I actually enjoy, such as Chemistry, History or Networking Technology. Other than that, skool is basically a mind-numbing brain rape. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 27, 2002 Share Posted January 27, 2002 I liked college a lot more than grade- or high-school. But then I went to a music college and was studying exactly what I wanted to learn. I think that makes all the difference. Midterm and finals still sucked, especially instrumental proficency tests and jurys,.. but once I got into the music recording and record production program I had a blast! The projects I had to do there were the most fun I have had EVER! In my entire life! No joke. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Odin Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 I'm with you Keyan. I despise my school. There is nothing for me to do. I go from class, to study hall to class bored out of my mind. I am never challenged, and I usually do nothing while I'm there. It is such a waste of time. I have been counting down the days until I graduate since sept. It is around 90 left of High School before I can leave it for good. My only hope is that in 3 weeks I will have a week off of school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nute Gunray Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 I think that anyone that complains about high school is a whiner. High school is infinitely simpler than college. I slept through high school. Now I have to: 1) force myself to go. In high school I had no choice. Now I get to make the call and the "don't go" instinct is strong. 2) pay. $352 on a mere six books. no xbox for me. 3) have a clue. A high school class required you to have no previous knowledge of the subject, with the exception of math based classes. A high school, say, geometry class required you to have had algebra. My PC management class requires me to have had or be currently in Computer Information Systems, Advanced Microcomputing Applications (which has the pre-req of microcomputing applications and CIS), and OS something or other I forget the name. Four classes so I can learn to take the screws out of a case and poke at the innards. But to be honest it's an extremely fun class. The fact that there's a soldering iron in the tools makes me nervous though. 4) pay attention, take notes, and generally do what you're supposed to. In high school the mere fact that I was physically there was good enough. In college, after a horrible semester, i discovered that actual work is needed. 5) put up with utter ****mongers. As a general rule, whatever classes you take are the same ones that appealed to people with the coherence of a drunk mentally retarded five year old. If you have the misfortune of going to a community college for whatever reason that made sense at the time (such as my "hell there's only like one other school with my major so I guess i'm stuck") you get to replace 75-80% of the people with middle aged laid-off steelworkers, moms wanting back in the workforce, and 55 year old secretaries that are taking for whatever reason, be it "take class or get fired," "unemployable," or "computers new fangled and only the stupidest of companies would ever hire a 45 year old woman when they could hire a 22 year old guy for the same job despite the fact that the guy has been working with computers the majority of his life and knew more about the things four years ago than you'll know by the time you're done with the class." Also, if you don't enjoy getting blindingly drunk, then there is no hope of a social life in the community college situation. Or if you enjoy talking to people born in the same decade. 6) figure out what the hell is going on with the females. Now I'll be honest: i'm picky about my ladies which could explain the lack thereof. Age is quite important to me because I'm fairly young and in an uncomfortable place between "illegal to do anything with" and "illegal to go into bar with." So my target age is 18-21. However I cannot determine the age of a female by looking at her because I'm one of those drunk mentally retarded five year olds. Normally, I assume at a 'real' college this is a non-issue as you can generally assume the age of the females around you. However with me they could be anywhere from 19 (due to the fact that all my classes are ones that you have to been there a while and are probably in your second semester) to "should have died of old age a decade ago." The last female I went after was extremely hot and appeared fairly young. However one of my female friends estimated her age in the late 20s and when I later asked she turned out to be 26. I also believe her to maybe have a kid and be married but that's tangent that is not to be discussed here. Also I don't have to deal with sorority girls in excess as there are very few. But the few I do see about are reason enough to go on a shooting rampage, killing 18 before turning the gun on myself. High school also has a large information gathering system and it's quite easy to find out base information like "name" without have to actually talk to her. Anyhow most of the people in general, females included, are actually Yetis in poorly made human suits so the point is moot. The important thing to remember is not to go to college and supply our nation with all the janitors it needs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keyan Farlander Posted January 28, 2002 Author Share Posted January 28, 2002 Hey, I'd love college if I were studying music, but that's too risky a major in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nukekitty Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Enjoy your years in school. I dearly miss mine, even though I was studying nuclear physics and engineering. and the significant other problem never gets better for most people, you constantly run into it until you find that special some one, and when that happens, it is wonderful. It is too hard to describe that feeling... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tek Gunner Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Why aren't you having sex and smokin' drugs like you're SUPPOSED to when you're in college, FOOL? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nute Gunray Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Quote Originally posted by Keyan Farlander Hey, I'd love college if I were studying music, but that's too risky a major in my opinion. I knew three music majors. now i know one. apparently it's stupid or something. and these guys were good and like playing whatever instrument they play. they just hated having to be taught stuff they already knew. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gold leader Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 I hated high school, because - there's hardly any room for own initiative - fellow students seem to despise people who are able to get good grades - the first three years I had to take classes that didn't interest me at all Now, I like university a lot more. There are still boring subjects that I don't give a damn about, only 5 to 10% of the Aerospace Engineering student population is female and I should work really hard to keep up with the tempo , but when I'm finished I get to put "ir." (abbr. ingenieur = engineer) in front of my name. That's all the reward I need. Seriously, an academic education is the best way to improve your prospects. I think of school as a necessary evil. And smokin' drugs does not bring graduation any closer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Poor Bastard Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 School? That just means I'm gonna sleep later, because I can catch up during class. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Quote Originally posted by Keyan Farlander Hey, I'd love college if I were studying music, but that's too risky a major in my opinion. Eh. Everything is equally risky in my opinion. If you are really determined to work when you are done with school, you'll work. Easy as that. I know computer-science majors around here working menial jobs. I know other people who had great paying high tech positions who thought they were set for life who are now scrambling to get anything when thier company went under or laid-off hundereds of people. My friend's sister is going through that right now. No career I know is 100% risk free. So you might as well do something you enjoy while you take your chances. Just my opinion... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BasiliskJC Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 The only things I hate about school is the homework and language classes. Other than those two things school doesn't bother me to much. Oh yeah and there's the fact that I have to wake up early. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 I loathe school and find nothing else as abhorrent. I hate it. And I agree with Keyan. School is ruining my dream of becoming a musician, I used to play 6 hours a day but now I simply can't because I either have too much school work, too much too study or I'm too tired because of school work. Once again, Keyan I totally agree with you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keyan Farlander Posted January 28, 2002 Author Share Posted January 28, 2002 Exactly, I used to play the violin and the piano pretty well, but almost 3 years in college has dulled my skills down the the level of "craptastic." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nute Gunray Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Quote Originally posted by edlib No career I know is 100% risk free Mine will be At least that's what the two cops and one civilian NSA guy I talked to say. I have a magical major that can easily be applied to about everything that has anything to do with a computer, except programming. I'm getting (in theory) an associates in computer forensics (fancy way of saying professional hax0r guy) and bachelors in political science. My plan is to get a forgotten government job and live my days away in the basement of the NSA offices. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 I got a great synthesizer for christmas and I 've barely touched it!!! I also have a Djembe and Kora (african instruments) and those have also been barely touched. I try to play guitar or practice scales at least an hour a day just not to lose the hang of it. If it weren't for school I'd be playing all day every day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andromeda Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 call me a dork, but i love school. i hated high school, but all high school is is some strange torture device created by the public education system to make teenagers dumber. college is great!! but this semester is turning out to be a veritable ****load of work, but i still like it.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keyan Farlander Posted January 28, 2002 Author Share Posted January 28, 2002 I hated high school. HATED it. But compared to this, it is nothing. High school was very easy. College is quite hard. Granted, I'm in one of the toughest majors around, and in a top program for it, but still... Plus I just paid $350 for just 3 books today, and I still have to get another one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jabba The Hunt Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Im in 6th form (college to you guys) and its great, generally we only have three hours of lessons a day and then 1/2 hours of homework so the rest of the time i get to spend with my friends. this is the good life I think school rox!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keyan Farlander Posted January 28, 2002 Author Share Posted January 28, 2002 Class time plus homework/study time adds up to about 34 hours a day for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taarkin Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 Except for math things(and foreign language, but I got that over with thank God), I don't really mind high school. A couple of classes I actually look foreward to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted January 28, 2002 Share Posted January 28, 2002 I've got 8 hours of class on Mondays and 5 hours for each day of the rest of the week exept Saturdays when I have class during 4 hours and Sundays when I have no class at all (thank god...). Yes, I did mention Saturday, meaning I have class on that day that is suppose to be meant for reasting and that really sucks. In all I have 31 hours of class every week, and I'm not counting study/homework time ! who suffers more than me? nobody! I can't even fully rest on Sundays because I always have stuff to do for Mondays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted January 29, 2002 Share Posted January 29, 2002 Quote Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt Im in 6th form (college to you guys) and its great, generally we only have three hours of lessons a day and then 1/2 hours of homework so the rest of the time i get to spend with my friends. this is the good life I think school rox!!! Just a hint: You can't call it College if you have to take the short bus to get there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keyan Farlander Posted January 29, 2002 Author Share Posted January 29, 2002 Quote Originally posted by edlib Eh. Everything is equally risky in my opinion. If you are really determined to work when you are done with school, you'll work. Easy as that. I know computer-science majors around here working menial jobs. I know other people who had great paying high tech positions who thought they were set for life who are now scrambling to get anything when thier company went under or laid-off hundereds of people. My friend's sister is going through that right now. No career I know is 100% risk free. So you might as well do something you enjoy while you take your chances. Just my opinion... You cannot possibly compare the amount of risk of a music major to that of an engineering major. Becoming a pro requires far, far more than a degree, and even teaching positions are vanishing, since some ignorant fools seem hell bent on removing music from public schools entirely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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