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Level 2 help on Mysteries of the Sith


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I'm stuck on level 2 (on the asteroid) of Mysteries of the Sith. I've found the auxiliary door to the Imperial base, but it's locked and I'm suppose to find a way to disable the lock from outside the base. I can't figure out how to do this. Anyone care to share what I need to do? Thanks in advance.



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You have to shoot it with a special rifle scope. Here's how you pick that up:


First of all, do not give up!

To get the rifle scope do this: From the start of the level, do not go through the first opening you see. Instead, go around the nose of your ship and you will see a raised opening in the wall. Go through that and proceed till it ends. When it ends, go left and proceed through the opening that you see. At the end of it, you will see that open area full of Stormies and the security bunker. Kill the stormies and go to the bunker. Now, here’s the trick, you can shoot through the windows of the bunker, so first, shoot the oficer, then look across to the other side of the bunker and you will see a few reddish panels. Shoot the highest panel and viola, the door opens. Inside is the scope.


Then, do not go any farther, retrace your steps to where you went through the passage from the beginning and this time turn right instead of left, and you can see the entire compound as well as the door control you have to shoot (lower right of the compound) with the rifle scope. While you are there, go ahead and take out all the stormies and gun turrets. Lotta fun


Hope that helps.

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Now I'm at the point in level 2 with the turret gun and the force field protecting it across the canyon. I've tried using the line-of-sight to disable it or the force field but cannot figure out how to do this either! What do I need to do???? I can't believe I'm having so much trouble with level 2! Thanks for the help.



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Okay, on your platform, you see that stack of boxes at the far end? Go hide behind them to where the turret can't get at you. Slowly step out to the right of the boxes so the turret can start shooting at you. If you are at the right spot (between the boxes and the wall), the turret will shoot that fuel can in front of it behind the force field. When the fuel blows up, not only does it destroy the turret, but the controls for the force field which disables it and makes a elevator across the way start going up and down. Guess how you get to the turret room. Get ready to jump.

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OK, I feel like an idiot for not being able to get through this game! I'm now stuck on level 4 where I have to destroy 5 of the coolers and then escape before the asteroid explodes. I'm at the part with the water. I've dived down to where there are 4 switches. I seem to be able to depress 2 of them, but I can't figure out what they do. It appears that the bottom of this water chamber is a moving platform, but I can't figure out how to make it move. What should I do?


Also, does anyone know of a game guide to MOTS? I had found one for JK that I used when I got stuck (which was not as often as MOTS). That way I could stop bugging every one here. Thanks again for all the help!



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Okay, if you have seen the other four coolers under water, then this will be easier. First, find the cooler that has a closed round door in front of it on the ground, and save that one for last. Go back to your air pocket and draw your lightsaber. Go under and slash the tops of the other three (on top of them slash the blue bars to disable them) You can take your time with these three and resurface in your air pocket as needed. Once the first three are dead, resurface, take a deeeeeep breath and go slash the fourth one. You will then hear a voice saying that the station has only a few minutes before it blows, and the round door beneath you will begin to slowly open. Now you are on a time limit, so time is of the essence. Go throught the door as soon as you can squeeze through and activate force speed if you have it. Just swim along the trail until you surface in a large round pool. On the banks are three or four stormtroopers. If you can avoid them, then don't waste your time killing them. On the shore, you will see two bunkers. Both of them are elevated, but one is taller than the other. Go into the short one first and press the button on the wall, the sprint across to the taller one and press that button. After that , jump back into the water and swim the way you came. But, about halfway through the underwater room, look up and you will see teh ceiling slowly opening. swim up and gothrough as soon as you can and find your path. It is marked with assassin droids and rail gunners the entire way, so is relatively easy to find. Eventually you will find yourself on a "X" platform with a switch at each point. I don't remember which switch to start with, but I think the sequence from the start is: The starting one, then the one opposite, then the one to the left, the the one opposite that one. I think that is the sequence but I could be wrong. Anyway, once all the lights on the switches are green, then look up and you will see a lift lowering. Jump on asap and it will take you up to the top and the level is over.



Now, remember to quicksave on this level constantly since you are gonna have to move quickly and are likely to die alot, so just quicksave every chance you get.


And, no there is no MotS walkthrough that I am aware of. And I looked constantly my first time through. So, just ask me whenever you need help either through this forum, Yoda's Swamp at the JKII.net boards, or Private Message me and I'll help you out. Good Luck

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Originally posted by Rogue15

Redwing: Force Sight.


Oh, I'm into the Temple. The part where I run into trouble is that big balcony with the two doors and the freize panels. Y'know, the one that overlooks the big subterranean dome.


I enter through one door, but I can't open the oth-- 'DOH!


Sorry, never mind. The trick to that part just popped into my head as I type this. :rolleyess

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