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Here's a hilarious joke!

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Hannibal

Thrawn no need to delete it. Yeah its a bad joke but humor is subjective. I saw Jay Leno had the dancing Bin Ladens. I think that's going to far. Just 'cause I feel that way doesn't mean that it's wrong though. Some(most) of the funniest jokes I've heard would be insulting to someone, somewhere(especially Polish people, give them a break already:D).


Besides, I'd much rather read a joke that I thought wasn't funny than a post from some idiot saying we should just nuke Afganistan.






Oh yeah. I still don't think it's funny. ;)

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

well ok i'll take it as a joke..(even though i am part arab and its not fair to say that it is there fault that osama bin laden is fighting a mad holy war on american. you assume that since someone is from a certain area that they are terrorist and that they should be abliterated from the face of this planet! and i lied im not part arab but i still think that it is wrong to say it is the arabs fault. actualy most arabs are tryin got help us, but we assume that they are scum and we can make stupid corny jokes about them):mad: :mad: :mad:

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  • 5 weeks later...
Originally posted by Thrawn

Alright, ahem. . .


The year is 2104. A father and son are walking though New York City, while on vacation. They soon come upon a huge memorial, and the son asks, "Daddy, what is this memorial for?

"Well son, you see, about a hundred years ago some Arabs crashed 2 planes into the huge twin towers that used to be here. The towers collapsed, and this is a memorial for all of the people who died."

The son thinks about this for a moment, and then casually says, "Daddy, what's an Arab?"


ROTFL! Isn't that hilarious!!! :D :D :D


Not. Funny. One of my best friends is an Arab.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

WOw this thread has caused strong reaction from other people concerning the lives of Human Being. This thread pretty much make you aware of the power of Mankind. We have the ability to destroy our self in one war. That is quite scary to me. America is really the only nation that has the power to destroy anything. There is no way to escape from our ability to imagine and then create a mass of destruction weapons... I shudder at the very thought of a nuclear war. I believe people like Osamo Bin Laden is the people that will use those kind of weapon and ignite a nuclear war. This is the reason why I agree with President Bush to develop a Missle Shield or some kind of shielding technolgy. This way we will elimate the fear of nukes. Only the enemies of American and America allies will have to fear nukes. I could ramble on forever about this but I wont. I just thought i would mention this...:)

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An offensive[/b joke, still.


Figure I'll turn the tables :atat:

The year is 2104. A father and son are walking through New York City, while on vacation. They soon come upon a huge memorial, and the son asks, "Daddy, what is this memorial for?

"Well son, you see, more than a hundred years ago the United States elected a president named George W. Bush and this is a memorial for all of the people who died due to all his mistakes."

The son thinks about this for a moment, and then asks, puzzled: "The united states?".



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Guest Supreme Warlord

Okay man...Eagle why are you trying to start up an arguement again? Mods delete this thing. LET IT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!I agree with duder about sharing views but this is too depressing and sadistic thoughts....

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