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Ghost Recon


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Simpson, same here. But if you turn the shadows down to the level just above no shadows, it should run okay.


I got the full version for my birthday two months ago. But I also got RTCW and some other games that I enjoyed playing, so I still haven't gotten around to playing it. And it looks like MoH, DAoC, and JKII will keep me occupied for a while too.

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I love the game. Multiplay is awesome and so is Single Play. The only thing that needs to be done(and fast) is the release of a Mod Utility for the game. It needs new skins, options, etc. TO make it one of the greats...


(BTW, Ghost Recon was voted PCGamer Game of The Year)

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Its a great game, I got it for christmas, but its INCREDIBLY buggy. I can't pass the 6th level because my computer keeps restarting 5 mins into the game.


oh and darthfergie, there is already an option for mods, and theres already a few out. At the main menu, go into options, then click mods. If you have any they can be activated and deactivated with relative ease here.

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Do the mods work with the demo? The thing I don't like about GR is it's not like SOF or Quake, you can't go around killing stuff all the time, instead you have to sneak around and stuff, but I got a friend who has it and he says there's more actual fighting later on in the game and less sneaking around.

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Originally posted by Broode

Its a great game, I got it for christmas, but its INCREDIBLY buggy. I can't pass the 6th level because my computer keeps restarting 5 mins into the game.


oh and darthfergie, there is already an option for mods, and theres already a few out. At the main menu, go into options, then click mods. If you have any they can be activated and deactivated with relative ease here.


I was talking about an easy to use mod maker like those that are included with Quake III and those made for Half-Life. The ones that have been made now probably were done useing their own editor, but with an editor included it would open up the modding community at least 20 fold...

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