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Holy Underdog!!!


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ooh i love the steelers!!! course there's no way i possibly couldn't like them, given my whole family is from pittsburgh. the fact that they rock is just a cool bonus. plus i'm actually turning the girls i live with into football fans :D so now i have someone to watch the games with!!

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Originally posted by Andromeda i'm just sad it wasnt' the steelers who got to beat the rams... [/b]


So am I... But the Pats were the next best choice. :)


It's like the Pats came out of nowhere... First a turnaround against Oakland, then Bledsoe jumping in and playing like he hadn't missed a single possession, and then winning the Superbowl by a last second field goal... I love 'em, and god bless 'em, but they cost me a buttload of $$$... It always sucks, cause the teams I like have a tendancy to lose, so I'm always betting against 'em... Mixed emotions every game...

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The Steelers of the late 70s were quite possibly the greatest team that ever played the game. This can be proven by the fact that a large number of those guys are in the Hall of Fame and that every year it seems that one Steeler gets in.


ANDY: have you ever gone do to training camp in Latrobe? It's pretty neat. It's interesting how huge the guys are. They look big on TV, but last time I was down there I was like 3 feet from Levon Kirkland. That guy's arm was bigger around than I am.:eek:

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no, i haven't had the opportunity to watch camp before...


and yes i like the game for the game, not for the players...not to say that i mind watching them run down to the opposite end of the field ;) yeah tight ends!!


and yes, pat summerall is retiring...

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The Patriots are boarding the vehicles (those WWII era amphibious landing craft that have been made into tour buses) for the parade today on Boylston St. right outside my office window.

Most cool! :joy:

It was rough getting to work today though...

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