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Disappear when you die?


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This is just for kicks.


But I think it would be cool if Jedi disappear when they are killed in MP. As for the Sith... who cares. :p:):D :D


And also in SP once Kyle becomes a Jedi again.


Not a biggie, just would be a nice cosmetic touch.


Of course I read that no fan suggestions have been taken in making this game.


/time to go start modding

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There's one problem with that. not always does a jedi dissapear when they die. For example, what about Qui-Gon in Ep. 1? I thought that Vader had gone to the good side in Jedi before he died. It seems to me that the only time that jedi dissapear when they die is if they didn't die in a fight (Vader's time was set when he lost to Luke). Obi-Wan and Yoda were not fighting when they died (Obi-Wan wasn't fighting when Vader sliced him for those questioning that). So I think it would be bad if the caracters dissapeared when they died.

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Originally posted by SotE_Xizor1

Ahem! The only time Jedi disappear, and this is the truth, is when they're expecting to die. Obi Wan knew he was going to die, Yoda knew he was, Qui Gon DIDN'T, and Vader knew he was going to die.


Actually Vader did not disapper. I believe the reason that some Jedi disappear and some don't is that the ones that disappear are in a state of meditation when it happens......think about it. ;)


General Theros

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But after Qui-Gon was talking with Obi-Wan after Maul fell apart, he knew he was going to die. The spirits of the deceased only appeared when they felt they needed to. Maybe Qui-Gon felt he didn't have to come back.


And the Sith DO exist in spirit after they die, otherwise, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma wouldn't have ever been turned to the Dark Side by the spirit of Freedon Nadd.


I'd love to see how the deceased disappear in multiplayer.

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Lucas has promised to explain this subject until whole saga is finished(so don't trust in those books completely). I remember that he said earlier something like Obi-Wan and Yoda knew how to come one with the Force without losing themself completely and that's why they disappear. Now, we already know that Qui-Gon didn't disappear and his body had to be burned in a funeral pyre, but RotJ didn't actually show Anakin after his dead, so we don't know for sure did he disappear or not; at least Luke burned symbolistically Vader's armour. However, because Anakin appeared in a ghost form at the end, he might have knew the "trick". ;)

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Maybe for the 'trick' to work, the dieing Jedi, who knows that he is about to die, which Anakin/Vader did know he was going to do, has to be bonded or something to another Jedi who is close to them when they die or something. Maybe that's why only Luke could see Yoda, Ben, and Anakin at the end of RotJ and Leia couldn't, though she wasn't too sensative to the Force at the time, so that might have had some influence as well. But I think it's the former.

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

RotJ didn't actually show Anakin after his dead, so we don't know for sure did he disappear or not; at least Luke burned symbolistically Vader's armour.


Taken from StarWars.com

As he lay dying, Vader ceased to be. Anakin Skywalker returned. He asked his son to remove the cumbersome, fearsome mask that had concealed his face for decades. His mask and life support removed, Anakin looked upon Luke for the first and last time. He then died, his body disappearing into the light side of the Force. Luke burned the dark armor that had encased Anakin's crippled body in a quiet funeral pyre on the forest moon of Endor that night.


Like I said, officially, he did disappear.

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In one of the novels, Luke's perception says that he remembered watching all three of his quintessential 'teachers' disappear - Skywalker was a teacher because he helped with the whole darkside part.. :p - and I distinctly remember 'and the empty shell which had held Anakin Skywalker burned on the pyre' or something to that effect.


Only Jedi who expect death disappear, or 'will' themselves to the next ethereal plane, if you will. :p

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Starwars.com said it will be explained later in the movies. I wouldn't tell other people what is what at this point, but speculating is fine. Not to be mean, but if you are wrong you will feel stupid when the answer is revealed. ;)


As for me, I think that a Jedi has to will himself to escape the body. In the books it describes Jedi "pushing out their mind" right before death. If the mind is not with the body at the end of life, the body dissapears. That's what I think. Qui-Gon as we know, was a fan of the living Force. Maybe he wanted to live his life until the end...Actually I don't know about the whole Qui-Gon thing. It was worth a shot. :rolleyes:

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Guest Krayt Tion

Technically, every player in multiplayer will disappear when they are killed; it's called respawning. :D


I can say with some confidence that corpses will not remain in the game very long after a player is killed in multiplayer. In the case of a Jedi/Dark Jedi, whatever artifacts she may or not leave behind in the event of her death will not remain there for long.


I won't tackle the legitimacy of Jedi disappearing but I see another possible approach.


Anyone who as played the Medic if RTCW has arrived on the scene just as your teammate gives up hope and gradually begins to sink into the floor, eventually fading away. I found that all very graceful and dramatic. If nothing can be left behind for Jedi, I propose their corpses take longer to fade away than your average dead Fett.

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No doubt, since GL is making the new star wars movies for 12 year olds, it will be a very simple explanation.

More likely for 12-99 year olds, but simple explanation is the best explanation for all age groups. You must remember that Star Wars isn't REAL scifi movie, so Lucas doesn't have to give too complex explanation which would be approved by scientists as well. It's more like a fantasy, a modern day fairy tale which happens in colourful, imaginative galaxy enriched with scifi imagery, so it also draws on influences from religious questions; people can disappear and reappear when they simply believe in some supernatural God like energy field, and pure evil takes human form. As Yoda sayed to Luke: "Luminous beings are we... (binches Luke's shoulder) ...not this crude matter." :yoda: So, I repeat what we already know: if body disappears, that Jedi will retain his old form as a ghost, but if he leaves his body behind, he becomes one with the Force completely and can never appear again. I don't know exactly what kind of "soul" Lucas envisioned to be, but I think JK comes close to it, when all those captured Jedi souls are free: a simple light form(firefly). BTW, I like the idea of exploding Sith bodies, because that also shows visually an aggressive power of the Dark Side which bursts out when its lackey dies; much like what happened to Emperor when Vader hurled him into shaft. EDIT: I don't know about Jerec though. Maybe LEC didn't do their homework well enough.

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As Yoda sayed to Luke: "Luminous beings are we... (binches Luke's shoulder) ...not this crude matter." So, I repeat what we already know: if body disappears, that Jedi will retain his old form as a ghost, but if he leaves his body behind, he becomes one with the Force completely and can never appear again.


Well first off i agree with you on this, because at this point it seems the most logic explanation to me.


But before that someone had stated about anchoring to someone, but i dont think thats entirely true, becuase how could Anakin anchor himsel at Leia in the end of RotJ he wasn't there and he didn't know where she was either.


So i think that theory goes kapoo!


Well those were just my two cents.

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