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No Blood In JO


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Yes, Lucas conveniently thought up evil droid robots as the main enemy in Episode 1. You can tear them to pieces in the most violent fashion, and the movie can still hold a PG-13 rating.


Theres apparently some rule about seeing red blood in movies. In LOTR:FOTR we see orcs cut up and ripped into pieces by Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli. Yet the blood from orcs is like a black goo, so you can show as much as you like without running into any ratings problems.


I heard thats what Doom on the gameboy advance is like, i may be wrong. Any monster you shoot has green blood, so the game rating can stay down. A wider range of people can buy it (kids) so the developers make more money.

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I believe that, above all, JK II should stick as closely as possible to the spirit of the films. Having excessive amounts of gore, or even moderate amounts of blood, when you shoot or slice an enemy would certainly detract from this. However, if we are going to stick to the spirit of the films, an occational splash of red is appropriate.


One instance someone already mentioned was in a scene in Ep. 4 where Obi-Wan sliced off an arm, and it rested in a pool of blood. Another one was (again with my boy Obi!) where Darth Maul got cut in half. A fine mist of blood sprays up from the wound. I think there may be some more scenes with the Red, Red Krovvy, but obviously nothing too Horrorshow. ;)


Having absolutely no blood in JK is fine with me. I totally understand LEC's position on the continuity issue with the films. Plus, the game will probably sell alot better because of it, meaning continuing support and add-ons from LEC/Raven.


Once I play through the SP game, I may want to try out one of the many inevitable blood mods that will come out. I really hope that one comes out that represents the films well, like what I mentioned earlier. Maybe with something like giving every dismemberment a 15-20% chance of producing blood. Or, even better, maybe GHOUL 2 can detect how "clean" of a cut it was, and produce blood accordingly.


Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I love the Star Wars universe the way it is. I'll wait for Soldier of Fortune II to fullfill my Ultra-Violent fantasies!

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Blood doesn't really make a game better. And we didn't have blood in Dark Forces or Jedi Knight, so I don't see why they should change that now. It's fine by me if they don't have it in there. Some games blood is needed, but I don't think it is really neccessary in a game series like Dark Forces/Jedi Knight. Usually I get into the game so much that I don't even notice the lack of blood anyway, so it's no big deal.

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bah...personally, i think that jk2 will be fine w/o blood, but it will be much better if it has it....not necessarily as much as other games such as doom or quake or ut or other normal fps games, but some blood wouldnt invalidate its teen rating (i know jk2 would bomb if it had a M rating, especially with star wars relatively light hearted story line....)


so for it to be teen rated, it can have some blood, but not much


Each product is rated by three independent, trained raters. The raters represent a wide range of backgrounds, races, and ages and have no ties to the interactive entertainment software industry. Raters include retired school principals, parents, professionals, and other individuals from all walks of life.


because of the ESRB conservative ratings (i laugh at you if you think this is wrong), jk2 will have little blood...you can count on that =)


and since kyle katarn is a human (along with ALL stormtroopers), they cant just change the color of the blood...


so, no blood for jk2.......i guess ill just play ut2 for a better game overall and more gore =)

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Well to be honest, JK2 should not have blood because, it has been said a thousand times by now (:o ) it takes the spirit away.


Now about PG ratings and stuff i don't know how it is in the US, but here in holland its like a 10 year old kid wants to buy SOFII dont know what its rated, but f.e. its rated 18 years and older, he gets it they dont ask for ID's or somin.


just an ex. cus i dont know if SoFII is out here.

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I wouldn't mind either way, personally, as long as there wasn't excessive amounts of blood and gore.


But I'd just like to point out that Dark Forces, did have blood in it. Not that that should decide wether or not to include blood in JKII, but because someone stated above that both Dark Forces, and Jedi knight didn't have blood in it. Just thought I might aswell point that out.




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I don't mean to sound sadistic or anything, but I'm afraid that it might take out some of the realism if there's ABSOLUTELY no blood. As someone already mentioned, In the Mos Eisley cantina, Obi cut off that guy's arm who was attacking Luke. The arm was bloody. Also another not so bloody but still relatively gory scene was when Luke went into the dark side cavern and Vader was decapitated.

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Too much blood and big gore chunks are a little farfecht'd IMO.

A little blood...okay

I'd say some visible "damage" on the models is best with sprays of blood are good (Operation Flashpoint {which is much more real than any other game})

Though no blood is perfectly fine.

Especially in Star Wars.

though detachhabble limbs while slashing away with that lightsaber is great in JK:D



Pit Droid!!!!

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I think you understand me incorrectly. I don't want Q3 type gore where a bloody mist actually hangs in the air after shooting the people with a rocket launcher. I simply want a little blood to make it a bit more realistic.


Dazilla, don't worry, I'm with ya bud! No need to explain. Us realistic hardcore FPS know about reality!!! From yours and the other posts that support blood and gore, its obvious I'm talking with people that served in the armed forces such as myself! Man, watching a tow missile slice right into a APC...I don't need to tell you the details...you've been there! You know reality!!!


Bring on the blood!!! Yeah Baby!

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A couple of points I'd like to make:


1) In The Phantom Menace, in the scene where Darth Maul was struck the blow with Obi-Wan's lightsaber (that would lead to him splitting in half as he fell down the shaft) you can CLEARLY see a spray of red mist coming up from the wound. I didn't notice it in the theatre, but watching the film on DVD, there can be NO DOUBT that this is blood, from a star wars canon source, from a saber hit. It's even more convincing than the bloodly limb in the Cantina scene in ANH, or the bloody stump on the Wampa in ESB.


2) "T" (for "Teen") in a game does NOT mean there is no blood in it, it just rates the overall level of graphic violence/sexuality/language. I have seen many games with T ratings that also have blood in them.


That said, it's not a big deal, I just don't see why the blood HAS to be removed. It's already in the engine, so it would have been a concious choice to remove the blood. I figure a red mist from dismembering hits would be both "star warsy" and would fit into the rating.


But, it is LEC/Raven's call on that. Maybe it will be "added" in a patch, or maybe somebody can enable it in a mod.


Something to think about...

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i think that blood would still be more realistic....one of the reasons that blood wasnt included in jk2 and df was the poor graphics.....back then it was hard to make realistic looking blood or realistic anything for that matter...heh...


and with the q3 engine, its a bad idea imo to leave out blood.....

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