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The force on the trailer


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... or is the sound sort of flakey and low quality?


The trailer is a bit grainy as well (in QT 5), but very nice.


The enemies pretty much seemed like fodder, but the animation did look very smooth. I like the initial shot of Kyle blocking a shot like it was nothing as he activated his saber. Classic JK1 moment there. ; )


At first I thought I saw somebody get cut in half, but on closer inspection I was wrong.. the guy just tucked into a ball when he was hit with the saber blade, and then flew backward.


Shooting an AT-ST with a bryar pistol? Puh-leez...


'Exciting' is hardly the word I would use!

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I wonder if the amount of mana used will be different in SP and MP

Elite force apparently had pretty different settings for both games, even different executables, so maybe the way the powers and weapons work will be pretty different in MP

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The enemies pretty much seemed like fodder, but the animation did look very smooth. I like the initial shot of Kyle blocking a shot like it was nothing as he activated his saber. Classic JK1 moment there. ; )


Actually, that's a spark from the saber hitting the wall behind Kyle. If you look closely, you'll see that the saber hits the wall, makes a spark, and leaves a diagonal streak on the wall

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Originally posted by Executor32


Actually, that's a spark from the saber hitting the wall behind Kyle. If you look closely, you'll see that the saber hits the wall, makes a spark, and leaves a diagonal streak on the wall


Yeah, and if you look closer, you can see that the bar door closes behind him as he cuts the wall.

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You guys notice how far enemies move when hit by the sabre? Like halfway through when he is fighting the bot things, one of em gets blown across the room; as if he's hit by a baseball bat, or better yet a Mack truck. Still, it looks amazing; i suppose it is better than cutting people to pieces with no blood or with blood, or whatever :)

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It was definately cool, I wasn't talking about the content, I was talking about the video/audio itself. I found myself wishing it was of better quality. Don't mind me... I must be spoiled by the great quality videos for other recent games. They're teasing us! Nothing but grainy footage, it's like the Loch Ness Monster sightings! Okay, maybe not, hehe.


Not to worry, once my mana recharges, you'll be seeing Force Long Posts before long, I'm sure of it. ; )

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I think I like Kurgan's mana just the way it is now. :p


Let's not forget that Raven has said that there is still a lot of stuff not yet set in stone for the final version of the game to be released. True the person playing didn't appear to have very good accuracy, the mana did get zapped up pretty quick, but the picture could have been accelerated, maybe. And it was probably set on Easy if we have that choice, 'cause the stormies couldn't shoot any better than the guy playing! :D

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