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The "Wall Walk", did you like it?


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It was ok. I haven't really decided if I liked it or not. It's just that everything seems to want to be The Matrix. Bullet Time, wall running, etc. Gets pretty lame after a while.


On the other hand, it could be a great addition to the game, if it turns out to be useful, not just another gimmick to help sales.


Gonk, I think Kyle should run a little faster along the wall as well, so it's not just you.

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While it does look "neat", it appears inconsistent with the Star Wars universe. It's too Matrix/AliensWallWalk/CrouchingTigerHiddenDragon-like. Again, it does seem pretty "neat", but it definitely doesn't feel like Star Wars. I've never seen nor heard of anyone doing something like that in the Star Wars universe. I mean, if they're going to defy gravity, why not just levitate?


Anyway, I guess the proof will be in the pudding. As we get the game and start walking all over the walls, we need to ask ourselves if it immerses us more in the Star Wars universe, or if it takes us someplace else.

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I think it is great - and not too far away from the star wars universe.


Why wall walk when you can just levitate? Because wall walking looks way better than just "levitating".


I think is a great move to do - along with the rest of the moves in the trailer.


Kozi :fett:

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personally, i wish that there was a game out that offered much more control over your telekinesis powers....but that would be hard to implement and hard for players to control...that would be cool....


btw, i dont think that there has been an opportunity for jedis to wall jump in the movies anyway...it would have seemed awkward....

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He is a freaking jedi, of course he can wall walk, he can force jump, force lightning, forcepull, ect..ect..


My only question is, will you be able to do this move anywhere? or just in certain parts of the game.


Shoot I think force jump defies gravity more than the wall walk.


Any ways I love it.:D

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i would guess that you can do this move anywhere, seeing as he isnt using the texture of the walls to wall walk and instead using the force to keep him up...i imagine the inclusion of the wall walk is one, for using less mana and getting above a normal jump and two, just doing something else cool with the force heh..

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I dont thing they made this Wall-Walk to push up sales.


We're talkin about JK...and the Force....there are the many things and moves possible.... :)


I love this force pover.....the fights and actions will become more spicey.....


Wall-Run over a stormie group or a Dark Jedi..!!!to land behind his back lol..that rules...

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hmmm maybe you have to strafe jump into the wall, or, pressing both w and d (rovided you use wasd), which is strafing right and forward and then jumping against the wall would do it... (provided it is a wall to thr right as in the demo of course)


I wonder if it will be faster if oyu use force speed when you do that wall walk


it would be rather silly if it was a sperate force power (walk walk)


but im sure Raven has considered things and picked the best solution :):)


i LIKE the wall walk in any case

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

hmmm maybe you have to strafe jump into the wall, or, pressing both w and d (rovided you use wasd), which is strafing right and forward and then jumping against the wall would do it... (provided it is a wall to thr right as in the demo of course)


I wonder if it will be faster if oyu use force speed when you do that wall walk


it would be rather silly if it was a sperate force power (walk walk)


but im sure Raven has considered things and picked the best solution :):)


i LIKE the wall walk in any case


it would have to be faster when you used force speed unless it was just a stupid thing....that would be stupid if you got slowed down when you force walked on walls (especially since you force jump hella fast) i dunno how they're giong to do it....


i would imagine that it will be a passive power that you have to learn that says that when you jump against a wall you can walk on it provided that you have learned that power....hmm...but if it was passive, every time you jumped against a wall kyle would go sideways..lol....


who knows...

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I hope they do not mess up the game with Matrix things. Anyway, is Matrix who has copied star wars, in the books of the first three movies i recall reading something like ' Luke felt all things moving slowly but he moved normaly' (i could be wrong)


BUT why compare it with Matrix!!! Spiderman has been doing that for years, so do not compare with the newest thing that does it :)

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Just a reminder, this game is about Star Wars, not the Matrix nor Spider Man. Again, while later are very good stories, this game should make us think and feel as though we're in the Star Wars universe, not someplace else. Otherwise, as a Star Wars game, it has failed, even though it might be fun in some other non Star Wars sense.


Raven has taken a risk in order to juice up the gameplay. Let's just hope the Wall Walk effect isn't too over-the-top such that it feels out of place in the Star Wars universe.

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The game hasn't even come out yet, we won't know if it is a failure until playing it, which is also why I hesitate to call it game of the year, besides, how can this game not be Star Wars just because of 1 part of the game? Nobody says that JK wasn't Star Wars because it had multi-player (the idea was copied from other games.)


Everyone keeps forgetting that this is the "expanded universe" of Star Wars. This "expansion" of the Star Wars universe is a good thing, it allows the creators to not be limited to what we have seen on the screen, especially if it makes the game better, let's play the game before we say it is a failure or game of the year.


Besides, if you read the novels (since this is an expanded universe game) you will find many examples of jedis doing things that were unheard of in the movies (Cilghal, Corran Horn, Gavin Darklighter, etc.)


btw I do agree with you in that I hope it isn't overdone.




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I think it looked cool, and remember that Raven is still tweaking and optimizing JK2, so they might make it a little bit faster. I'm not going to argue with those of you who think it doesn't belong to Jedi capabilities or think it draws too much attention to itself being something taken out of Matrix(I'm starting to hate that movie simply because people are so hyped about it they don't see how full of clichés it really is), but only say this: if you don't like it, DON'T USE IT!

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I did not pronounce any judgement that it is a failure. What I said was that if the effect is overdone or obnoxious and takes us out of the Star Wars universe, then as a Star Wars game, it has failed. What I mean by that is that the objective of being a Star Wars game will not have been achieved. A game isn't a Star Wars game just because you call it a Star Wars game. It has to feel like one. It has to be immersive to the point that people are able to transparently suspend their disbelief and believe that they are in the same rich universe that they've seen on the screen and read about in many of the good expanded-universe material.


Yes, we have read about Jedi doing things we haven't seen on the screen, but all these additional activities have thus far been consistent with what we'd expect of a Jedi. If the wall-walk effect is just a split second thing, kind of like a back-flip off of a wall, then it might work. If it's something where I can stand motionless on the side of a wall for several seconds, that would not feel like Star Wars to me. It might be fun, but it wouldn't be Star Wars.


And if you can walk all over the walls, why not the ceiling? Why would you need Force Jump if you can just crawl all over the place like an Alien?


But again, we need to see the finished product before we can judge. And I'm not judging. I'm voicing my desire for the influences of other sci-fi franchises to not unduly intrude on what is already a very rich and wonderful universe.

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Hey Vagabond, I understand what you meant. And I understand your feelings on this matter, I agree with your viewpoint.


I kinda think it is funny that the Matrix copied Kung-fu in being able to "walk" on the walls (not the slo-mo thing), and George Lucas has openly admitted that the Jedi fighting techniques were taken from martial arts films. So as long as the wall walking isn't in slo-mo (ala Matrix) I am fine with it if it enhances the game play.

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