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This debate, fought over the eithics of trageting illegal arab immigrants for deportation, then it moved to the practicalities of all our nuclear war and it's after effects on life, then it moved on to gov't conspiracy and paranoia, then on personal faith.

CrackenSan is me, of course, then Girlybug16 is a friend of mine.

No, she is not single, no i don not date her.


any comments to her, you can pass to me at my e-mail


and yes, there is language in this log.


And yes, it's VERY LONG.



GirlyBug16: http://my.aol.com/news/news_story.psp?type=1&cat=0700&id=0202081351560832

GirlyBug16: read it

CrackenSan: i see it

GirlyBug16: did u read it?

CrackenSan: yeah

CrackenSan: and it's legal

CrackenSan: all of it. the US government has the right to question all illegal immigrants

GirlyBug16: so because your Arab your more likely to be a terrorist so were gonna pick them out first because theyre Arab

CrackenSan: no, there hunting illegal immigrants. note illegal, and fociusing on illegal ARAB immigrants because the pose a threat to national security

GirlyBug16: so they couldnt just be running away from the war in their country they must be a threat cause they might bomb us...oh i see

CrackenSan: they need to be ousted anyways because there ILLEGAL

CrackenSan: see the connection? Illegal Imigrants hurt the overall economy, and make the tlegal US taxpayer pay MORE to support there being here

CrackenSan: because since there not accounted for in the census, the gov't can't make proper adjustments to budget allocations, and therefore end up spending more

GirlyBug16: so are you saying your gonna deliver your own chinese food and pick your own fruit?

CrackenSan: on programs that the normal legal citizen uses, forcing the gov't to tax us more

CrackenSan: no, to start a buisness, you need to be of legal US citizenship./

CrackenSan: how else do you think they collect the property taxes?

GirlyBug16: but dont illegal citizens not want to be found so they dont go to public programs out of fear of being cent back to the crap whole thay came from

CrackenSan: then why didn;t the make a formal plea for asylum in the united states? that's legal, and the gov't usually grants it

GirlyBug16: what ever happened to well take you poor you hungrey and your needy?

CrackenSan: whatever happend to global terrorist cells... wait, there still around.

GirlyBug16: oh so all ilegal "aliens" are in terrorist cells

CrackenSan: did i say that?

CrackenSan: no

CrackenSan: the gov't is simple targeting illegal immigrants to PREVENT ANY CHANCE OF ANOTHER SEPTEMBER 11th

CrackenSan: do YOU want something like that to happen again?

CrackenSan: what if your in the next target, eh?

CrackenSan: and the terrorist turns out to be, low and behold, an illegal immigrant

CrackenSan: eh?

CrackenSan: bet you'll be singin' a different tune then

GirlyBug16: we'll first you have to find out why they want to bomb the hell outta us any way and if i lived in a country thats been in constent war for decades id want to bomb the people who only started helpings us so they could get what they wanted, revenge.

CrackenSan: id want to bomb the people who only started helpings us so they could get what they wanted, revenge.? what? what does that mean, your walking in circles. punctuation helps. ALOT

GirlyBug16: if people had ignored my war stricken country for years, and only wanted to helps us now because they wanted revenge, then id want to bomb them too. why should they help us when never helped them?

CrackenSan: what?! nonono, the Northern alliance was greateful for our assistance. they could never haved toppled the taliban with out outside help anyways. and besides, have you seen most of afghanistan after we started liberating it? People were ****ing happy! It;s the EXTREAMNIST ILSAMIC FUNDIMENTALISTS. there a small, but potent, and loud part of the islamic community spread over MANY COUNTRIES.

GirlyBug16: http://www.starhawk.org/activism/military-pagans.html

read this. war, in my opinion is bad and this person makes some valid points that i agree with. skip the religion stuff. do you see a point about the underlying reason of war part?

CrackenSan: so, we are, to, in essence, let these Fundimentalists, just bomb us with out retaliation? DO YOU REALIZE WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE THAT SENDS TO EVERY SCUMBAG TERROIST!?!!?

GirlyBug16: http://www.infoshop.org/texts/antiwar_talking_points.html

GirlyBug16: first paragraph

CrackenSan: That says, "Hi, were one big honkin' prominant target, ripe for the picking. what? bomb us? sure, because we wont' come after you"!? Um, no. then every ****ing doushce bag with a hatred for all americans will come after us, not FEARING ANYTHING. Anthrax in the water, chemical weapons in our subways, car bombs in our streets, in our schools.

CrackenSan: hell, they'll even use NUCLEAR WEAPONS SHOULD THEY GET THE CHANCE

CrackenSan: imagine waking up, to hear washington DC, our president, hell, our entire legislative, and judicial body WIPED OUT but a TERRORIST NUKE.

CrackenSan: *by

CrackenSan: what then?

CrackenSan: what the **** would we do then?

CrackenSan: just sit by , leader less, government less, and say, "Well, gee wizz, that sucks"!?

CrackenSan: It is the natural order of nature to resume balance. Humans have dissrupted balance, and it is natures way to return balance to the earth by instilling violent tendencies in the ruling species to kill it off to a point where it resumes a natural order

GirlyBug16: who care **** the government. i hate it. what the hell has it dont for us. now dont get me wrong i dont take for granted my rights and all but what kind of country are we living in? a country whos untold, but still there, motto is " hypocracy for all"

CrackenSan: a balance. therefore, war is necessary for the planet to be as vibrant as it is. or else, human will wipe everything out, and we';ll die anyways from starvation and de-forestation

GirlyBug16: then how about we save ourselves the trouble and kill all us humans?

CrackenSan: i don't care what kinda of hypocracy the gov't engages in. i collect a paycheck at the end of the week

CrackenSan: yes, we kill eachother,

CrackenSan: humans are nothing but greedy, ignorant, violent animals.

CrackenSan: and we have gotten to the point where it's either the planet, or us.

GirlyBug16: money is only important beause we made it that way and we invented greed

CrackenSan: and we chose us, our of blind greed

GirlyBug16: kill us not the planet

CrackenSan: no, human emotion of EVNY and jelousy

CrackenSan: sparked greed

CrackenSan: yes. i'm in favor of all out nuclear war.

GirlyBug16: yes not only should we kill ourselves but everyother goddamned thing on earth as well

CrackenSan: life will go on

CrackenSan: how do you think the planet recovered from the last great extinction?

CrackenSan: the meteor that killed the dinosaurs killed 99% of LAND BASED LIFE.

CrackenSan: the oceans, deep oceans will provide enough material for new land based life. Life will find a way

CrackenSan: it always does. i don;t fear for this rock. the earth will be fine. after we're long gone, we'll be nothing more than follse record anyways, so why worry>

CrackenSan: ?

GirlyBug16: yes only that was natural. do you think nucular bombs grow on trees. no we made them, so how can they recover from something theyve never seen.

CrackenSan: example.

CrackenSan: the ****roach

CrackenSan: the most adaptable insect on the planet

CrackenSan: i'm sure, even though the earth is covered with nuclear radiation, the ****ing ****ROACH will be the one to enjoy the spoils of war.

CrackenSan: not humans


GirlyBug16: i fel sorry for the earth because it cant do anything about the man made crap we dump on it or do to it. do you think animals and plants can do anything about polution. no only we can

CrackenSan: things adapt to change. heat, cold, (ICE AGE) or thermonuclear war.

CrackenSan: how can you feel sorry for an inanimate object?

CrackenSan: the planet doesn;t care

CrackenSan: it's not alive. the Earth, the planet itself, is nothing but rock, and molten rock

GirlyBug16: but only natura things not the crao we come uo with. they cant do nothing about it

CrackenSan: so?

CrackenSan: chaulk them up to casualties of war.

CrackenSan: it's cold, sure, but hey, that's life

GirlyBug16: animals are alive. plants are alive. the earth itself is one big group of simbient organisms. with out on the others cant survive. the earth is alive then as well

CrackenSan: no, the earth is not alive. the things living on it are, but that doesn't make the planet itself alive. the planet is an inanimate object, floating in a zero pressure vacumme, circleing around the founder of all living things. a large thermonuclear power plant (THE SUN)

CrackenSan: so what? we expose the planet

CrackenSan: to a bit more radiation that it's used to. oh well, things evolve to adapt to thier enviroment, and they will. they'll adapt to live in a high radiation enviro

CrackenSan: and life will continue

CrackenSan: untill the sun explodes

GirlyBug16: so you hope

CrackenSan: which is a big thermonuclear detonation anyways

CrackenSan: which it will

CrackenSan: the ocean is 12% explored

CrackenSan: that's a **** load of crap that we don;t know about. we have no idea what life is down there, and what it can do

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CrackenSan: all those oil spills? life changes to adapt to them

CrackenSan: 'nuclear waste? life changes. Big, honkin' meteor?

CrackenSan: life get back on it;s feet, dusts it self off, and says is that the best you can do?

GirlyBug16: you only hope life will go on. but you do not no for sure. all you have is hope and faith but guess what. sometimes that isnt enough. sometimes you need to put forth a little effort

CrackenSan: Thermonuclear war? meh, in the big scheme of things, it'll take a few more thousand years, perhaps millions of years, to do it, but hey, I won't be aournd

CrackenSan: but it's been proven how vibrant and resiliant life is!

GirlyBug16: maybe you will, maybe you wont. you just hope you wont be around

GirlyBug16: says who? the people who killed it to find out?

CrackenSan: through out all the major exticntion, when life was reduced to 1%, it bounced back to it's full potential, only to be smacked down AGAIN

CrackenSan: we can see this through the study of fossile records, and core samples.

GirlyBug16: you only hope. you do not no.

GirlyBug16: we studied it

GirlyBug16: to error is human


GirlyBug16: we dont no for sure

GirlyBug16: only an interpretaion

CrackenSan: we do. fossle records, carbon dating concluded that many of the great forests had been around before man

CrackenSan: it's no interpretation, it's fact. DEAL

GirlyBug16: who used them? ANIMALS?it wasnt there before we invented it

CrackenSan: true, it was concluded that carbon dating worked through actuall tests, and know sapmles. (IE Dead people. carbon dating was used on known dead tissue of people, and it was then concluded that it worked. uranium dating was later tested, and found accurated. as was lead dating)

GirlyBug16: you only hope, you do not no. besides says who? the govt? scientists? how can you be sure its not just a big ****ING conspiracy? how can you?!?

CrackenSan: because scientist from other counrties, China, Japan, who aren't exactly "freinds to the US", confirmed this fact.

GirlyBug16: prove its not a conspiracry. how do you no the world as weve been taught, as we no it, isnt one big ****ing conspiracy?!?

CrackenSan: wouldn't a country that dislikes the US as much as china, promote it;'s scientists to blatantly DISCREDIT the US ones?

CrackenSan: it';s becaus ethey can't. the facts that the US scientists found are true, as confirmed by the scientific comunity long ago, and still do.

GirlyBug16: how do you REALLY no they hate us?

GirlyBug16: prove it. prove it all.

CrackenSan: why do you think they haven;t promoted free trade within there boarders with the united states?

GirlyBug16: could be umm....LIES

CrackenSan: why do you think they have all 12 or so nukes pointed at the US. why do you think there in kahoots with the north Korean govnerment?

CrackenSan: WHY the HELL do youthink they we're PISSED about that plane crash a few months back, when bush went into office?

GirlyBug16: how do you know? whos to say it isnt all a bunch of lies? like walking on the moon. i believe we did but is it really true? all we have is faith and even thats scarce these days.

CrackenSan: why didn;'t they say, oops, sorry about that, here are you pilots back!

CrackenSan: no, they KEPT THOSE GUYS for a damned long time just to watch america get it's panties in a bunch

CrackenSan: why would the gov't waste all that ****ing money on a ****ing huge rocket?

GirlyBug16: maybe. maybe everyone is lying to us. we dont no that. who can we really trust.

GirlyBug16: whos to say they even built a rocket?

CrackenSan: about the many people that watched 18 of those suckers take off from cape canaveral, Florida

GirlyBug16: how do you no they aint lying?

CrackenSan: they BUILT LAUNCH pads for goddsakes that you cna tour, that have the scars of inenste heat, only caused by an increadible rocket engine

GirlyBug16: you sure? are you even ****ing sure?!? you been there? you seen it?

GirlyBug16: prove it

CrackenSan: imy folks have been there

CrackenSan: and if you say

CrackenSan: that they might be lying, i'll beat you

CrackenSan: I have complete trust in my parents

GirlyBug16: beat me then i dont care

CrackenSan: so, are you to say, that we can;t trust anyone? even those that have feed you, and raised you? protected you?

GirlyBug16: yep

CrackenSan: so, you, in your personal parinoia, don;t even trust jason?

GirlyBug16: maybe maybe not- all i got is my faith and nothing else. i cant be inside other peoples mind. i dont no what theyre thinking or why they do what they do. i dont no who to trust. i just do what i think is best

CrackenSan: faith is a dangerous thing. it can drive a person crazy.

GirlyBug16: faith meaning hope

GirlyBug16: the hope for good

CrackenSan: as is hope. hope can also drive a person crazy

CrackenSan: hope for what they want, but will never come. hope for the future that isn;t there

CrackenSan: hope for freedom that will never be, hope for long lost loves.

CrackenSan: hope is a dangerous thing

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GirlyBug16: maybe so, but thats all anyones got.you have to hope, have faith and do what you think is right to obtain what your hoping for. goodness

CrackenSan: but what if your hope is out there, extreamly out there, and you try all your life to get this one far out hope, and you never get it. ever. what then? you either get severe depression, or go completly insane. Hope, is a dangerous thing

GirlyBug16: maybe but i think if its that out there and your working so hard, eventually you will reevaluate and set up more abtainable goals and teach people so that when you die they can work at abtaining the good. even if it takes 100 lifetimes

CrackenSan: what if this is it. YOU HAVE ONE SHOT

CrackenSan: then what? eh?

GirlyBug16: then at least you tried

CrackenSan: tried? try? To quote Yoda, "Try not! Do, or do not. Those are your choices. THERE IS NO TRY"

GirlyBug16: yoda is a character in a movie

CrackenSan: but it is true

CrackenSan: have you ever thought about it?

CrackenSan: you either do something, or you don;t

CrackenSan: you either go out and make an effort, or you sit down and say **** it

CrackenSan: who cares

CrackenSan: if you put out all the effort in the world?!

CrackenSan: you still didn't get what you hoped for, and you wasted all your time.

GirlyBug16: no, you can try and where you stop is what you did its not a waste if something happened. some kind of change.

CrackenSan: time, which you don't have. 20 years fro maturing, another 4 for personal career degree, 40 for working. that's 64 years to get to a point where you can START putting effort fporth

CrackenSan: from there, you have 15-20 years to put that effort forth!

CrackenSan: good luck, buddy

GirlyBug16: right now. who says u have to do all that other stuff

GirlyBug16: i dont need luck

CrackenSan: and who said you can even get what you want with out that>

GirlyBug16: whos to say you cant

CrackenSan: it;s a necessary thing in our world, to attain what we want through work, and education. wakeup and smell the roses. welcome to reality, not your paranoid driven one. welcome to a world of hate, anger, dispies, and jelousy,

CrackenSan: welcome to the world of greed, corruption, and war. WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH!! ENJOY YOUR STAY!!

GirlyBug16: well gues what i have a different view than you.. i dont have to listen to it but thats being closed minded, i have listen to what you have to say. you made a point. whether or not i agree with it doesnt matter. you think what you want and ill think what i want.

CrackenSan: then we agree to disagree. like the old saying

GirlyBug16: fair enough



and that's the end. again, commmets for Girlubug go to crackenregal@hotmail.com



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Well I have two things to say right off the top of my head:


If you don't trust other people, then why do you want them to help you save the Earth?


And as for the illegal immigrant thing, why are they only targeting Arabs? Are, say, illegal French immigrants not just as capable of commiting an act of terrorism?

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