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How long did LEC keep everyone in the dark about JK (the original's) story line?)


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:ewok:I'm not complaining at all, but it just seemed alittle odd to me that we don't really know any more about the story then we did 10 months ago. Okay, so maybe we know a few things, such as working with Luke, and the NRI reports... But besides that we don't know any of the key parts of the story. Such as who is the main villain, what is his motives, ect, ect.


So, my question is, is this normal? Did people still not know the basic story line of Jedi Knight, 1 and a half months before it's release?





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Yeah, I suppose I wouldn't either, but what I'm asking is; did it take this long to get information about the story line of Jedi Knight?


Even if they did release bits of the story line it wouldn't be anything major, you'd probably find out more about the the story jsut be reading the back box of the game when it comes out...

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Well as long as the Mods pay attention and delete a post like that you'll hear no complaints from me. :D


And yeah i absolutly do NOT want to hear anything from the storyline.


You may tease me throw dazzling images at me....preferably in the form of a demo....just as long as the storyline isnt revealed. ;)

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Originally posted by Sarcastic Saint

Well as long as the Mods pay attention and delete a post like that you'll hear no complaints from me.



Yea.....for a while after the game has been released everywhere I dont think we should discuss the storyline if possible until the majority of people have played it :)


The MODS really will need to pay attention close to the release of the game :)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

You DONT want to have this storyline spoiled for you! Trust me.... If you found out you'd want to have the whole MIB memory flash thing done on you.





I'm honestly hoping you all dont find out til u play the game.


Who told YOU ?!?!!??


... And would you rather not have known?


I almost feel sorry for you, having the plot spoiled before you even get the game...


But with that kind of inside info - Not a chance, mate!! :p;)

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