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My school's yearbook


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Hey everybody! I've been away.... well mostly busy lately. Sorry for not droping by as often.


Anyways, I'm the lucky bastardo to design the cover of my school's year book. The theme is the four elements (fire, water, air, earth). I have to present it the teacher in charge next week. But i want it to be PERFECT. Here's what I currently have. Please tell me what you think. Like, what should I add, remove, edit, etc.


Thanks for the help in advance!


(note: E.S.C. Garneau is the name of my school. Ecole Secondaire Catholic Garneau)

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Thanks guys!



Originally posted by Olsmo Lahun

yo jackal, do you go to a french school (i do) B/c the name sounded french


.... didn't I explain it? E.S.C. Garneau = École Seconcaire Catholic Garneau.


Is that french enough for you? :D


hehe. I'm french allready. Un franco-ontarien! Pour être précis, Orleans.... okay okay... Ottawa. Et toi?


Originally posted by darthfergie

WOW the grass looks like the Windows XP background grass...


Darthfergie.... why did you have to go blurt THAT out.... now I'll have to send our school's mascot to silence you once and for all. Sorry it had to come to this :D j/k

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Originally posted by Olsmo Lahun

oui, je ne parle francais que a l'ecole


hahah. moi c'est l'école, maison et ma blonde. Ottawa a une assez grosse communauté française donc je parle assez souvant. mais il y a beaucoup d'expression anglophones.


Sacré en français sa va toujour etre utile though. :D

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Hum. I'll have to find a picture of it....it looks very....special


All the school's sports teams are named Gaulois (norsmen) so here's a pretty big hint of what he looks like...just think cartoon-ish.


btw, the web site is here: http://www.escgarneau.com (it is in french of course)


[edit. FOUND IT. laugh all you want]













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Originally posted by Olsmo Lahun

vrayment j'ai penser que s'aiter just le Quebec

Ben... s'il y en a en Alberta pourquoi pas a Ottawa, la capital. Et Ottawa est très près de Québec. ET le Canada est un pays qui a DEUX langues officiels, le français et l'anglais, donc sa fait du sence pour que la capital soit bilingue.


Originally posted by darthfergie

ROTFL!!!!:D :D :D


Oh man!!!! The norsemen!!! Man that is just TOO wierd *lol*:D


That is the reason why our mascott was never on any yeak book cover! :D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Oh man...I just imagined what your cover would look like with your mascot standing there on it *ROTFL*:D :D can't breathe...:D :D


Hey fergie. I wanna see YOUR school's mascot.


and how about your school's webpage.


I'm pretty impressed for my school's webpage. It won the best web page for the french catholic high school board contest thingy.

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Ok.... let me try.. (DONT LAUGH)


Je m apelle Erik

Je habite A Pays Bas

Je parle Francais un Petit peu.


I hope i got that right... it has been 6 years since my last French class.

I know a lot of french words but to understand complete sentences is a bit difficult for me.



Nice cover.. Realy good man. you should come to my school.



it is in Dutch ofcourse. but my school is the graphical department.

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Nice job :)


One thing:

I would drop the Bevel on the text if i was you, just ad a soft shadow to it and make it a bit transparent.

And i think (soft-)orange would be nice as colour.

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Guest Tie Guy

Great job Jackal, that looks incredible. I once had to design a graphic for my schools yearbook. The theme was the sun, but it looked like crap compared to that. Mine was a simple yellow sun on an all black background (it wasn't my idea). It looked like what i wanted it too, i didn't want something elaborate, but it still didn't look to great.


Anyways, for all of you french people out there...


Je suis pantalon de ski! (no really!) ;) I do know what it means btw.

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