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I was kinda bored today, wishing tk421 would get delta force...and so i decided to play in a deathmatch level, just to learn all the places in it and pick spots to snipe him with, and all of a sudden....PEOPLE START JOINING!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! At first I thought it was a thing that the game does after so many minutes, but the guy said 'hey' and i was like...'oh hey', and was thinking how in the world did he get my ip address?!?!?!! and then more people start joining, i'm feeling newbish cause i keep getting killed and sniped...(i did respawn behind someone in a house, and i tossed him a grenade mwahahahah) and then the game was over, game was like 20 minutes long, minus the time i was in the level (bout 10 minutes). I guess it's cause i registered at novaworld or something...weird...hopefully people can keep joining my games like that...hehehe

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Rogue 15... i got your PM.. But i was already gone... im a bit of a different time zone :D :D. ill try later this week. im online a lot.. so if you would just use AIM or MSN then it will be ok.


and maybe other would like to join us too..

How about you Cap RAVE.

And im only talking about Delta Force 1. no more no less.

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