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More New Screens!!!


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I know at least two of these are new, I haven't seen them before. The one with the AT-ST I've probably seen before, because it rings a bell. Neway, here are the links...the pics are kinda big, btw. Click on the pic to see the full size


<a href="http://jedi.raven-games.com/images/screens/a7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://jedi.raven-games.com/images/screens/a7.jpg" width="640" height="480"></a>

<a href="http://jedi.raven-games.com/images/screens/a6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://jedi.raven-games.com/images/screens/a6.jpg" width="640" height="480"></a>

<a href="http://jedi.raven-games.com/images/screens/a8.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://jedi.raven-games.com/images/screens/a8.jpg" width="640" height="480"></a>

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Guest X-Vector

These are old, I've seen all of them before.


Apart from the (non-existent) HUD, the way in which the Stormtroopers all take up the same position in that first pic should be a dead giveaway that this is ancient history.

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Originally posted by X-Vector

These are old, I've seen all of them before.


Apart from the (non-existent) HUD, the way in which the Stormtroopers all take up the same position in that first pic should be a dead giveaway that this is ancient history.


Firstly these pics are very old, probably some of the first ones we had. We can tell this by the way the stormtroopers look. Their much shorter and fatter and were the ones we said looked totally stupid. Raven obviously agreed with us as they changed the way they looked pretty quickly :)

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Guest X-Vector

Dazilla, I think you should consider linking to these images in stead of posting them directly, I've just done a size check and they're all over 100 KB, the last one is even 170KB!


Apart from that, they also screw up the thread format because they're 480 pixels wide.

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

First of all these pics are old but they were only released about 2 weeks ago....i know this for a fact so dont argue about it anymore.

Secondly the first pic is a "follow-up" (a frame from so and so many frames) from one of the very, if not, THE first pic released.


The 1 with the AT-STX (X=experimentel) was released about a week and half ago...also taken from an older build but still considerable newer then the E3 build.(t'was taken from a preview dont remember which)


The 3rd comes from an interesting number of pics that was once "forbidden" to be posted here on these boards....I and GonkH8ter and several others....gave info via e-mail about where to find those pics. (t'was posted on someones website i think)


Except in this case it a much clearer pic.


So there you have it the expert has spoken. ;):p

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