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Stealth, how much?


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Originally posted by Virtuoso

Stealth......................Do you think there will be a good amount of it in the game............. I love that sneaking around and accomplishing tasks in a sneaky way along with the usual action.:)


I also like this and im sure there will be alot. Raven said some missions would only be completable with stealth. Also, they gave the lightsaber a stand-by option to increase the stealth ability. There will also be stealth to avoid alarms etc....:D......im looking forward to sneaking around :D

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If I want stealth ill play metal gear solid 2.This however is how i will play jedi knight 2 :


*I casually enters the command base, lightsaber in hand awaiting its masters becon for its power. To my right 5 storm troopers to my left a fleet of imperial gaurds. At the top of my lungs i yell "your all a bit short for STORM TROOPERS!!". Slowly and manicaclly stunned the horde of empire scum face me and raise there guns. In an instant my blade is on, my addrenaline is surging and i think to myself....easy money.



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I hope there is lot's of stealth, or atleast the option to use stealth instead of direct combat. Also, I hope there is alot of puzzle solving in JKII aswell. JK didn't really have either at all, but I think it's possible JKII might be even worse in that respect, since "the game is designed so that you won't need to look at your map".



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Hack and slash, shoot, shoot, shoot, gets boring.......I love it for 40% of the game or so, but I want the whole package, puzzles, you know real brain teasers, missions with thought of how will I take this mission on, open ended paths, not just one path options. stealth is a great addition for me, I love to sneak and time events as I approach my goals, and of course exploration, finding items or clues that are not essential in finishing the game but add flavor and an accomplished feel to your gaming experience. And of course we all love the action with all this, experimenting with all the weapons and power, tricks,etc,etc.... I cannot wait for this game because the funny thing is that this game will have all this........;):):D

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Personally I want little to NO Stealth I don't see the point of playing a game where the developers provide you as a player Weapons for you to use and they provide Targets for you to shoot at and better yet these targets shoot back.. I see no point in stealth games cause you have nothing to loose I never find myself thinking " What if I get spotted and they find me" I think more on the lines of "How can I alert as many enemies to my position as possible so I can destroy each and everyone of them" I do believe however there should be some calmer point in the game but what ever happened to the good old percentage metre at the end of games letting you know how many enemies you killed???


I just played some zDoom.. and its always sad when you find out you missed someone... gives me the urge to play the whole level over just to make sure I find them. That way I can be sure that I see the whole level.

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I like a bit of sneaking every now and then, but I don't like REQUIRED sneaking. Don't get me wrong, the Thief games were a couple of my favorites. I liked sneaking around there, but admit it, there were quite a few times in that game where you just wanted to spring from the shadows and beat the hell out of that one guard that got in your way, despite the fact that doing so would reveal yourself and sound an alarm. My brother laughed histarically while watching me chase some poor servant through the house, screaming while I tried to club him with my blackjack.


My point is that I like to have the option of sneaking, but usually only to get into a good attack position. What's the point of that lightsaber if you're only using it to shave, cut ropes, and solve puzzles? I want to engage hordes of stormtroopers...

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these games are just wolf3d with a facelift the main point of this one is new weapons, Starwars universe and Starwars things to kill


every FPS game ever made is about one thing




Even Theif was about Killing and in the definition of a good FPS it doesn't do it well

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Sneaking acts as a compliment to action. Most games have a heavy dose of action and a few stealth areas. If someone asks me "What's your favourite part of the game?" I'd probably respond to the question 'the part with stealth' or something like that.

I like maybe one or two levels where stealth is necassary, I like to test my brain 'what is the best path?' However, I'd prefer for the majority of levels to be able to have a choice.

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Neither the original Dark Forces or Jedi Knight were about body counts, and to my mind that was a refreshing break from the FPS norm. It made you focus more on the storyline, exploration, and achieving your objective, rather than simply massacring everything in sight. Personally, I'd like to see that trend continue in JKII. In that context, stealth does have a part to play...but mostly it is about choice and preference. If someone prefers to sneak around and avoid confrontations when achieving their objective, then let them do it. If someone wants to go through every level blasting everything in sight...well that's fine too.


JK was always about choice. Choice of perspective, choice of weapons, choice of Force powers and ultimately a choice of Dark or Light side. I'm glad to see that JKII is retaining a lot of those choices, because it makes the game all the more enjoyable, and replayable.


I'm going to enjoy trying out all kinds of tactics, from stealth to all-guns-blazing...and I'm just grateful that choice is there. So many FPS games these days are lacking these fundamental choices...and they are part of what defines a great game, IMHO.


So perhaps the question should not be 'How much stealth?', but 'How much stealth will I be allowed to use?', in tandem with 'How far can I get without sneaking around?' It should be our decision...not a design limitation. ;)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Neither the original Dark Forces or Jedi Knight were about body counts, and to my mind that was a refreshing break from the FPS norm. It made you focus more on the storyline, exploration, and achieving your objective, rather than simply massacring everything in sight. Personally, I'd like to see that trend continue in JKII. In that context, stealth does have a part to play...but mostly it is about choice and preference. If someone prefers to sneak around and avoid confrontations when achieving their objective, then let them do it. If someone wants to go through every level blasting everything in sight...well that's fine too.


JK was always about choice. Choice of perspective, choice of weapons, choice of Force powers and ultimately a choice of Dark or Light side. I'm glad to see that JKII is retaining a lot of those choices, because it makes the game all the more enjoyable, and replayable.


I'm going to enjoy trying out all kinds of tactics, from stealth to all-guns-blazing...and I'm just grateful that choice is there. So many FPS games these days are lacking these fundamental choices...and they are part of what defines a great game, IMHO.


So perhaps the question should not be 'How much stealth?', but 'How much stealth will I be allowed to use?', in tandem with 'How far can I get without sneaking around?' It should be our decision...not a design limitation. ;)



Ditto that, I soooooooooo agree, action, stealth, open ended gameplay, puzzles, choices. But come to think of it that's Just what this game is going to give . I cannot wait. Remember choices is where it's at as StormHammer put it so perfectly. :D

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Metal gear didn't restrict you to play stealthly, it was just wise to do so. Same with JO it will be that you can face of the enemy straight, but likely the noise will draw more enemies. then youll be in trouble before you know it.

Its not cowardly, did Obiwan do it, yes, Luke at bespin shortly yes, sometimes it can be suicide but its better to sneak, especially on mission 5 where your in the imperial stronghold, and mission only only requires you to make it to the hangar to escape. You see thats what makes a game great, and not just another shooter for you to use invinciable to kill everyone.

To be able to play the way you want.


YOUR THE JEDI, you control it and have to play the way you see fit.

Brawns or brains, a good mix of both will give the player the best chance to beat the game without using cheats

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I'm thinking of Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope and Young Obi and Qui Gon in Episode I. Obi-Wan sneaks around the death star to deactivate the tractor beam, then he finds Vader and attacks. In Ep I Obi and Qui attack for a while, then when they are outmatched by the Destroyer Droids they retreat and resort to stealth. I think a good blend adds flavor, especially when you have an option.

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I think some people missed the point of the developers adding a stealth element. The point of adding it was to allow, the people who choose to, the option to not kill everyone in sight along with the age old "kill anything and everything" approach.


Alot of the people who are going to play this game are probably going to try to roleplay the jedi type character. It seems to me that the jedi, in the movies and the 3 or 4 books ive read, dont strive to kill everyone in an area. As for me, ill make sure i kill all of the dark jedi type characters (since they probably wont run away) but i wont strive to kill everyone else unless i have to for some reason.


[Edit - Stormy - sorry, but that kind of remark is not really appropriate for these forums, so it's been deleted. :tsk: ]

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