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JKII release date!!


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Anyone who says any later than March 29 gets hit by Force It's-Gonna-Get-Released-In-March-Or-Someone-Will-Incur-Hitman's-Wrath!!!!


Just to clear things up: MarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarch!!!!!!


Got it?

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This is a bunch of bull! Anybody who believes an April date is a newbie and a st00pid person. It's the last week of March, OK!!!! The demo will be out within 7 days from now, OK!!! When a demo is released it always means it's on track. And Raven are accurate with their release dates! N00b. All the trailers said March, all the magazines say March, their website says March, the interviews says March! :mad: That's it, I'm getting the Imperials to kill all the people who think it won't be March. :atat::atat::atat: WHAT! YOU AVOIDED ME!!!? Well, take this!! :deathstar:deathii:


Oh, and I rated this thread number 1...Worst

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Whoa there, partner, way to go off the deep end. :rolleyes:


In my experience, don't take anything seriously on the internet. Then you can't be offended. Yep, that's right, I laugh at you guys every day. :p (Oh CRAP, a line dividing the polygonal wall! Do you think this will be fixed by release?) :)

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Thanks for your senseless comments, SotE_Xizor1. All I was doing was sending out some info that I found for people to know. Didn't want to start some debate. I've already tried your antics on a thread I thought was stupid, but then I learned that it was I who was stupid (which was a valuable lesson) and that offending people won't get you nowhere (in these forums and real life too). I consider myself a newbie as you can see from my profile but that doesn't mean that me and the other newbies don't deserve some respect. Cool down and control that ego.

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Sadly, I have a Mac (though I'm not going to hate it because of this issue). I do have virtual PC but I don't think that'll work too well with JKII. JKI was fine but the mouse posed some problems I just could not ignore while playing the game (it worked absolutely well on my 1997 IBM Aptiva PC). Have pity on me. Show you support for the Mac users here in the forum and e-mail aspyr to release a Mac version. Then we'll all be happy :D If Yoda were alive, he'd be proud of us all;)

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People who pre-ordered with lucasarts will get the game alittle sooner than others. Thats the going rumor. I think when the title hits gold status, They will begin shipping to lucasarts pre-order peeps. By the time the game filters to retail, Should be late March, But more realistic to be eary April. They are just covering there backs.





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Gotto love the Mac :cool: I'm typing this from my TiBook 667 ... which is enough to run Return to Castle Wolfenstein when it ships. However, I will clearly be using my Dell Inspiron 8100 to run JK2, just as I did to play RtCW, and MoH:AA, and my most recent replays of JK / MotS. I have emailed Aspyr and gotten a generic answer, but I remain hopeful.



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