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JKII should be fine w/a keyboard and mouse


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There was an earlier thread about weather there will be a gamepad option or not. I played JKI with a mouse and keyboard and it was great. Especially the mouse. It is best for 3-D shooting games. Who neds a gamepad. Plus, You would need a gamepad with A LOT of buttons to get a smooth experience.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ElitePootZ

Yeah dude, I think that the only games that need gamepads are either ... Video games, hehe, or flight sims. Rogue Squadron and Starfighter are awesome with the Sidewinder :D



Lucasarts wrote support for force feedback for RS but not for starfighter. why?


Yeah, jk2 will work with a keyboard and mouse. i only use me controller (logitech wingman rumblepad) for flight games.

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I remember in the early days of JK using a joystick for some reason (and dont ask how I did it because I cant remember)......these days I use Keyboard and mouse and assign everything to individual keys so that my whole keyboard is full. Its much easier with a Keyboard and mouse...



Note : I stopped using a joystick 4-5 years ago :D

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I am the guy that started that gamepad thread. I prefer the comfort. The lay back in a recliner and have my arms tucked in a comfortable position instead of streatched out and upright. The keyboard/Mouse is fine, but I think of gamepads as "MINI-Keyboards". To each his or her own. I just want an option.............it appears there will be one, good news for all concerned. It is 1st/3rd person so gamepads are perfect when in 3rd person perspective.


I know I know I march to the beat of a different drummer..........;):D

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<font color=cbcbff> I very much hope that Raven will include joystick support. I use a combination of left-handed keyboard and mouse and right handed joystick. This is considered odd by most but it is actually quite effective. Though I'm skilled with keyboard and mouse, with this control combination I am a master. I'll be really disappointed if I can't use it in JK II.(I really hope no one replies to this saying I'm a "n00b" and I just haven't learned to use keyboard and mouse yet. I'm not a newbie, I've been playing this game for longer than I care to admit, and this is my preferred control)

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Originally posted by Lt. Durden

Wait. So you use the keyboard AND the mouse with your left hand? And the right hand for your joystick? DAMN! That's an impressive config. A little difficult for those of us with only 1 left and right hand.......

My guess is the keyb and the joystick with the left hand


I think the trackball can be considered as a mouse

but dont you kill your finger playing with that thing?

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Virturoso I was the one that supported the idea, I rather it be compatible with game controllers, because its more comfortiable and fitting, in certain situations it is the best since you can decide wether or not to have the whole game 3 person and not...(before one of you outsmart yourself, yes they have a saber auto camera but like Jediknight you can select ot have the whole game played in 3rd).

Next the sidewinder gamepad, or especially the dual strike will work great. Besides many idiotic peoples forget the keyboard and mouse still function even if it is set to the controller, so although their wont be a button missing it wouldn't be a big deal anyway.

Sorry this thread was a waste of space, but raven will make both compatible.

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Obi, I'm right there with you!


I use a Logitech mouse in my left hand, and my Logitech Wingman Interceptor joystick in my right for ALL of my games. If games don't support my joystick, I CAN use my Wingman Profiler, but it's less reliable and it wastes resources


The advantage of keyboard/mouse config over just a gamepad, is use of the analog axes (2 axis) of the mouse (= much more precision). With mouse AND joystick, I get FOUR ANALOG axes (mouse for looking, joystick for moving/strafing). This allows me to use both wrists for controls, instead of just one for the mouse - freeing up fingers to do press other buttons (9 buttons, 3 eight-way POV hats, for a total of 33 programable functions, plus shifts assignments, Plus the two more axes, PLUS my mouse). Needless to say, there a few times in few gait's a rarity that I ever need to touch the keyboard. This for me is by FAR the most precise way to move and aim, though most people who watch me do it say, "How do you do that? That must make it harder to control." Nope.


I REALLY hope they include option joystick/gamepad setups - the way the original JK setup controls was SO way ahead of its time! I hate using the keyboard at any time for ANY games (a necessity for chat, though). It concerns me that the most RECENT games I like (i.e. Ghost Recon, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault) have totally removed joystick integration. In fact, I'll have a hard time buying OUtcast at all if they choose not to include it!



Wacky_Baccy clued found some info that has relieved me: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32328&highlight=frumpus

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Hehe, I still have controls for my keyboard and mouse which i will never tell. They're great as hell and i use it for all games. Strange how i can combine all games into one controller. including GTA series fps, flying, racing and any other god damn game you can think of! except black and white.

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With mouse AND joystick, I get FOUR ANALOG axes (mouse for looking, joystick for moving/strafing).



actually, thats not THAT good of an idea, because the keyboard offers many more bindable keys....with a joystick, you can strafe and turn and such just fine, but you do run out of programmable buttons, and some of them are inaccessable in time critical applications (as in a 8x8 DM or other intensive game, such as an RTS)


my challenge to you is: play ff jk with only the joystick/mouse and try to win =)


keyboard/mouse ownz mouse/joystick IMO (not necessarily in ALL settings, but kb/mouse is more versatile)

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back in the day i only played cs with keyboard and it pwned, but then i started getting arthritis (inherited) so im forced to use a mouse and keyboard combo. Im not sure i see the advantage of using a gamepad ...wouldnt that decrease the ammont of buttons you have available to you? just curious i have never used a gamepad on my computer. I use it on my ps2 ;)

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Sorry in advance for the long post, but please read it... you too could have gaming bliss...


Up until recently, I've used the mouse/keyboard config. I still use a mouse, but I've replaced the keyboard with a Microsoft Sidewinder "Strategic Commander". Microsoft was stupid to market this thing just for strategy games because it's the bomb for FPS too! For those of you who aren't familiar with it, check out this link: http://www.microsoft.com/products/hardware/sidewinder/devices/SComm/default.asp.


Its a left-handed controller with 6 buttons X 3 shift buttons X 3 switchable profiles = 72 programmable buttons, right at your fingertips!! Plus, character movement (move forward/back + strafing) can be controlled by moving the whole controller around. This might sound complicated, but it feels completely natural. You can also asign keystrokes/macros to any of the buttons on-the-fly.


The only thing I don't like is that the movement controls aren't analog. But they're not analog on a keyboard anyway, so its not that big of a deal. In addition to moving the controller, you can also twist it, which I assign to walk toggle, so that makes it kind of like using an analog controller.


I highly recommend picking one of these up. I don't think they're too expensive anymore. Besides, if you don't like it you can always return it, and get your money back.


My config:


Right hand:

MS Wireless Intellimouse Explorer (5 buttons + mouse-wheel + it's optical)


Left hand:

MS Sidewinder Strategic Commander (72 buttons + movement control)



MS Sidewinder Game Voice (Voice Recognition + Chat)


Collecting Dust:

Keyboard ;)


I know I must sound like a Microsoft fanboy, but I'm really just as generally annoyed by them as the next guy. I'm usually very happy with their sidewinder stuff though.

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i admit the Stratigic Command is cool, the profiler is a little weak compared to the Saitek Smart Technology Programming Software, that thing is so power full that it can profile the controller to be used in you Internet Explorer with no additional software

as to that 4-axis, i have 6-axis on my joystick, it's a Saitek X45.. i think that I should give you the url so you can check their site


hehe, eat this Microsoft!!!!!

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