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Suggestion for Force Speed


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I was thinking about the new force speed, and how it is different in SP and MP. I thought that it would be cool to add scorch marks behind the character using force speed in MP. The reasoning behind this is that since the Jedi is going at near the speed of light, he/she would need an infinite/large amount of friction between his/her feet and the surface they are running on. Of course, large friction means large heat being produced, and that causes the scorch marks on the floor. This would also be helpful to lower the advantage some players have when using force speed in a "hit & run" situation -i.e. they can be tracked, adding some consequences.


db6 (Sorry for the long post)

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First of all, Welcome to the forums, db6! Make yourself at home, and enjoy your stay here :) You should receive (or possibly already have?) a Chocolate Jedi Medallion from StormHammer, and an Official Lucasforums Welcome Giftbasket from Boba Rhett, when they next stop by :)


With regard to your suggestion - that's a very interesting idea, and one that sounds good, but one that I feel could possibly be too taxing on memory to implement effectively :(


It may well be that someone could add this feature in a mod, as long as the strain on memory doesn't get too high... it could essentially be like making Force Speed have the same effect on the ground as the Sabre will have on anything it touches - leaving a brief glowing trail... Is that sort of what you meant?

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Thanks, but no I didn't get my medallions yet.


From what I have heard and seen in the trailers and the discussion, the scorch marks left by the saber do not last for more than a half a second, so RAM is not a big issue. I also think that it would be a good idea to put an option to enable or disable the marks (as a way to combat lag on slow servers).

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Welcome to the forums. You'll be getting all your gifts at some point, if you haven't already received them.


I see a few problems with your idea. First of all, force speed doesn't make a Jedi run near/at the speed of light. That would be ridiculous for even the Star Wars universe.


This would also be helpful to lower the advantage some players have when using force speed in a "hit & run" situation -i.e. they can be tracked, adding some consequences.


Well, since you can see where they go, there isn't much use in looking at scorch marks. ;) And if I'm in the middle of an intense deathmatch battle, just about the last thing I'm going to do is stop and analyze a player's scorch marks on the ground. If they really got too far away for me to chase, I'd go kill someone else.


Sorry, I just don't see too much of a point in your suggestion.

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From what I have seen in Jedi Knight, characters seem to "disappear" when using force speed and running around all over the place, probably because of lag (although I have a cable modem, I still experience that). I also see the scorch marks helpful when someone is combining force speed w/mindtrick or confusion, trying to saber someone to death, and then run for it when they get hit.



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Welcome! Also, I don't think that the people are moving at near the speed of light, or even close, for that matter. Maybe a few times the speed of sound, but no higher (they don't produce a sonic boom, i don't know why, probably because they use the force to push the air out of their way in a perfect sinusoidal shape). You know, you wouldn't see them move at all if they moved the speed of light.

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Ah! You are all hurting my head. I just thought of Force Speed for the first time really just a second ago. I mean, I've thought of it before, but this whole slowing down this really just kind of HIT me a second ago. For instance, imagine that you open a door and don't know what's on the other side. Maybe it will be a squad of troopers. As soon as you open the door, you see all five draw their weapons and shoot. You are caught off guard so you hit force speed. In the brief 2-3 second Speed burst you manage to dodge all 5 shots and dive back behind the door. That's going to be really fun!

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Originally posted by Moses

Ah! You are all hurting my head. I just thought of Force Speed for the first time really just a second ago. I mean, I've thought of it before, but this whole slowing down this really just kind of HIT me a second ago. For instance, imagine that you open a door and don't know what's on the other side. Maybe it will be a squad of troopers. As soon as you open the door, you see all five draw their weapons and shoot. You are caught off guard so you hit force speed. In the brief 2-3 second Speed burst you manage to dodge all 5 shots and dive back behind the door. That's going to be really fun!


The question is: Will bullets also travel slower?

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Heck, why stop there? Do Thermal Detonators<sup>TM</sup> explode slower? Do rockets and flechettes propel at a snail's pace?


And here's something interesting to think about...while the enemy's firepower may slow down, it is useful to note that yours should also be slowed down as well. Force Speed only changes the Jedi's metabolism and perception - it doesn't create some sort of weird temporal bubble around him, his weapons, and his ammunition, so that everyone else's shots slow down while his are sped up. In this case, the only weapon that would make sense to use with SP Force Speed is the lightsaber.


If Raven has errantly implemented SP Force Speed, which allows the user's shots to move at what seems like normal speed, but in "reality" are sped up to the same speed as the Jedi, that just doesn't make any sense at all. I hope this isn't the case.

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No, I think that it will slow down your ammunition too. That's a pretty simple thing to think about, really. I have no doubt that Force Speed will slow everything down, including your guns. Like you said, though, the lightsaber will be the primary weapon used with speed.

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but you know, the speed of light © is suppose to be constant. So shouldn't the laser blasts from the ST rifles still come at you at the same speed, the speed of light??


I guess I am getting into too much physics here, but as you speed up, in your frame of reference, time slows down, so that the speed of light remains the same no matter what perspective you're in. So I think technically, you shouldn't be able to dodge blaster shots. Bullets on the other hand, you should be able to dodge matrix style just fine.

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I guess what they mean by dodging bullets is that your metabolism speeds up, and so does your reaction rate, so you see any speed as "slow", this more has to do with biology than physics, since a jedi can "sense" where the blasts are coming from. But my point was, since the jedi is running really fast, they need to leave marks on the floor. Sorry for confusing everyone....

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A) Metabolism does not mean whether or not you are fat.


B) Blaser bolts are not lasers, and as such do not travel at the speed of light. Besides, do you really think light travels that slow?


(FYI: A "laser rifle' in Star Wars is simply a rifle with a laser-activated firing mechanism.)

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blaster shots in SW are super-energized gasses passed through a focusing lense (sometimes a crystal) in a big, energized, compessed blaster-fart (heh). the light you see is merely a simply by-product. if they traveled at the speed of light, then you'd see a beam of energy hitting the target (if you saw anything at all) as apposed (sp?) to a bolt. or something like that, my memory may be flawed... but there was a debate about this not too long ago, heh

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