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Any news as to who Dessan is (his background etc.)? I'm pretty sure he ain't been in the EU before. As for the single player story being at the time approximately around dark empire that could provide some really cool fights (multiple royal guards with force pikes at once? Test palpatine clones?).

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I was reading this thread and i thought that it would be cool if there was a game where your darth vader and you get to kill off the entire jedi council. Now that would be cool.


I also agree with Bomber II. Its Dessan. They have said that his appearance will suprise us. I wonder what he looks like ...



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Welcome to the forums, Jedi Nizar, SyKoTiCWretched, TimTheEnchanter, Rogue_Ace, SotE_Xizor1 and Cmdr. Cracken. :D Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here... *hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


As for who the end boss will be...I don't care what they're called. I just hope the end has a bit more to it than a simple duel in a confined space with a ton of ammo and health lying around. :rolleyes: Too many FPS games have endings like that, and it's so cliché... Sure, I want a battle...but make it across an entire level, with other things to do, objectives to complete, while you're trying to keep the Arch-villain off your back...[/rant] ;)

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Well you really need the original double lightsaber maniac. Exar Kun...he would posess somebody's spirit and take over their body using them to make a NEW double lightsaber and THUS ALLOWING YOU TO USE DOUBLE LIGHTSABERS IN MP!!!


*dream on*

If only there were double lightsabers in JO!!!!:(

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