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And here I am without a scanner or digital camera. Such a shame. Well, if you really what to get an idea of what I look like simply envision the handsomest guy you can think of. Then beat him around the face with a hardwood plank and give him a hangover. Allow two days to heal. There you go, that's me!

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Gendo, I tried that but I hit too hard and after two days he didn't heal...he just sort of decomposed.


I'll put up some pictures as soon of me as I can scan them. My "master photographer" guitarist took them so they probably won't look very good.

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darth eggplant's doppleganger,

the gentleman on the left

is one Jan Kupecky

Czech Renaissance painter

his self portrait hangs

in the Art Gallery of Ontario

here in Toronto Canada.

the photo on the right is me.

it is fun to go into the museum

and sit with friends right opposite

the painting; and when the tour groups

go by and the guide is trying to do their

job, someone always goes when they ask

for questions, 'hey dosen't that painting

look just like that guy?"


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Okay, i scanned the photos, how do I get them on here? I tried inserting an image...but that did not work...I tried a link...And it thought my hard drive was a website...And it won't let me paste it...I'm not that good at computers so spare a dime

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