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For those of you who wanted blood...


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Originally posted by [sICK]Vomit

Yup, people like me are calling for blood. We don't care that it's in every other FPS, we want it in JK2 because us hardcore FPS's know reality!! And Excrement! Don't forget the poop! I mean it's not fair to leave out that reality! Yeah Baby!


Technically it'd be unrealistic for a lightsaber to show blood. It instantly cauterizes as it cuts. Same thing with blaster fire. That's why it was used, so that there was no blood in the movies. The only difference is in the Cantina scene. That's the only unforseen factor. Every other time there is no blood.

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If you want to get technical, the Star Wars weapons are NOT laser based (except perhaps when it comes to laser targetting) even if they have "laser" in the title (turbolaser) or are incorrectly referred to as lasers by little kids ("laser sword").


Anyhow, there ARE metal bullets in this game, the FC gun, for example. Plus there's the issue of explosives.. these would "realistically" cause characters to bleed, and rip their bodies to shreds (can you say "gibblets"?).


However, nobody is asking for that... it'll likely be as squeaky clean as Elite Force was (and they have even said so). Yes, the early builds had misty red blood in them, but it's been removed (oh well).


Technically it'd be unrealistic for a lightsaber to show blood. It instantly cauterizes as it cuts. Same thing with blaster fire. That's why it was used, so that there was no blood in the movies. The only difference is in the Cantina scene. That's the only unforseen factor. Every other time there is no blood.


Yup, that's why the official Star Wars CANON FILMS are unrealistic, because they show characters "unrealistically" bleeding from wounds inflicted by [fictional] weapons (lightsabers).


(For references, see Cantina scene ANH; Maul's death, TPM; Wampa scenes, ESB; etc)

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Blood is not really essential for realism. There, I said it.


I compare MoH:AA to RtCW - one doesn't have blood, the other does. If anything, recreating the physics of blood spray takes away from the graphics to represent everything else. I didn't realize MoH:AA didn't have blood until well into the game - I think I read it somewhere ... not having it did *nothing* to impact the immersion into the game.


JK2 is not SoF2 ... SoF prides itself on GORE. I would rather JK2 spend the polys and CPU/GPU cycles elsewhere ...

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I compare MoH:AA to RtCW - one doesn't have blood

It's too hard to tell if someone get's hit in that. They shouldn't have taken blood out. even a little squirt would ahve done fine just so u know that you hit them.


Also in JK there wasn't much blood except when an arm flies off(not stormies tho, that's grey) But i really like gore and things in games :D and think it's sweet but the DF series proved to me blood isn't needed (but it should have been in when kyle punched the wall in DF and it took off his shield :D )

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Originally posted by txa1265

JK2 is not SoF2 ... SoF prides itself on GORE. I would rather JK2 spend the polys and CPU/GPU cycles elsewhere ...


SoF prides itself on gore? *g*

everything's relative you know.. I'd much rather let kids play SoF or SoF 2 than the upcomming Running With Scissors title "Postal 2" (yes, it's the sequel to the very critizised & banned "Postal").


Personally, I don't care about blood in games, as long as they're still fun - eg maxed out saberfighting :)

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I'd just like an option such as in SOF, where you can disable blood/gore if you wish. A spray of blood now and then would be fine in my book...and as Terminator said, it helps for you to see when you've hit something. Up close...well, pain skins would do that job.


I don't really think there should be exploding bodies in JKII. Leave that to SOF2. :D

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