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New Shots and New Knotes at Official Site! [02/20/02]

Rat Boy

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Interesting stuff. We see some more of the Jedi University on Yavin IV, the inner sections of Cloud City, Jan and Kyle in what is presumably the cockpit of the Raven's Claw (Gee, I wonder where that name came from), and a Reborn doing something odd with his lightsaber. It almost looks like he's levitating in his hand, or juggling it, or something.

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Is that glass that those two sabre combatists are on in the first pic? And there is no hud on some shots that look ingame, not that that means they are not ingame or are from cutscenes. Looks amazing; I cant believe after like 10 months we are finally getting this game :)

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Originally posted by Rat Boy

Interesting stuff. We see some more of the Jedi University on Yavin IV, the inner sections of Cloud City, Jan and Kyle in what is presumably the cockpit of the Raven's Claw (Gee, I wonder where that name came from)




Just so you know, that's NOT the Raven's Claw. That's our old friend, the Moldy Crow :)






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Don't ask questions. Accept it as true..... :D





And this....



this is either


A)- At the jedi academy, watching some people, before you get your saber.





B)- A Jedi Duel map, where 2 people fight and people watch until 1 dies.



personally, I think it's B, because we see pony tail guy fighting there, which leads me to suspect its a MP map.

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1> Gonk, I'm with you in saying it's the Moldy Crow. It looks like it, and it better be or I'll get real mad. If Kyle has a new ship...it would be like Han losing the Millenium Falcon or Boba Fett losing Slave 1...it just doesn't happen!


2> Hey, you guys should know that's transparisteel, not glass! Come on SW fans!



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Guest Krayt Tion
Raven's Claw


Known about this since a whiles ago, but now is an appropriate time as ever to add :rolleyes: to that.


And regardless of what happened to the Crow in JK, I agree with swoosh 100%.


edit: Also going to add in another pinch of :rolleyess to the quote above for good measure.

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Swoosh: actually boba fett DID lose teh slave i =)


anyway, on the jknotes 7, wtf is this all about?


Each of the eight missions had to be planned out on paper before level construction could begin and the same was true for the weapons, ships, characters and other major constructs in the game.



eight missions? wtf is that about???? bahhh






on that pic, what is up with the shadow? it looks weird...maybe its not a shadow? i dunno, but it looks awkward to me...

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That's the Raven's claw. You guys are nuts. Look at the 3rd cutscene "The Vision" in Jedi Knight. The cockpit has them seated in tandem, not side by side. The Jedi Knight II screenshot has them sitting side by side. The backrest for the seats are totally different in the Moldy Crow, and the Canopy is at too sharp an angle to be the Moldy Crow's cockpit.


That said, the Moldy Crow did take quite a beating when Kyle crashed. Maybe when they repaired the Crow, these changes happened, so it is the Moldy Crow (how else would have Kyle and Jan gotten off the planet with the Valley of the Jedi at the end?).


I tend to think that we're not going to be seeing the Moldy Crow in JKII, only the Raven's Claw.

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