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New chat questions.


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Lets start thinking about the questions we want to ask for the new chat. There are a few of mine.


1) How exactly will Force seeing/site work?


2) What Forces are there for MP and what are thier colours?


3) What is the range of Grip/choke in MP?


4) Have any of the MP maps been influenced by the most popular JK levels: BGJ and Oasis?


5) How fast is force speed relative to speed in jk1?


6) What kind of MP powerups with JK2 have? Will there be a force surge?

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1. When will the SDK be released?

2. When will the GDK be released?

3. What tools can be used for editing

4. Is ICARUS scripting compatible with ICARUS2 scripting?

5. Will there be an expansion pack?

6. Which Soldier of Fortune 2 features did you use?

7. Are the models using a skelet for their animations

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Originally posted by UniKorn

1. When will the SDK be released?

2. When will the GDK be released?

3. What tools can be used for editing

4. Is ICARUS scripting compatible with ICARUS2 scripting?

5. Will there be an expansion pack?

6. Which Soldier of Fortune 2 features did you use?

7. Are the models using a skelet for their animations



1. Dont know, what sdk is

2. Same ^

3. 3rd party tools, its been confirmed

4.Bleh, Dont know, good question though

5.They've said, its up to the sales chart.


7.Yes part of ghoul2.



Maybe someone could ask if parrying other sabers drains force reserves like it does when blocking blast bolts? Though it is kind of a stupid question, i'd reveal more depth to jk2 (actually having to use your mana wisely, or not be able to block). Again this question might be dumb to some people, but i havent heard of any info on parrying other sabers costing mana, maybe someone can clear this little question up for me. One other thing some people have been talking about, the passive force sense.. will it help sense gun fire in mp, like arrows in the direction of the threat? Well those are my questions ;) .

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Originally posted by UniKorn

1. When will the SDK be released?

2. When will the GDK be released?

3. What tools can be used for editing

4. Is ICARUS scripting compatible with ICARUS2 scripting?

5. Will there be an expansion pack?

6. Which Soldier of Fortune 2 features did you use?

7. Are the models using a skelet for their animations


1. (SDK = Software Development kit)

2. (GDK = Uh, Game Development kit. Source code I guess)

3. Most anything that edits the Q3:TA engine. Radiant to name one.

4. Basics only probably. ICARUS2 might have overhauled the advanced scripting features of ICARUS so a probable yes with some work on the ICARUS script.

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It is sad that I have to ask these questions, but given the support for Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, I feel obligated:


1. Will there be patches released, as needed?


2. Cheating was a HUGE problem in Jedi Knight. How will this be addressed in JK2?


3. Will Raven continually support the game, even when bugs/cheats/exploits are found after the fact?


4. Smurfing and using "aliases" was rampant in Jedi Knight. Are there any plans to address this problem?

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1. Are your actions only going to effect how you interact with NPC's or will they have a deeper significance to the story line (maybe multiple endings?)


2. What is the MAX resolution that can be chosen in JK2?


3. Are the quicksaves and Saves going to be like Quake 3 or JK1? (i.e will you be allowed to save only at certain points/limited # of times in a level)


Maybe I can think of more later, but most urgent questions have been answered by now.




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Will you be able to control how high you jump when using Force Jump ... I.e. hold down the button for as long as you'd like (obviously, there will be an upper limit so you can't go up forever and ever into oblivion) for those high jumps and for short jumps hold it down for a short amount of time so you won't have to go sky high and then land probably hurt yourself in the process .....


That would be quite interesting, actually. Same could apply for Force Speed...


Just some thoughts....




P.s. I doubt I'll be at the chat ... so if someone is kind enough to ask these questions if that person thinks they are good enough, that would be great and then I'll just read the chat transcript later... Thanks

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lol, it's not gonna matter how much planning you do here..

anyone who attended the lucasarts.com (non-copy-pastable, ARGH!) chat knows that the following three rules will never be broken:


  • Silly & worthless questions (basically anything that can be found in the faq) get answered first
  • The person with the worst Q's get 40% or so of the answers
  • Interesting questions are always avoided

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