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lots and lots of thermal dets


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This is a random post, but did anyone else happen to notice that in screenshot 40 of 61 at the LucasArts site, the player has *97* thermal detonators?!! wouldn't it be cool if they left out the restriction in the final game... (even though i know it won't happen.) ok, that's enough random blabbing. bye.



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Rationalizing what you can carry and ammo limits is interesting in games - in MoH:AA, I could carry pistol, rifle, machine gun, heavy machine gun and bazooka as well as up to 5 explosive charges a detonator and a radio and binocs ... but only 5 grenades


I do like in SoF the way you are limited in what you can carry for weapons. I wouldn't mind seeing that in every game - it may have been nice in Elite Force having all of those weapons to empty into the final boss - but wouldn't it make more sense to trade weapons for ammo. I routinely use 2 or 3 weapons *at most* in a game - unless I run out of ammo. I would rather have had tons of sniper rifle ammo in RtCW than carry the Mauser ...

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the one thing i really hate is how the really cool weapons (and in this case, force powers) show up in like the last 2 levels of the game. there is no time to experiment with the new weapon and dismember new enemies in interesting ways...oh well, i guess it's a side effect of having lots of cool weapons but only a limited number of levels.

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I wouldn't expect to see the "99 thermal detonators." Most likely they had all the ammo for the all the weapons jacked up, for testing purposes. As far as using the force powers, I'm sure there will be cheat codes to get all force powers, weapons, bacta tanks, llamas, etc. It was cheap, but it opened up a whole new dimension to the levels.

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I'd have to go with txa1265 on this issue. Kyle has the use of the force (eventually), but even so, carrying around a literal ton of weapons and ammo would be a constant drain on his force energy, while being incredibly cumbersome to boot.


I wouldn't have minded seeing at least some of the larger weapons strapped to his back in some of those shots...because realistically there is nowhere else to put them. Also, if you pick up a belt or bandolier of thermal dets...shouldn't that appear somewhere on Kyle's torso? I think it would make sense to at least show a back pack, where you can hide all those weapons, ammo and supplies. With the Ghoul2 tech it should certainly be possible, and would take a little step closer to making it more believable.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a stickler for realism, and I'll play JKII no matter what. However, I too liked SOFs limit to how many weapons you could carry...it was actually a nice RPGish element having to choose your arsenal for a particular mission. You had to choose which weapons would best suit the obstacles ahead, and adjust accordingly. I thought that was a great gameplay element, which is sadly not seen in many FPS games.


Perhaps there is room for an SP/MP mod along these lines, if such a feature is missing from the final build.


I also agree with Syko in that it's a shame some of the more interesting weapons in games are left to the very last levels, so you don't get much of a chance to experiment with them...unless it's in MP. I think that issue could partly be resolved by ensuring the weapons are balanced. Some weapons should be more suitable against certain enemies, sure, but I don't think each weapon should just get progressively better. Unreal came up with some interesting weapon designs, which had their strengths and weaknesses...and I still found myself using the hand pistol later on in the game. That, to my mind, is a good example of balancing a weapon so that it is still useful when you run out of ammo for your other weapons. By a similar token, if you limit the ammo of heavier weapons...you limit reliance on their use except in the most difficult circumstances.


I hope they get the weapon balance right in JKII, so we don't end up with a couple of super-weapons that become the main weapons of choice either in SP or MP.


Which brings me to RTCW...


I didn't think the Tesla was very good. I wanted to use it against a roomful of enemies...but it hardly had any effect - yet when used against me, it was very effective and very deadly. A few hits and that was it. Not a good example of weapon balancing, IMO. The Venom, if anything, was a little too powerful, because that's all I used to kill the big boss at the end - and I didn't even use all the ammo (on medium difficulty). :rolleyes:


I think the available ammo for the sniper rifles was about right. Any more...and I would have used it through most of the game, along with the suppressed sub-machinegun. Limiting ammo is a good way of making you use other weapons in your arsenal, along with making certain weapons more effective against certain enemies. The thing I disliked was when you sneakily shot someone in the head with a silenced pistol and got a one-shot-kill, yet try the same trick when they were alerted...and it took about three shots. A bullet is a bullet...no matter whether your enemy is alerted, and it should do the same amount of damage from the same distance if your aim is good enough. I found a similar problem with the sniper rifle zoomed and unzoomed. Other than those minor gripes, RTCW is a very good game. :)

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I wouldn't have minded seeing at least some of the larger weapons strapped to his back in some of those shots...because realistically there is nowhere else to put them. Also, if you pick up a belt or bandolier of thermal dets...shouldn't that appear somewhere on Kyle's torso? I think it would make sense to at least show a back pack, where you can hide all those weapons, ammo and supplies. With the Ghoul2 tech it should certainly be possible, and would take a little step closer to making it more believable.



I never noticed but it's a damn good point. Tomb Raider has Lara Croft carrying guns with her and that was way back in 1995. So i think it's a good idea and fairly easy to impliment sicne they;'re using ghoul 2.



I also agree with Syko in that it's a shame some of the more interesting weapons in games are left to the very last levels, so you don't get much of a chance to experiment with them...unless it's in MP. I think that issue could partly be resolved by ensuring the weapons are balanced. Some weapons should be more suitable against certain enemies, sure, but I don't think each weapon should just get progressively better.


Agreed, (with syko and SH) I think it coudl also have a more lasting ability for people aswell, if they can get a shot of their weapons. i think it's a good idea to find the gun near the beginning and have hardly any ammo ubt get a taste of the gun, then the ammo rolls in half way through the game (or earlier)

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