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saber throw


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I've been hearing a lot of hype about saber throw, a lot of it speaking as if it was a new thing. Wasn't this a power in MotS? It looks like basically the same thing. Maybe a little more fine-tuned, and that whole "controlling it in-flight" thing is new, but the general concept of being able to throw the saber has been done...



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Yes, you're right. Saber throw was definitely in MotS...and I actually used it a number of times. :)


Part of the problem may be that some of the reviewers, etc., may not have played MotS at all...just JK. So to them it appears to be something new. I don't know, though...


It's good to see that the use of the saber throw has been extended in JKII, though. :)


If I haven't done so before...welcome to the forums, Syko. I hope you enjoy your stay...here...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)

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It seems to be a *lot* better done, and is no longer a 'force power ' (or so it seems) but rather a saber attack, and it changes as your powers increase.


Do they talk about it as new? Yes. Perhaps there is a reason ... but they also talk about the Mind Trick as new, forgetting persuasion (do you hear something) ... but maybe it is the use and development of these powers that makes them seem new ...

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It seems to be a *lot* better done, and is no longer a 'force power ' (or so it seems) but rather a saber attack,


It still is a force power as you need to control it in flight and at force level 3 it actually kills people it self by tracking them down.


Oh yeh mind trick is new in sp, because u do what obi did and in mp you use persuassion. :)


Welcome to the Forums Syko, have a newbie's spoon replica gift. :D

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Hunter545...yes, it's already been confirmed that you can control the saber in flight as your level increases...so you will definitely be able to cut down a few enemies with it. It actually shows this in the PC Gamer Video (don't ask me for links ;) ), where Kyle cuts down 2 Rodians...one on the outward pass, the other as the saber returns to his hand. Pretty cool, actually. :)

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Im thinking that saber throw is going towards balancing saberist v gunner matches... primarily because saberists have less distance to close before they can strike the gunners. That and the increased ease of the lightsaber connecting with someone due to pixel-pixel collision detection and the netcode.


I'm just hoping saberthrow has limited air time when your guiding it by itself.. gameplay might get kind of lame if the entire game is spent with saberists hiding in corners chasing after anyone who goes out in the open with flying sabers. :p

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Not to be rude, but I don't think the developers exactly made the game as like classes of people, gunners or saberists. The game Jedi Knight has been out for a long time and so people have developed into their own little thing. If Jedi Knight 2 ws coming out and it was just Jedi Knight and never had prequels, we wouldn't say gunners and saberists ya know? They're using it though so it can work better into keeping your distance from your opponent, say you're only three feet away, but instead of wanting to block the blasts from a rifle, just throw it. Just my opinion though.

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Not to be rude, but I don't think the developers exactly made the game as like classes of people, gunners or saberists.


I also doubt that the developers of jk had any idea what could be done with force speed and force jump. The style of gameplay was so different that alot of people started to specialize in NF sabers, NF guns, FF sabers, FF guns.


If Jedi Knight 2 ws coming out and it was just Jedi Knight and never had prequels, we wouldn't say gunners and saberists ya know?

We probably wouldn't, but it does so its not a improper assumption that people are going to probably devide between saberists and gunners with those who learn both. For this example however, I simply meant saberist to mean someone using a saber at the moment and gunner to mean someone using a gun at the moment.


They're using it though so it can work better into keeping your distance from your opponent, say you're only three feet away, but instead of wanting to block the blasts from a rifle, just throw it. Just my opinion though.

thats what i've been saying...

...primarily because saberists have less distance to close before they can strike the gunners...

When I said less distance to close, I was stating that the saberists didn't have to get as close to injure the gunner; as opposed to running up and hit them while holding the weapon, they can throw it.

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so i haven't seen the movie with the saber throw in it, but im wondering if anyone can elaborate on how fast the saber actually moves in the air?


i really hope its fast, i mean itd be kind of stupid to have all this hype built up on the ability and to have it be easily dogded in a MP game... plus i hope it doesn't leave us open and vulnerable for TOO long whilst it flies in the air! but hey, if those standards are met, then i think itd be totally awesome AND very much used (something i hope for ALL the force powers and weapons... its a shame when good weapons/powers aren't used or can't be used in MP because their too outweighed), in both SP and MP.

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Yes, MotS's force power saber throw sounds to me exactly like JK2's saber throw on level 1 (ie: throw it, it goes out, comes back). The saber can be "lost" and picked up again as well.


Will the saber respawn in our inventory if we lose it for a certain amount of time? Who can say...


In MotS the power was always the same, except as you added stars, it used up less mana (meaning you could use it more often).


In JK2 they're adding manual aiming, and seeking ability, not bad!


And yes, it is quite possible that the reviewers are less familiar with MotS...

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Originally posted by Mormegil

I have to say, I don't like the saber throw. It makes Kyle look like a sissy boy! :p


It's just not how I imagine a jedi to be. We didn't see Qui-Gon and Obi-wan taking out droids by throwing sabers through them like boomerangs. They were far more elegant.


Vader does it in return of the jedi :) he throws his saber which brings down the platform Luke is standing on...

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