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Editing Questions


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

What did you find so hard about JED? :confused: It's probably easier to get the hang of then most other game editors.


JED 0\/\//\/5 j000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, it owns me, it's the easiest thing to edit. I had the same problem he probably had, and i didn't get the cleaving and crap, cause i wanted to make 'outside buildings' and the outdoor tutorial didn't help ONE BIT!!! and so i went to 3dos, and made a bunch of buildings (i eventually made an AT-PT) and i went to try to make a decent level with those 3dos, but it seemed sucky, so i tried the catwalk tutorial, and BAM!!!!!! I learned outdoor buildings, they're the exact opposite of 3dos, and i was able to do 'Massacre at Abridon', can be found at http://www.massassi.net for mots.

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I just couldn't get into it... I had it...


Heck I'm saying now I wanna make a level for my clan but I KNOW I'll probably get fed up witht he Q3A thing and give up.



The last level for a game I made was a stupid level for Duke Nukem 3D called Mega Man City lol :p

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Hehe, get this I had JkEdit, the registered version 40 bucks!! :D it was cool though and super easy, I had a level called Space Outpost lol it was fun. Type in EMW, my old clan and it'll come up with a level from an old clanmate of mine. Top that level making neetness. :o

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JED really wasn't all that difficult once u figured out everything was BACKWARDS!!! heh. I was trying to poke Q3Radiant and make a simple room and i was going insane...


I'm used to worldcraft for Half-Life where it looks like a generic 3d modelling app, with 4 viewports: left, top, front, and 3d. q3radiant doesn't look the same and it confuses the hell out of me. but yeah, JKII will probly use something similar since it uses the Q3A engine.


Actually...here's a random question. What do you think the JKII file formats will be like? I mean will they be the same as Q3A? Will quake3 models work in JKII, and the same with levels, or what?



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Mapping is hard to learn at first, but if you have access to good tutorials, it can be learned quickly. If you are serious about mapping for JKII. I would highly recommend cutting your teeth by making a Q3 map. (I assume you have Q3 don't we all?)


I pick Q3 because there are a lot tutorials and support available for it. If you have more courage you can go with Elite Force mapping since it is tuned into Raven's niche more.


You may as well start with GTRadient or some other Radient derived varient. It has become the Standard for Q3 engined games. The skills you learn will directly pass over to JKII mapping.


I really don't think that Raven will release the mapping tools the day the software is released. Past experience for me has been that they wait until their first patch is released before making the tools public. This is so that the source code used by mod makers has the bugs worked out before its released. Its a smart decision on their part.


You can make a map for JKII right now if you want. You won't be able to use the textures until the game is released though. But you can at least get a head start with making the map using Q3 textures and then retexture it when the JKII is out and then just extract the JKII textures from its pk3 and apply it to your map. We will also need to wait and find out what the names of the entities are (weapons, health kits, etc..) before you can put them into your map. Things like info_player_start will likely remain the same as they where in Q3, but others will be unique to JKII.


Also about Models being xferred from Q3 to JKII. I don't think that they will be compatible. This is considering how Raven uses their Ghoul2 model engine. Plus the Q3 models don't have the animations for the Light Sabers, so its not apples to apples here.



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Welcome to the forums, BOMBER II. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here you go...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


I also don't have Q3A...well, I've got the demo, but that doesn't really count. ;)


I haven't found the time to even look at the editing tools for Elite Force...though I downloaded them a while ago. The only maps I ever created were for Doom (never made public), so I'm very rusty... :(


Guess I'll have to do some reading up...and experimenting...because JKII will be one of the few games I'll want to make things for, if I ever find the time. ;)

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:( Nobody's given me a chocolate Jedi medallion.


Once you get the hang of it Jed is quite easy. Hell, the newest version even supports 16 bit textures! For those of you that have been away from JK for a while, it was descovered about a year ago that 16 bit textures work in JK, but only for people with 3d video cards (and even then some of the old ones didn't work).

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