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Boss health bar


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Guest Krayt Tion

I'm not a fan of health bars for FPS bosses, either.


I must also add that your avatar savagely mocks the convergence of my dying monitor, jesseg.

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i think bosses should have as much hp as normal players... 2 hits and their dead.....

(what gives bosses huge amounts of hp neway???)


with jk2s new kick ass AI, it shouldnt be a problem to make bots that dont need to have 10000²hp, just make them smart enough to defend themselves :D

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I agree that the Boss health meter is a bit 'arcade-ish' (or playstation-ish), but I do like the idea of getting some sense of your opponant's health - remember in Doom you get that on your center HUD character? Perhaps some visualization on the boss - the boss who is *one hit away* from death should probably look a *bit* different from the superstrong foe who promises to make you quick-load half a dozen times ;)



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Originally posted by txa1265

I agree that the Boss health meter is a bit 'arcade-ish' (or playstation-ish), but I do like the idea of getting some sense of your opponant's health - remember in Doom you get that on your center HUD character? Perhaps some visualization on the boss - the boss who is *one hit away* from death should probably look a *bit* different from the superstrong foe who promises to make you quick-load half a dozen times ;)




I agree. Instead of a health meter they should show that they're heavily damaged.


Relating to this, you know how you can cut limbs off?? Well, if you cut someone's arm off, will they just suddenly die, or run off screaming?? Or if you cut off their leg will they thrash about on the floor in pain?? Is that too realistic/graphic/traumatic(/hilarious) for a computer game??? Personally, I don't think that everyone who loses a limb automatically dies becasue of it, 'specially since the lightsaber will cauterise the wound (and yes, we know from the E.U that this happens, even though lightsaber blades aren't "hot").

Shouldn't the game have some realism like this??

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Hey, for wimpy stormtroopers, they probably would pass out from the pain if getting a limb cut off. So I think the enemy would drop if losing a limb. I mean, even if you lose limb, and still conscious, you'll probably want to play dead at the very least. Either way, they should be on the floor. I don't want to see half storm troopers shooting at me. The Empire does not pay these storm troopers enough for them to fight to the death after losing a few limbs. The running away... eh... it's okay, but I still think it'll hurt so much you should just drop to the ground.


As for the bosses, that's a whole different deal, because they have force power and all, so they'll have more control over their own pain, and probably be better suited to fight to the death. I also believe the bosses should have no more health than you, but to make it challenging, they should have minions that gets release periodically to hurt you, or make them excellent duelist who can block nearly anything you can throw at them (so it's hard to hit them), or they can have a butt load of force powers and keep shooting lightning at you the entire duel, but you should not be able to deal 20 blows to the body with a light saber and see no visible damage, and then have the guy just drop.


I think that boss fights should permit cutting of limbs, so the boss will lose a hand or something, and their fighting worsen, and they can begin to panic or become maniacal or something. or make them really good duelists in the beginning. Stop anything you can throw at him with blocking or dodging, but allow the boss to get tired as time goes on, until he lets his guard down and you sneak through and cut him/her in half in one blow. That's the type of boss dueling I am looking forward to.

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Yeah I don't think that bosses will be able to lose limbs, but I don't think it's totally unlikely that they might only require 1-2 hits to kill. The AI in this is supposed to be incredible, and there is specific "Jedi AI", so I wouldn't rule it out.

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Guest Lord Chief

Like many others allready said before me, Id say its better to show visual damange on the boss-figure than to show a healthbar. It indeed would make JK2 look too arcade.


JK1 was a bit irritating in this perspective. The bosses you fought needed 10 to 20 full power hits to get them on their knees. Not very realistic.


I dont like the idea of minions spawning and chopping away at my back while Im fighting a boss. Takes away the suspense of a 1vs1 duel and makes it far too hectic. Indeed, it would be better to make the bosses hard to hit because they block well.

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Yeah, personally I'm all for that, a boss that takes 1 or 2 hits to kill depending on where you've hit him. But ofcourse, that he's indeed also so skilled that you'd need to use alot of skill and/or a cunning trick to outsmart him and chop him in half... would make things more realistic to the SW universe as well.

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Originally posted by The Bothan Spy

Perhaps if you stabbed them in the foot they'd hop around in a comical way, screaming obscenities!!

I really would LOVE to see a one legged Stormie thrashing around in pain on the floor. I'd pay to see this!!


I *strongly* hope there are NO obscenities. If they are really keeping with the star wars universe, they will keep that to a minimum if not even including it at all.



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Originally posted by The Bothan Spy

Perhaps if you stabbed them in the foot they'd hop around in a comical way, screaming obscenities!!

I really would LOVE to see a one legged Stormie thrashing around in pain on the floor. I'd pay to see this!!


Hahah ya that would be great.. :trooper::slsaber:

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I can't help but think of the "Weapons Test" on the Behind the Magic disc for the lightsaber:


Lightsaber is thrown at the panicing Stormtrooper. He flinches as the saber flys over his head, then for a second, thinks "Wow! I'm alive! I'm all right!"


Then his arm falls off.


He looks at the arm, and then at the socket where it used to be. He nudges it with his foot, and then picks it up and sadly walks away :D

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