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Boss health bar


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Originally posted by AB_Legion

This topik has now changed from "Will the boss have a Health Bar indicator??" to: "I'd like to see stormtroopers maliciously cut up"...




Cheers ;)


Yeah, it's wicked, isn't it!!


What's everyone's favourite kind of mutilation they'd like to see in the game????

How 'bout cutting the individual eye-stalks off a Gran and beating them to death with them???

By the way, this kind of behaviour APPALLS me, and I don't condone it in ANY way. It is of the dark side, and therefore NOT for me!! Oh, hang on...

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Originally posted by Zx2

i think bosses should have as much hp as normal players... 2 hits and their dead.....

(what gives bosses huge amounts of hp neway???)


with jk2s new kick ass AI, it shouldnt be a problem to make bots that dont need to have 10000²hp, just make them smart enough to defend themselves :D


Reborn will have personal shields in JK2. So they can probably withstand a few hits from the lightsaber.


BTW, I just realized why stormies and such fly off at mach 3 after getting hit with a saber: it's the only way to show a non-lethal saber hit except for the JK way (have the saber unrealistically go through your opponent without killing him) Likely this will happen with most AI.

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Originally posted by The Bothan Spy

Perhaps if you stabbed them in the foot they'd hop around in a comical way, screaming obscenities!!

I really would LOVE to see a one legged Stormie thrashing around in pain on the floor. I'd pay to see this!!


... kind of like in SoF ... shoot the gun out of there hand and the stand there shaking there hand in pain, shoot them in the leg and they hop ... it is funny :D

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Originally posted by Bar_Tender

I can't help but think of the "Weapons Test" on the Behind the Magic disc for the lightsaber:


Lightsaber is thrown at the panicing Stormtrooper. He flinches as the saber flys over his head, then for a second, thinks "Wow! I'm alive! I'm all right!"


Then his arm falls off.


He looks at the arm, and then at the socket where it used to be. He nudges it with his foot, and then picks it up and sadly walks away :D

Oh yeah, that thing alone was worth getting "behind the magic" for lol

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If this were an arcade game, I'd say yes. But as it is, we can't see the health of other players in MP, or of weak enemies in SP, so why the boss? Pain skins would be nice, but I'd rather keep the suspense of not knowing exactly how much power he has left at every given moment.

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Yes your right, aside with the ghoul system it will be pretty much useless, I mean if the Boss Ai they make is slightly better than Jedi AI then that means they should be able to counter most to all your moves anyway, making the battle already difficult for you to even get a hit. 3rdly if you add a health bar then you struggle to get a hit in like the movies, so it could become tedious since your able to just dominate him.


Thats why yeah the BOss should be tougher but still if you get a good head slash he should be dead no matter what,

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Maybe some cool features would be such as these:


If you slice thier arm off, they run away, but after a few steps they collapse and die/passout


If you shoot a Stormy in his gun or use your saber to maybe cut his gun in half, it could malfunction, or....BACKFIRE!! Stormy 1 - Stormy 0!!! :)


Would be good if using guns you can take someone's knee out to slow them down, or a shot to the groin to send them down on thier knees holding their...."gungans??!??!?" And with them on thier knees, all u need to do is slice thier heads clean off!!! :)


Will heads be able to be taken off?? And if so, will it kill them?!??! ;) Ok, the fatal bit was a joke, but will you be able to decapetate someone? Maybe in multiplayer too??

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I was hopeing they would at least have it so it will have the limb detection like goldeneye and games now too.

Where you can cut arms and their doesn't have to be blood but at least dismemberment, only with the saber at least.

I have a feeling they will probably let you change these settings

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Originally posted by L'Equa Sinar

If you shoot a Stormy in his gun or use your saber to maybe cut his gun in half, it could malfunction, or....BACKFIRE!! Stormy 1 - Stormy 0!!! :)


Now that would take skill, shooting a stormtrooper rifle out of someone's hands. How are you going to give yourself the time to get a decent aim on that gun while that stormtrooper (and his friends most likely) are shooting at you? Well ofcourse you could snipe it out of his hands.. but by the time you also get there to finish him off he probably would have picked up again and sounded some alarms.

And now for cutting it in half, first you'd need to get to the stormtroopers side.. since it's as good as impossible to cut the barrel of a gun in half without also getting the hand/arm of the trooper. Also once's again you'd have to put up with the trooper trying to blast you. And if you manage to get besides him, you'd need to get the time to calculate and inniciate a slice attack that would just get the barrel of the rifle and not the enemy himself. (Who will probably resort to punching you in the face than.) But basically, it would be VERY cool if you could do that, but it would be so much easier to just shoot/cut up the trooper without damaging the gun. (besides if you cut the rifle in half you can't use it yourself ;) )

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Well I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to pussy out on all this stuff.


You'd think when they made SOF, and SOF2... that they'd push the envelope.


Maybe I'll be proven wrong... but my guess is that we'll be lucky to see even the arms coming off as in the early screenshots and in the original JK.


They have a free pass to not have a drop of blood in the game and not make a single one of us mad, because of the nature of the weapons. So, even if they went all out (which I wish they would) with cauterized dismemberment and decapitation and all of it... it'd still be very tame by most games' standards.


And certainly by Raven standards.


So I don't know how much Lucas Arts is specifying, but it seems like they're being wussier than they probably have to be.


We shall see.


This is all fairly minor in the end, I hope the batsaber thing doesn't end up being a real problem.


Overall I am psyched like you wouldn't believe for the game, and I have a feeling that despite some minor things I would've done differently about it, or a handful of what I will feel were missed opportunities, and lament... that it will be one of the all time great games just like the original.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Now that would take skill, shooting a stormtrooper rifle out of someone's hands. How are you going to give yourself the time to get a decent aim on that gun while that stormtrooper (and his friends most likely) are shooting at you? Well ofcourse you could snipe it out of his hands.. but by the time you also get there to finish him off he probably would have picked up again and sounded some alarms.

And now for cutting it in half, first you'd need to get to the stormtroopers side.. since it's as good as impossible to cut the barrel of a gun in half without also getting the hand/arm of the trooper. Also once's again you'd have to put up with the trooper trying to blast you. And if you manage to get besides him, you'd need to get the time to calculate and inniciate a slice attack that would just get the barrel of the rifle and not the enemy himself. (Who will probably resort to punching you in the face than.) But basically, it would be VERY cool if you could do that, but it would be so much easier to just shoot/cut up the trooper without damaging the gun. (besides if you cut the rifle in half you can't use it yourself ;) )



LOL! Remind me to think next time before i post, but of course, if you approach from an angle of .214 and initiate a lightsaber uppercut at 45.67832 mph, then you could send the barrel of the bun into the air and make it land on the Stormy "Codename: Haddock" to the left of the airlock!


Ok, <reads back> think before i post......<reads again> yeah, what the hell!! That'll do! :)

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If Jk1 had a health bar and i'd seen Jerec first time i wouldn't have even wasted by time wasting him.


Picture this :) :


Kyle chops off Stormie 1's leg then arm,

Stormie 1: MY FRIGGIN LEG!!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!! You Bas!!!

Stormie 2: Is that painful? *Stormie one attacks S2 but gives up since no leg*

Stormie 3: Always look on the bright side of life!!!! "whistles" etc. *Gets jabbed off edge of the emporers unsafe edges inot some Fuel* "life's a laugh and Death's a JocccCcccccc...... ARRRGGHGHHHH!!!! Stop it Stopt it!!! "guguuuggghhhcccccccc"

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Seeing as people seem to be going all sdistc, why not have a force jump, then as you come down, thrust your saber straight down through the head and body of a trandoshan (Poor stormy's getting thier ass kicked in all examples...) then pull forward, taking the saber buried straight down his body forward, out and there you go!!! :)

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