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2 words...Gamespy(arcade) sucks...


Its been confirmed that there will be a in-game server

browser......which is really cool.


Check it out...part of the official FAQ


4.01 What kind of multiplayer server options will Jedi Outcast have?

Jedi Outcast players will be able to use the standard Quake III-type in-game browser to find games online, start their own servers for online play, and create private servers to play with friends/clans, etc. We are still in the development process and are investigating all server options. It's quite possible that additional gaming services, including the Zone, will be supported



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It's highly unlikely there will be Zone support. The Zone isn't made for dedicated servers, like Q3, JK2, RtCW, Half-Life, Elite Force, etc., it's just not in their software, and I'm sure they won't add it. Besides, they don't have support for any other Q3 based games, they probably won't for this. It's not up to Raven or LEC, it's up to Microsoft.


GameSpy is okay. JK2 is on their supported games list, but it'll be like any other Q3 based game they have there, meaning it just lets your browse servers via GameSpy instead of through the game itself.

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Quake2 had Zone support (it was just a really tiny community, compared to off the zone).


The Zone sucks.. I agree. But as long as it's free, and it's not the only option, I have no problem with it being there.


I hope the in-game browser is better than the vanilla Quake3 one...


I'm sure Qtracker will add support once the game is out. ; )


As to one on one saber tournies, those will be a snap on public servers with the "arena" type modules (much like rocket arena in other FPS games, or Arena mode in Rune/HOV).


I think even if the Zone was supported, I would never use it. I'd use the in-game browser until a better external program came out (like Qtracker), and then post/check favorites from the LucasGamesNetwork servers (which I'm sure will happen once the game is out) and setup the occasional LAN/IP private game.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

Atually the Zone does support dedicated servers. The Zone lists MechWarrior4 dedicated servers for example. I wouldn't rule out Zone support for Outcast. Yet.


I went to the Zone sysop help room and the Zone technical help room for this. Both sysops who helped me said it wasnt true. :( Zone has no support for dedicated servers (...yet...).

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Zodiac, those ops didnt have their facts straight. Zone supported dedicated servers starting with Allegiance. You can download the Allegiance dedicated server software directly from Microsoft.


Gotta love such professional advice coming out of the Zone.


The registered version of Gamespy3D (not gamespy Arcade) has a rather cool feature. It will help you and your game buddies find the 'mutually best' ping to a dedicated game server. It compares the pings of collections of players and finds the best overall server ping for all players in the collection.

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Originally posted by Qel

2 words...Gamespy(arcade) sucks...


Its been confirmed that there will be a in-game server

browser......which is really cool.


Check it out...part of the official FAQ


4.01 What kind of multiplayer server options will Jedi Outcast have?

Jedi Outcast players will be able to use the standard Quake III-type in-game browser to find games online, start their own servers for online play, and create private servers to play with friends/clans, etc. We are still in the development process and are investigating all server options. It's quite possible that additional gaming services, including the Zone, will be supported





Qel is correct.....JKO will have an in game browser that is definate but Raven said they are considering gaming sites as well.

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