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Electronics Boutique Release Date...


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EBworld.com says it's coming out April 2. DAMN!!!!!!! I am going nuts here! I need some Gone Gold news or a new review to quench my thirst!!!!!!! To here the game has gone gold would be great, but that hasn't even happened yet!!! WHo knows when this game is coming out. Also the collector's edition is said o have dark forces and jk1 full versions. Does it include the expansion as well?

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Dude, calm down.


Raven confirmed that the game is on track for a 'late' march release date. So march 28th or April 2nd doesnt really matter.

Dont forget Eb's ship date doesnt mean its on THAT date IN stores. Cause it takes a day or two for them to stock their stores.


JK2 is one of those titles where i say, please developer take your time and do it right. I think everyone trusts Raven but most people i know are still curious if that development time isnt a bit too short. Then again dev time doesnt mean jack. Look at C&C renegate. 4 years in the making and LOOK at it. Geez. ;)

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Originally posted by indianajones9

EBworld.com says it's coming out April 2. DAMN!!!!!!! I am going nuts here! I need some Gone Gold news or a new review to quench my thirst!!!!!!! To here the game has gone gold would be great, but that hasn't even happened yet!!! WHo knows when this game is coming out. Also the collector's edition is said o have dark forces and jk1 full versions. Does it include the expansion as well?


Go to http://www.GoneGold.com...they have all the release dates and gold games...


Star Wars: Jedi Outcast Release Date: 4/03/02 - Hoping

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I believe Slowbie One's reference to this thread as "pointless" is because there are about 10 other topics on this very thing. Someone sees on Amazon or EB a later release date and they post it, complaining about how much longer they have to wait.


Look back a few pages in threads and you'll see what I mean. Slowbie One is right.

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I agree with slowbieone... there are SO many topics about the release date of Jk2.. how could anybody miss it? :confused:


Same with the JK requirements. lots of posts out there and someone *cough* bart *cough* STILL posted a new thread about it.. :(


Paying a bit more attention b4 posting would do miracles :)

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Hmm, I don't recall insulting you at all. I'm afraid you are the one who insulted. I was simply asking a moderator to try and lessen the ammount of useless threads (sorry, but this thread IS in fact useless).


We have had at least 10 other threads on the JK2 release date recently, so surely you could have found the answers you were looking for in one of those threads.


Suck a F***** D***! What's more pointless? Posting a pointless thread or posting a thread about a pointless thread? Besides, I can post whatever the F*** i want to. Cry somewhere else


And the point of THIS is?:p


I find your lack of maturity disturbing.....

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Guys guys guys!!! Calm down! Now SlowbieOne could you not have found a more, shall we say, tactful way to complain to the moderator... you may have been directing your post to all the newbie repeat threads but you did it on this one so can you really blame indianajones9 for taking it personally? Take it easy on the guy it took me about a week to realise that there was more than one page of posts (just didn't scrool down far enough i guess;) ). BTW i've taken my fair share of "new asshole rippings" also so your not the only one:) so dont let it piss you off too much.

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Well I asked Ken Hoekstra from Raven Software. Most of you probably already know this but his official title there is 'Project Administrator/Director of Support Services, and he actually said early to mid March release! That remains to be seen of course but those are his words. He said the game was on schedule. My last email to him with the release date was January 29, 2002. Ken will at least return your email if you write him. He replied to mine all 3 times I emailed him!

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Welcome to the forums, Bowen. Hope you enjoy your stay. Here... *hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ...there you go. ;)


The game will arrive when it arrives. If it's delayed, there's not much we can do about it. The Ravenites and LEC are pretty positive, and have stuck by their March release date, so I'd be inclined to go with that as they are the ones developing the game. If it's a few days or even a week late...so what? As long as the game is solid and doesn't need a patch straight away to fix bugs to the nth degree, I'll be happy.


Now, please, will everyone just calm down? Save your batteries. :cool:


There is really no need for anyone to trade insults...and answering an insulting post with another insult is not being very helpful, I'm afraid. If someone posts something that is insulting or otherwise abusive, then please inform a moderator directly so that we can take action. It's simple enough, as each post has a link at the bottom to 'Report this to a moderator'.


If someone is unsure of anything when posting...then just send any of the mods a PM and we'll try to help you out. That's part of our job too, you know. ;)


Sometimes newcomers are a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of threads...it's a lot to read through ( I know because I read through a page of threads every day I'm online ). If someone asks a question that has already been asked, just try to point them in the right direction, like a thread discussing the same topic, or the FAQ on either jediknightii.net or the Lucasarts official site. No post with a relevant query is useless or pointless...and as others have said, if you are tired of answering the same questions, then simply choose not to respond. We're building a great community here, so please try not to spoil it.


Thanks. ;)

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Originally posted by StormHammer


The game will arrive when it arrives. If it's delayed, there's not much we can do about it. The Ravenites and LEC are pretty positive, and have stuck by their March release date, so I'd be inclined to go with that as they are the ones developing the game. If it's a few days or even a week late...so what? As long as the game is solid and doesn't need a patch straight away to fix bugs to the nth degree, I'll be happy.


Very well said - this isn't going do be Duke Nukem (in development) Forever, nor will it likely see the type of delay SoF2 got last month (now looking at May instead of Feb.) In this case, they have been vocal and firm and consistent about the late-March time frame. It seems likely to in that basic area. While all of us want to not be here so we could be playing the actual game, I don't think any of us will be committing suicide if April 1st comes and goes without JK2 in our hands ...

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