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no drivable vechicles.


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I read in a interview that there will be "Mounted Turrets" Which u can use, but there was nothing i repeat nothing on drivable vechicles. ANother thing in the trailer the(OH GOD WHAT THE HELLS ITS NAME) 2-legged robot that runs after u shooting between the cliffs is not what u see in the next scene that u see kyle mounted and firing missiles from, that is a turret u can tell by its position and height. Sorry if this disappoints u guys.

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The PC Gamer UK review says that you can control a vehicle in a later Yavin level, but didn't say what it was so as not to spoil the surprise.

I think it would be AWESOME if it was an X-Wing, but personally expect it to be a speeder bike (like the ones on Endor in ROTJ). Any other ideas (and GOD, I hope it's not an AT-ST)

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Originally posted by The Bothan Spy

The PC Gamer UK review says that you can control a vehicle in a later Yavin level, but didn't say what it was so as not to spoil the surprise.

I think it would be AWESOME if it was an X-Wing, but personally expect it to be a speeder bike (like the ones on Endor in ROTJ). Any other ideas (and GOD, I hope it's not an AT-ST)


Well that would be very unlikely concidering the empire would first have to get an AT-ST on Yavin IV.. and with a bunch of Jedi running around there that wouldn't exactly be an easy task.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt


Well that would be very unlikely concidering the empire would first have to get an AT-ST on Yavin IV.. and with a bunch of Jedi running around there that wouldn't exactly be an easy task.


Yeah, silly me, only Imperials can own and move Imperial technology, can't they!!!

Like Booster Terrik owns the Errant Venture (Impstar Deuce). He's an Imperial....oh, hang on...

And Kyle uses the Stormtrooper Rifle because HE's an Imperial...oh, hang on...

When Luke flys the shuttle out of the Death Star 2, he can only do that because he's an Imperial...oh, hang on...

And when Chewbacca pilots the AT-ST on Endor - that's because he's Imperial...oh, hang on...

Need I mention ALL of the Star Destroyers that the New Republic have taken that are mentionioned in the books?? Oh, hang on...

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Originally posted by The Bothan Spy


Yeah, silly me, only Imperials can own and move Imperial technology, can't they!!!

Like Booster Terrik owns the Errant Venture (Impstar Deuce). He's an Imperial....oh, hang on...

And Kyle uses the Stormtrooper Rifle because HE's an Imperial...oh, hang on...

When Luke flys the shuttle out of the Death Star 2, he can only do that because he's an Imperial...oh, hang on...

And when Chewbacca pilots the AT-ST on Endor - that's because he's Imperial...oh, hang on...

Need I mention ALL of the Star Destroyers that the New Republic have taken that are mentionioned in the books?? Oh, hang on...

Not exactly what I meant, but I was more thinking in the sense of Kyle capturing and piloting an imperial AT-ST. ^.^

But anywho, even if the republic had their own AT-STs.. I don't think that Luke would any of those anywhere near his Jedi Academy. So any AT-STs that would appear on the planet would have to be dropped by Imperials.. ah why am I even bothering *seppuku*

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Guest Lord Chief

/me cleans the sword and buries the bloody remains in the garden :D


Anyway, its rather pointless to chatter about what vehicles will be in it, its one of the games pival points so Raven will keep it a closeguarded secret until the game comes out.


It would be nice to be able to pilot a Bespin Cloud Car, or an AT-ST, speederbike etc


Personally I think directly piloting an AT-ST is out of the question, it will definitely appear asa mod but I dont think it will be in the game as released by Raven.


A speederbike is more likely, or maybe a snowspeeder or swoopbike. An X-wing also seems rather unlikely to me, as the game is an FPS and not a spaceshooter as XWA/XvT are.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Not exactly what I meant, but I was more thinking in the sense of Kyle capturing and piloting an imperial AT-ST. ^.^

But anywho, even if the republic had their own AT-STs.. I don't think that Luke would any of those anywhere near his Jedi Academy. So any AT-STs that would appear on the planet would have to be dropped by Imperials.. ah why am I even bothering *seppuku*


Hence me not thinking it would be an AT-ST.

I'd be willing to put money on the fact it will be a speeder bike.

This is a cue for egg to be hurled at my face the minute the game comes out, but...

And *seppuku* straight back atcha.

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*crawls out of the ground again* yeah, or some hover transport.. or some simple flying ship.. because like it's been said.. there'll be a level where you're going to HAVE to use a vehicle of you want to complete the level. For example there is a pit/canyon/whatever that's so deep, large and wide that you can't possibly get across and there are no alternative ways either.. except for that nearby shuttle or speeder etc etc. Sounds like the most obvious reasing of HAVING to use a vehicle to complete the level. (well I can think up more situations but that's the first one that popped into my head haha ^^")



Originally posted by The Bothan Spy


And *seppuku* straight back atcha.


I wouldn't do that if I were you ^^" seppuku is a japanese suicide ritual where one that's been dishonoured needs to stab himself in the gut with a dagger(Tanto usually) and shortly after he did that the "ceremony master" so to speak beheads the dishonoured one with a katana.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by the_immortal

I read in a interview that there will be "Mounted Turrets" Which u can use, but there was nothing i repeat nothing on drivable vechicles. ANother thing in the trailer the(OH GOD WHAT THE HELLS ITS NAME) 2-legged robot that runs after u shooting between the cliffs is not what u see in the next scene that u see kyle mounted and firing missiles from, that is a turret u can tell by its position and height. Sorry if this disappoints u guys.


You read one interview and because it didn't mention it you say it's not in there? Despite the reviews and interviews that says there are drivable vehicles?

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Yeah, silly me, only Imperials can own and move Imperial technology, can't they!!!

Like Booster Terrik owns the Errant Venture (Impstar Deuce). He's an Imperial....oh, hang on...

And Kyle uses the Stormtrooper Rifle because HE's an Imperial...oh, hang on...

When Luke flys the shuttle out of the Death Star 2, he can only do that because he's an Imperial...oh, hang on...

And when Chewbacca pilots the AT-ST on Endor - that's because he's Imperial...oh, hang on...

Need I mention ALL of the Star Destroyers that the New Republic have taken that are mentionioned in the books?? Oh, hang on...


The word 'LOL' seems to come to my mind, for some reason...

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  • 2 weeks later...

JK and MotS both were originally going to have drivablevehicles (JK had actual screenshots of the Speeder Bike Kyle and enemies were going to be able to drive; MotS is based on speculation with unfinished speeder models on the CD). Of course if we are still hearing confirmation about drivable vehicles this late in the game (with release less than a month away) it's highly likely that these are accurate.


However, if their idea of "drivable vehicles" are just manable gun turrets, I'll be really disappointed. Those are cool and all, but nothing new to this series...

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I'm still wondering if there is going to be something like the Train Level from SOF. That would give you a moving vehicle, of sorts...


I'm still not sure about driveable vehicles, though it would certainly be good. I guess you could really, really push it, and say the repulsor sleds in MotS actually moved when you used them. :eyeraise:


I really can't see why it would be a major problem to take control of a ground-based vehicle, such as an AT-ST. Red Faction allowed you to take control of a variety of vehicles within enclosed environs for parts of levels...and added the necessary variety (and sometimes humour) to the experience.


Oh well... *sits back and waits patiently for the game to arrive* :)

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Perhaps a mine cart ride of DEATH at that mining colony thats mining those crystals that are used for the thing by that guy whos doing that stuff.


Like in the movies (not sw movies).... More IJ:temple of doom style. Mine carts. 2 track which cross over and go side by side at points, where you have to fend off reborn jedi in another mine cart....



or not :D

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