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Who ever said no news is good news?


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I wish they would announce GOLD and/or release a demo Friday. That would be soooo sweeeeet. To those it may concern, I did finally recieve that review scan. THANK YOU (even the punks who gave me sh*T over it). I am a bit concerned with the review's thoughts on the "tomb raider" like puzzles. Why can't they just come up with clever puzzles? It's not THAT hard!! Any way...

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I really don't mean any offense, IndianaJones9, but you have taken a fairly volatile attitude in your short time here - you posted a 'forum complaint' thread because no one sent you the scans fast enough, and started a 'release date' thread when there was another one or two in the last couple of screens ... then used (masked) profanity when someone suggested that the 'FAQ' be made sticky again ...


I have not been involved in either of these - simply observed - but if you want help you should ask nicely ... as we teach our kids 'don't forget your pleases and thank-yous' ... and 'don't keep asking again and again ... I heard you the first time, and will answer when I'm done talking / eating / whatever ...

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Originally posted by indianajones9

I am a bit concerned with the review's thoughts on the "tomb raider" like puzzles. Why can't they just come up with clever puzzles? It's not THAT hard!!


I've never played Tomb Raider (played a bit on a demo that came on some disk years ago ... nothing I remember.


Personally I liked the puzzles in Dark Forces, and hope they have good puzzles in JK2.

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Originally posted by indianajones9

TXA, here you are babbeling on about my ignorance of previous posts and yet you insist on continuing discussion on a topic that was settled days ago. Come on man keep up!


Just to let you know that I was banned from the forums over at jedi-outcast.com for starting arguments. I KNOW how forums can be frustrating!!!

All I'm saying is that on THESE forums, I'm gonna have to behave myself, because it doesn't take long for one of the moderators to take a dislike to you, and from then - well, you're well and truly bug**red!!

Good luck with your attitude, shame we can't all have one, eh??

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Guest Krayt Tion

Moderators on these forums don't hold grudges against people for any reason. That would be unfair and impracticial. In other words, you should not expect to have any 'biased' moderators breathing down your neck because you once said you didn't like their favorite blue sweater.


If a user is disruptive and breaks our common sense forum policies, the user will get what he or she deserves from the moderating staff. It's really that simple.


That said, please don't hijack this thread with your beef for each other, and please keep it off the forums in the future. If you have any further questions about anything in this post, please use our forum's Private Message system to contact me.


In response to the original topic, the amount of material we've recieved from LEC on JO has been beyond almost all veteran's expectations. Flood gates were opened for JO compared to the pin prick in the water jug we recieved from their previously attempted PC shooter, Obi-Wan. I'm content as we are. :cool:

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I'm sure they're plenty busy working on finishing up the game. Obviously this is more important than spoon feeding more PR to the anxious gamers. The game should develop its own hype, they don't need to hype it too much especially at crunch time when they've got many other things to worry about.


As Hoekstra mentioned last week, the game is on schedule to be released late next month. That's all I want to know right there. Just be patient. :)

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Who ever said no news is good news?


an insane monk who sealed himself in a wine cask ;)


ya, i wish raven would release some info, or a demo, or send me a beta


but this isnt likely to happen until a friday, because game developers wait until fridays to release useful information


this is done so that millions of games will log on to the site simultaneously, preventing many of them from actually doing anything useful on the site, and allowing the developers to sit there and laugh as hundered of thousands of troubled gamers why they are getting the "access denied" error

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Guest X-Vector
Originally posted by DeathBoLT

come on we haven't been going without information for THAT long...


you guys obviously haven't had to go through information droughts in obi-wan or even during last summer for JO if you're complaining now...


That's nothing, in the 4+ (and counting...) years I've been waiting for DNF to arrive, I've seen a grand total of 2 movies and 11 screenshots.

You're all just a bunch of spoilt brats that should be happy there will actually be something left to discover when playing JO that's not been given away by the pre-release exposure.

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I really don't mean any offense, IndianaJones9, but you have taken a fairly volatile attitude in your short time here - you posted a 'forum complaint' thread because no one sent you the scans fast enough, and started a 'release date' thread when there was another one or two in the last couple of screens ... then used (masked) profanity when someone suggested that the 'FAQ' be made sticky again ...


I have not been involved in either of these - simply observed - but if you want help you should ask nicely ... as we teach our kids 'don't forget your pleases and thank-yous' ... and 'don't keep asking again and again ... I heard you the first time, and will answer when I'm done talking / eating / whatever ...


Well said. Having little fits when you don't get what you want doesn't work. Learn that now, it'll save you some crap in the future.

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by acdcfanbill

you have to admit K-Ti, you do wear some silly blue sweaters:D


You all won't be seeing bill for while, I'm afraid. BaNz0red!!!!















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