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Enemy skins...the clothes maketh the, er...alien?


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I just hope that Raven are going to include one or two new enemy skins......there arent enough......there were loads more in JK.

Or maybe they just haven't shown us all of them yet. :rolleyes: BUT if that really is the case, hopefully they will at least make additional clothes for enemies like rodians, for example, who always seem to have same white jumpsuit(complemented occasionally with vest and belt); that isn't national costume or regular uniform, is it? Then it won't look like you are shooting or slicing and dicing exactly same guy, who you just killed around the corner.

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

hopefully they will at least make additional clothes for enemies like rodians, for example, who always seem to have same white jumpsuit(complemented occasionally with vest and belt); that isn't national costume or regular uniform, is it?


Actually, I think it must be. In Star Wars: A New Hope after Han kills Greedo, if you look behind...I think it's Luke (?) when he's walking outside afterward you can see another Rodian dressed in the exact same clothes behind him. My take on it? There was only one suit. My other take on it? National costume. :rolleyes:

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Well, not exactly. Sure you can say stereotypes against any culture. In the SW universe for example: Wookies are strong, Rodians are hunters, Trandoshans are jerks, Stormies are stupid. One of the stereotypes about stormies is that they all dress the same, but I don't think that is one of the generalizations about rodians.


[EDIT] and yes I'm too into this. [/EDIT]

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This is slipping out of actual topic, but I meant that if creating couple of new enemies would take too much time and even delay publishing the product, then making additional clothing(just for variety) to those characters already included in the game would ask for much less time and effort; I understood that Ghoul 2 makes it possible to easily add new pieces of clothing to models without creating totally new model with different clothes. Hopefully there is also two "different" grans like in JK/MotS; other had brown jacket while other wore dark grey jacket.

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I also hope that there is a greater variety of skins than those already shown in the videos, etc. Raven did a great job with Soldier Of Fortune with regard to mixing and matching different faces and clothes among your enemies. While it's not such an issue for Stormtroopers, who all look the same anyway, I do think that some of the alien species and Imperial officers, as well as other human NPC's should exhibit greater variety.


Even the addition of scars, tattoos or beards can help to break up the monotony of clone syndrome. In terms of clothing, even if the NPC's wore the same style, there is always an opportunity for mixing and matching different colour schemes, adding hats or other items (which is certainly possible using the Ghoul 2 tech.).


As Belgirion said, there is always the chance of this in a later patch if it's not included in the final release of the game. I remember the patch Raven released for Heretic II that allowed you to use your own different skin through the SP campaign...so surely it is possible to include something along these lines for the NPCs. Being able to choose Kyle's attire in the SP mode would be a neat feature as well, though. ;)


Note: This thread is made up of posts split from another thread (about the Lightsaber)

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I also hope that there is a greater variety of skins than those already shown in the videos, etc. Raven did a great job with Soldier Of Fortune with regard to mixing and matching different faces and clothes among your enemies. While it's not such an issue for Stormtroopers, who all look the same anyway, I do think that some of the alien species and Imperial officers, as well as other human NPC's should exhibit greater variety.


Even the addition of scars, tattoos or beards can help to break up the monotony of clone syndrome. In terms of clothing, even if the NPC's wore the same style, there is always an opportunity for mixing and matching different colour schemes, adding hats or other items (which is certainly possible using the Ghoul 2 tech.).


As Belgirion said, there is always the chance of this in a later patch if it's not included in the final release of the game.



I'll second that!! :D


Cheers ;)

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I agree with Strider ... looking at a couple of Raven's past efforts - Elite Force and SoF, it seems clear that they can make different models - I like the variety in EF, and definitely in SoF - even though getting up-close to some of the bad guys reminds me of facing Sariss ... Kyle must be thinking - she looked so good from a distance, who would have known she was so ugly and flat, and had such sharp corners on her face ... I guess that rules out punching her ...


BTW Strider - this is coming from my OS X based TiBook ...

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Of course the counter argument is that "Stormtroopers" aren't a race or culture (every race and culture has variety and diversity within it, except perhaps those under totalitarianism, but they are few and far between, thankfully) the armor is the standard issue uniform in the Imperial ranks of troopers.


Of course even with Stormtroopers, there are specialized suits of armor for different groups, like the Zero-G troopers, Spacetroopers, Swamptroopers, Rave Troopers, etc. ; )


I think at the bare minimum, there should be multiple clothing colors or races for aliens (ie: like the Grave Tuskens, or Grans in JK).

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Of course the counter argument is that "Stormtroopers" aren't a race or culture (every race and culture has variety and diversity within it, except perhaps those under totalitarianism, but they are few and far between, thankfully) the armor is the standard issue uniform in the Imperial ranks of troopers.


Of course even with Stormtroopers, there are specialized suits of armor for different groups, like the Zero-G troopers, Spacetroopers, Swamptroopers, Rave Troopers, etc. ; )


I think at the bare minimum, there should be multiple clothing colors or races for aliens (ie: like the Grave Tuskens, or Grans in JK).


That's right...White Power! (J/K) Oh wait....I'm only half white myself....hehe

I think the Stormtroopers are the only ones that they could get away doing that and then there are the commanding officers within the Stormtroopers so I'm pretty sure they will do a great job at the game. Don't forget that ID loves Raven so much and has so much faith in them that they are entrusting them to build the new Quake IV engine and I believe that Doom III will be using the Quake IV engine too despite that fact that Doom III is supposed to be debuting before Quake IV. Anyway....Raven is software company for the 21st century!!

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It occurred to me lately that there will probably be only few locations(Nar Shaddaa & Bespin) that feature non-imperial enemies like rodians, grans and weequays(for bigger list of enemies found in JK2, check here), which might give Raven an understandable reason for not making too many different species. Now, if they are even wise enough to place those already confirmed ones carefully into the levels, so that you never go againts group of rodians, for example, but instead enemies appear in random order and they will have additional jackets, belts, scars, tattoos, etc. like we suggested, you won't get an impression that you're fighting againts exactly same models.

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Originally posted by Bowen


That's right...White Power! (J/K) Oh wait....I'm only half white myself....hehe

I think the Stormtroopers are the only ones that they could get away doing that and then there are the commanding officers within the Stormtroopers so I'm pretty sure they will do a great job at the game. Don't forget that ID loves Raven so much and has so much faith in them that they are entrusting them to build the new Quake IV engine and I believe that Doom III will be using the Quake IV engine too despite that fact that Doom III is supposed to be debuting before Quake IV. Anyway....Raven is software company for the 21st century!!


Like one of the others here said...ID software is making their own next gen engine for both DoomIII and QuakeIV (Raven is making QIV though)


And about the skins; PCgamer UK mentioned in their review that there was kind of few skins and models, and that they got bored with the looks of the enemies after a while. (but then again, the build PCgamer UK used to review the game is already quite old, so Raven may have chipped in some more skins/models after this) (I hope..... :rolleyes: )

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Quake IV will use the Doom III engine. It will be released quite a long time after Doom III. That's the straight word from id. And if you didn't know already, Quake IV re-introduces the Stroggs. OK, back to discussion. :deathstar:deathii::fett::jawa


EDIT: This was announced at the last QuakeCon. :biggs:

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