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four months and two days


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NO. College sucks.

IT SUCKS that I have to arrange my own schedule and dictate when events happen. It SUCKS that I sleep til noon.

M-F 9-5 Wife Kids

Can I skip the bull**** and get to the point? No. They make me go through college so I can major in "the job I'm not going to get." My major: computer forensics. Theortical future job: data recovery for the FBI. Actual future job: manager at Kinko's. Tomorrow at 4:00PM I have a midterm in "Internet Principles and Practices." I will fail it. Why? Number 35 on my study guide: "What was the first message sent on the internet?" WHO GIVES A FLYING ****. I'm taking the class ONLINE (how's THAT for irony!). Certainly I know what I'm doing. I have assignments like "CREATE A HOTMAIL ACCOUNT" and "USING INTERWEB EXPLORER" (damnit I'm too used to saying INTERWEB instead of INTERNET) I have to tell them how to change your homepage. OOH OOH the difficulty. THE FUTURE IS NOW!@ I am root and the internet is my *****. But because of some dumbass written test that will have questions on it that don't mean a damn thing compared to ACTUAL USEFUL KNOWLEDGE OF THE INTERWEB I'll fail the class. But alas there will be 'non-traditional students' (read: those annoying people that make the "go to a community college because its' only $60 a credit and is one of the two schools in the entire damn country with your program" seem like a BAD IDEA) who STUDY RELIGIOUSLY because they have no clue how to post on a message board (amazing. I have a class that i get points for posting. Ideally, the class should consist of only that and I could get a 900% or something) but can relentless absorb the useless knowledge the text book and online lectures contain. I on the other hand will get confused by my actual working knowledge. I can't tell you when ARPANET was invented (probably a test question) but I can set up a forum written in perl and upload the thing. Those people that will do good on the test wouldn't be able to do that even if Mr Peabody traveled through time and space and gave them written instructions which he read to them step by step. If you forget or never knew, Mr Peabody is a timetraveling supergenius DOG. Same goes with all my other classes. The guy that sits next to me in three of my classes (I don't know his name, he doesn't know mine. We don't care.) and everyone else that seems to be vaguely near my age will get the same grade on an exam (usually around 70% unless "people did good on it" and then we get an 82%) whereas the NT students get really good grades. So apparently regardless if you study, take notes, show up, whatever you'll get a C or B unless you're NT or a magic robot. Don't get me started on my PC management class. Only pussies turn off the computer when digging around inside it with a screwdriver. If you do something wrong, you'll know from all the sparks or odd noises. Boy were we relieved when the odd noise last time was just a cable stuck in the processor's fan. If that 50 year old woman ever tells us to unplug it, she's getting the stabbing of a lifetime. The plastic handle prevents the deadly power from getting me. At least it has so far.

I'd rather skip all that and get right to the part where I get to sit in someone's office and say "you corrupted your WYSIWYG and now I have to reinstall the RTFM." They'll say "is that bad" and I get to say "I hope you backed up your LOLONAOL." Then they say "****" as I get to watch a progress indicator obliterate the last three years of their work-life. Plus I'll use the corporation T1 to get all the warez and porn I can. And since I'll be the only guy that knows how to check the log files, I'll be able to do that. Plus even know as I type this I know how to keep any thing from logging anything I want or have it log whatever abitrary info I see fit. Unless I successfully dupe a female into living my cave, then no porn.


In conclusion, I hate college


Rock over London

Rock on Chicago

America Online, So Easy, No Wonder It's Number One

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Goodie...loooooove the encouragement. Where do you go, by the way, Keyan?


University of Maryland, College Park (often just called University of Maryland, since it is the flagship campus). I hate it, but you must understand that I hate my major with a great passion. If you are fortunate enough to major in something you really like, it will probably be OK for you.


Computer engineering = blah.


I am at the point where I could probably build a computer from scratch. And I mean truly from scratch, assuming I had the propper equipment. Is that useful? No. But if you like computers, you'd probably love it.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

I am at the point where I could probably build a computer from scratch. And I mean truly from scratch, assuming I had the propper equipment.


Sounds like my mom's cousin. He works for NASA now. He built his own computer like ten years ago. I mean built in the "I etched the motherboard myself" sense. He was on National Geographic once because of a robot he was on the design team for. It had eight legs and weight like 9 tons. It was supposed to go to Mars but then NASA was told "Sorry there's no Cold War anymore so you get no money."

And that would be really un-useful knowledge for about 98% of the planet. I mean, you can't just go etching circuit boards because of the very, very, very toxic chemicals involved.

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