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The dark side Join us and all members report at once!!!!!!!!!!

Delphi's Clone

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Ok this meeting has been adjourned i sence there are too many light siders on this forum...... we have to do something about this before they out number us...... all darksiders report now and give us some ideas fergie, rommel,Eets'chula, wraith,kvan give us some ideas they would be very use full




Together we will rid the universe of this pest...............


hail to the dark side and hey could someone make a Darkside poster for all the members....... thank you.

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Guest Kioet Csuhen
Originally posted by Clefo

Delphi, Star Wars is a movie.. There is no such real thing as the Dark and Light side..




*cough*Satan/devil=dark side*cough*

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Guest dr_death



theres one thing i have to say to that.... MY ARS!!!


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Guest Kioet Csuhen

but as a clan, it looks like fun... i'm pretty good at using the dark side in jk, but some people *cough*rhett*cough* don't like me using it. hehe. I LOVE FORCE LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!

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Guest Boba Rhett
Originally posted by jeffdark

unless you're religious, there is no such thing as good, or evil. Humans just invented it to make ourselves feel bad. Face it.



I don't even try and face things that are untrue and not thought out. Just an example, if you killed someone, the family of that person would feel pain and hatred toward you. If you helped someone, that person and their family would feel love and thankfullness toward you.


Couldn't it be the other way around? That good and evil made what you call, "man"?



With good, your helping people with evil, your hurting people. You can see it's affects. I don't know how you could say it's just something that we, "made up" when we can see it's influences.

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ok..so, say a snake eats an entire family of rodents. Is that evil? or good? huh? and bin ladden, well for thouthands of people, he is doing what's good, but we see him as bad. so, what's the deal? it's impossible to but a line to divide things from good, evil, if everyone's opinion is different. I mean, in some muslam worlds, ur are considered to be the ultimte good person to blow up a buss full of jews. Just because christianity classifies it as EVIL, dosn't really mean it is, because christians don't like to think that they are wrong, I'm not saying i support bin ladden, I wanna see his ass on pike, but you get my point. I mean, history tells us that people said Cats, and gypsies as evil, and they killed them..so was that good? and when christians are reminded of their horrible past, they just shrug it off and say: "yeah, well..that was awhile ago and um.....yeah". (hohohoh! people are gonna be pissed at me!) :D:D

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oh, and it's human to hate btw. If you say there's no hate in you, then you're not human. do you hate bin ladden? do you hate pain? do you hate me? geez! y do people see hate as a bad thing?! if america didn't hate hitler, he would have taken over europe in a big bloddy conquest! sigh....

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