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Originally posted by Darth Simpson

90% is not pretty good, 90% is an exceptional game. It seems like most of you are complaining about JKII getting 90%, which is pretty dumb. Again, 90% is excellent / great / incredible etc.

I know It's great, I was joking when I asked why not 100% :D


Hey Zero what would you rate the game?;)

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Originally posted by Lorewin

Well, the only complaints they had on the game was that It had some annoying puzzle solving in the worst console fashion, and that the AI was to good almost as if they had xray vision n could see through walls.


I think you might have to take the review with a few grains of salt... I don't know where they'd get the x-ray AI thing... and there is no "saber lock" key (or anything vaguely like that), so I think they're a bit misinformed... I wonder if they actually got to play the game? I also don't know what version of the game they saw/played...

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Originally posted by ChangKhan

Yeah. I've been following the thread and all I have to say is the arguments and justifications are pretty much moot at this point.

I'm not really sure if that's good or bad... But I expect that's what you intended :D;)


[sheer speculation - "I know nothing!" ;)]

JKII:JO will go gold very soon (read: within a week), which is why all points are moot - they couldn't change it now even if they wanted to.

[/sheer speculation]

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<font color=cbcbff> So either it's already been fixed or it's still in there but the game is complete and no matter how much we whine, squeal, complain, and interpret, we argue to no avail. Either way, I suppose there's really not much of a point to arguing it anymore. Their goal is sales. A fun game gets the most sales. The lightbat won't totally kill the game's fun if it's still there and they are not losing me as a customer because this game is mine either way.

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]


Yeah. I've been following the thread and all I have to say is the arguments and justifications are pretty much moot at this point.


I checked dictionary.com and based on that and in Wacky's answer, I guess he means that It's an arguable thing but irrelevant.


So I guess there will be batsaber in the game, altough we don't know how often it will appear


This was predictable, the game entered beta stage several weeks ago, so I doubted we could get anything changed


Someone mentioned on the poll thread that we were freaks complaining about this, and that some people mentioned not buying the game. Some people take things too seriously, the ABSL is a joke (altough I think I'll keep that in my sig ;))


I would have prefered real working LS, but that will be in JO2 or later. If there is no real saber I would prefer JK like deaths always, but I will have to get used to the BS


Now care to tell us anything about the current state you are in? :D


Will the game go gold really soon? when will the demo be released? :D

No you can't answer that probably...:(

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Hi ho everyone!


I (as probably many others) have been watching this forum since waaay back but has never registered because my questions often get asked (and answered) by other ppl. Now the time has come for me to enter the stage and waste more of my free time by posting here.


Why i choose to register now was because of the negative reactions to this swedish review of JK2:JO by swedish PCG.


To start of have to say that I was quite disappointed with the score of the game. By other reviews i had hoped for a higher score. But in my disappointment i recalled that the swedish PCG had started with a new score-rating-systemabob just some months ago making high percentage in games less frequent. The readers had criticized the high scores of games, (for example; Black and White 96% = Game of the Month, later with the new system; MoH:AA (that got appraises like "It's almost better than H-L" and was really liked bye swe-PCG) 94% = Game of the Month).


So in other words 90% is damn good in swedish PCG. And it got the magic title "Game of the Month".


We are just more picky in Sweden it seems ;).


And btw ChangKhan don't worry, they never mention anything about a "Sabre Lock-key", Lorewin must have misinterpreted the text. And that thing about X-ray AI, well the reviewer is known for not being extremely good at FPS's ;).


Though I still think of one thing, swe-PCG has declared that they only review full-fledged, gone-gold versions of games and this version has not been translated as i have read the UK version. So what have they really been playing? Hrm...

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Originally posted by P129

Hi ho everyone!


...swe-PCG has declared that they only review full-fledged, gone-gold versions of games and this version has not been translated as i have read the UK version. So what have they really been playing? Hrm...


Well swe-PCG are lying. The game has not gone gold. Treat it as a preview and there's no problem.



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Originally posted by grumpycrab


Well swe-PCG are lying. The game has not gone gold. Treat it as a preview and there's no problem.




Maybe it's not a Gold version of the game but probably a Beta or late Beta version so why shouldn't I treat it as a review? They had the MoH:AA Beta long before the review but never reviewed it because of it's obvious flaws and bugs. Surely they reviewed the Beta version but they never review a to early Beta version of a game, it's absolutely fresh so it's at least the latest Beta version. The UK PCG did it aswell and I sure ass hell don't treat it as a preview as it probably is really close to the Gold version.

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

the UK one was a pre beta version...


Maybe so but they made a review on it and that call must have been enough for making it review material.


Btw, a Pre Beta version means that it's Alpha and no sane person would judge the full version after a Alpha version so I highly doubt your facts...

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According to a member of swedish PCG staff the version tested was finished in the gameplay part. The stuff that kept it from being completely finished was some hires cutscenes and menus.


I have to agree with p129 about the score. Swedish PCG has gotten critic for giving too high scores and its just now that they have decided to lower the scores (or raise their standards).


Also commenting on another issue, the release date question.

Am I the only one who noticed that the release date was written on Gamesdomains chat transcript page. It said, Europe 28 March and US on the 2 April. Seems likely since those are the dates previously discussed, both might be true.

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That release date stuff is quite strange if you ask me. For the first, LucasArts will distribute the game in North America and Activision will distribute it in Europe and rest of the world. Second, many have stated that the game will come first to European countries and thats really strange...

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P120, You cannot doubt the facts.

PC Gamer UK are off their heads. They gave Hitman a badscore, and they could hardly point out any bad bits :rolleyes:

Typical. And PCGUK onlyp ointed out friggin stupid thing in jk2 review, and it was pre-beta!!!!(alpha to you Mr. P129)


And the newbie spoon replica gifts today goto Lorewin, Walker of Sky and Raze. They are completely safe and will not do anything to your brain.

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maybe by x-ray AI he ment the dark jedi oponents. I would make sense, right? A dark jedi should be able to tell where you are. Jerec was blind, he could probably "see" through walls. In JK multiplayer you could use force seeing and the map, right?

or maybe he has no idea what he's talking about I don't know.

Raven said you could steathy right? that would be impossible if stormtroopers always knew where you were.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

P120, You cannot doubt the facts.

PC Gamer UK are off their heads. They gave Hitman a badscore, and they could hardly point out any bad bits :rolleyes:

Typical. And PCGUK onlyp ointed out friggin stupid thing in jk2 review, and it was pre-beta!!!!(alpha to you Mr. P129)


Well if PCGUK felt like reviewing a Pre-Beta version of the game they probably had good reasons (being the first out with a "review":p) and felt that it was good enough to be reviewed. Sure they pointed out stuff that just was in the Pre-Beta but the game got a high score right?


And on that Hitman review not many other gaming magazines gave it such a high score. Don't get me wrong i loved it personally but i can totally understand ppl who didnt like. I can't put the finger on it but it really felt half-done. I can totally understand the reviewer that it wasn't his cup of tea and he couldn't really explain why but when he's working for one of the biggest gaming magazines he should have tried harder to explain why he didn't like it. And that brings us to another point, blaming on the magazine just because of one reviewers oppinions is kind of shortsighted...

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